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Business proposals take a lot of thought, analysis, time and effort to produce. Regardless of what you're proposing, chances are it's an investment that involves financial expense. Presenting a propos...


Business proposals take a lot of thought, analysis, time and effort to produce. Regardless of what you're proposing, chances are it's an investment that involves financial expense. Presenting a proposal with no consideration for your company or client's budget is a grave mistake. Always write a budget for a business proposal.
1.Know that when you're finished presenting a proposal, the first thing the managers making big decisions will ask is if it fits into their budget. You need to know how the proposal works into their finances and how they can make the investment worthwhile with the finances they are willing to allocate to the project. If you have no idea how much your proposed concepts would cost them, you are at a loss.
Think concrete in terms of what you're proposing. Do whatever it takes while drafting the proposal to realistically estimate the costs involved for what you're proposing from start to finish. It may be important to get estimates from vendors along the way.
Create an itemized list of budgeted items within your proposal, including an estimated total. Consider preparing more in-depth handouts that go along with the proposal, that further explain all costs associated with the investment.
Create a three-tiered budget if you are unsure of the funds available to support your proposal. A three-tiered system will give a low, medium and high-end estimate of what could potentially be spent on the project or endeavor. Offering alternate ways to achieve the same goal with make it a more realistic and "doable" endeavor in your company or client's eyes.
Do your homework. Think of the challenging questions you could be asked about your proposal, including the budget you're proposing. Plan ahead with smart answers and legitimate reasoning for why you're proposing what you are.
How To Budget Money
Are you struggling to make ends meet and you just cannot figure out why? Do you have a budget that you struggle to keep to or do you live without a budget? There are certian secrets to how to budget money that you need to know in order to be successful with your budget. Here are a few tips to help you budget your money better.
First, spend an entire month writing down everything you spend money on. At the end of the month break down all your spending into more general categories like food, entertainment, clothing, etc. This will give you a very good idea of where your money is going and where you can make some cut backs.
Next, if you get paid by check once a week or bi weekly, then you need to set up your budget to accomodate that. For example, if you make $1,500 every two weeks and you take home roughly $1,100 of it after taxes, then your budget should be set up for $2,383 a month. this is what you will be making each month since there are 52 weeks in a year.
After you have your income figured out it is very easy to set up your budget. First, you have to make sure all of your bills are taken care of. Next, comes gas for your car and food. After that you need to put in any other necessities. Then, you need to figure in all your once a year expenses like car registration and license fees.
If your budget is set up on an income of $2,383 a month and your bills, necessities, and other expenses add up to $1,600 a month, then you will have $783 left each month. For the first few months you should be saving a lot of this. You should save until you have a full 3 months worth of bills in the bank as a cushion.
Last, you need to figure in savings, unexpected expenses like car repairs and medical emergencies, and you need to have an entertainment budget. You have to be realistic and understand that you are going to want to go out and have fun. Plus you have to know that sooner or later you are going to need to make car repairs and you do have oil that will need changed.
Once you choose a company you need to make sure you look over the loan document very thoroughly so thaty ou get the deal that you want. There will be an interest rate and you need to make sure this is an annual rate and not a monthly or daily rate. If there is any part of the documents that you are having trouble understanding you can ask the lender to explain them to you or you can have a lawyer look over the documents for you.
When you learn how to budget money it is easy to ignore the unexpected, but your life will be much less stressful if you have already planned for the unexpected before it happens. The funny thing is most people don't even plan for the expected like oil changes, license fees, or christmas spending. They think that because they are not monthly that they don't need to budget for them. Don't fall into this trap.
