英语翻译1、我猜这部电影很有意思.(the post office,yesterday morning)2、1996年我出生在北京.(guess ,the film ,interesting)3、上星期天你妈妈在家么?(be born)4、珍妮周末经常和朋友去博物馆.(Jenny,mus

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/11 08:00:35

英语翻译1、我猜这部电影很有意思.(the post office,yesterday morning)2、1996年我出生在北京.(guess ,the film ,interesting)3、上星期天你妈妈在家么?(be born)4、珍妮周末经常和朋友去博物馆.(Jenny,mus
1、我猜这部电影很有意思.(the post office,yesterday morning)
2、1996年我出生在北京.(guess ,the film ,interesting)
3、上星期天你妈妈在家么?(be born)
4、珍妮周末经常和朋友去博物馆.(Jenny,museum ,at weekends)

英语翻译1、我猜这部电影很有意思.(the post office,yesterday morning)2、1996年我出生在北京.(guess ,the film ,interesting)3、上星期天你妈妈在家么?(be born)4、珍妮周末经常和朋友去博物馆.(Jenny,mus
I guess the film is quite interesting
I was born in beijing in 1996
was your mother at home last Sunday?
Jenny always goes to the museum at weekends

1:I guess this movie is interesting.
2:I was born in Beijing in 1996
3:Last Sunday your mother home?
4:Jenny and friends often go to the museum over the weekend.

i guess the film is intersting
i was born in 1996,Beijing
did your mother at home last Sunday?
Jenny often go to the museum with friends at weekends


I guess the movie is very interesting.
I was born in Beijing in 1996
Did your mother at home last Sunday?
Jenny always go to the museum with friends at weekends

I guess the film is interesting.
I was born in Beijing 1996.
Is your mother home last Sunday?
Jenny always go to museum with friends at weeends.

1) I guess this film is very interesting.
2) I was born in Beijing in 1996.
3) Was your mum at home last Sunday?
4) Jenny and her friends often go to the museum at weekends.

1.L guess the film on yesterday was very interesting.(提示没给错么...
2.L was born in Beijing 1996.
3.Was your mother at home last Saturday?
4.Jenny usually goes to the museum at weekends with her friends.

英语翻译1、我猜这部电影很有意思.(the post office,yesterday morning)2、1996年我出生在北京.(guess ,the film ,interesting)3、上星期天你妈妈在家么?(be born)4、珍妮周末经常和朋友去博物馆.(Jenny,mus 这次调查的结果很有意思(result)这个可怜的孩子几乎从未看过电影(hardly ever)英语翻译 英语翻译 他打电话给我时我在唱歌 等公共汽车停了再下车 他发现看英语电影挺有意思的 这部电影很有意思,非常值得一看(So)翻译 急 谁看过电影苏菲的世界?我看过小说,很深奥,但是很有意思,不知道电影是怎么表现的. 我想自学泰语不知道如何?怎样自学?觉得泰语很有意思—还有泰国电影我也想不看字幕弄懂啊! 我想自学泰语不知道如何?怎样自学?觉得泰语很有意思—还有泰国电影我也想不看字幕弄懂啊! 求地震或者火山爆发好看的电影 有意思的多给我发几个把 英语翻译口语中表 忸怩作态,矫揉造作今天在电影中看到字幕组的翻译为“有意思”怎么引申出“有意思”这个含义 在逻辑上站不住脚好不 造句:我发现------------------真有意思很急! 英语翻译我不大理解10th 拜谢! 很有意思 英语翻译有意思极了! 英语翻译他说:她真有意思.她说:那人很有意思.别人以为他两有意思,就对他们说:你们既然有意思,还不抓紧意思意思.他说:她说:我根本就没那个意思.别人赶紧说:我只是这个意思,我没 英语翻译1st.2nd.3rd.4th.5th.6th.7th.8th.9th.10th.11th.-----20th21st,22nd,23rd24----30th31st英文翻译,比如30th是“thirtieth” 他们都认为假期很好玩,很有意思 用英语翻译 英语翻译这个实验是什么原理啊,很有意思啊 英语翻译有一个英国朋友很有意思.(it's...to...)