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1.泰姬玛哈陵(Taj Mahal Mausoleum),习惯上简称为泰姬陵,系莫卧儿帝国的沙杰汗王爱妃泰姬玛哈的陵墓.建于公元1631年,动用2万人费时22年才建造完成.莫卧儿帝国也因如此庞大的开支(耗资4000多万卢比)而走向败亡之路.
Taj Mahal (Taj Mahal Mausoleum), usually referred to as listed. Mughal Empire between the SHA Jie Wang coalition Tajmahal Khan's tomb. Built in 1631, 20,000 people spent time 22 years to complete the construction. Mughal empire because of the huge costs (cost of over 4,000 million rupees), and take the road of decline. Mahal is one of the world's architectural miracle, the right bank of Yamuna in Agra suburbs. New Delhi, nearly 200 km from the capital of the Northwest. 1631 King's favorite books in the way Thai JI their first 15 children died when dystocia. King asked what she would stay, she said : "I have three, you take care of the child, life is no longer married. and I build a beautiful tomb. "SHA Jie Khan to the former Thai JI, She built this for the unparalleled scale of the event, India's most beautiful building. 2. 科纳拉克太阳神庙石印度教的寺庙,位于印度东部奥里萨邦的科纳拉克村,濒临孟加拉湾.神庙建于13世纪,外形是别致的太阳神苏利耶的战车,有12对巨大的石雕车轮和7匹拉着战车的石马.寺庙内的雕饰精美细腻,造型生动. Kenalake stone Hindu sun god temple in India's eastern Orissa Kenalake the village, overlooking the Bay of Bengal. Parthenon was built in the 13th century, is a novel form of the sun god Surya chariot there are 12 pairs of huge stone wheels and 7 stone horses pulling the chariot race. Carving exquisite temple of fine, as lively. 3. 斋浦尔(Jaiput)的琥珀堡(Amber Fort)很会骗人.斋浦尔明明有粉红城的外号,因为十九世纪一位公国国王把建筑物都髹成了粉红色,但是作为城中最大地标的琥珀堡却自有特色,这“色”却又不是它名称所说的琥珀色,而是淡黄色的.琥珀堡自报身份是堡垒,但亲身站在它门前时,发现它分明就是如假包换的一座华丽王宫,拍得住日本的“大奥”.



无怪乎琥珀堡有印度王宫的标准格局,不论是接见公众的Hall of Public Audience、接见大臣的Hall of Private Audience、皇室居住的庭院,都一应俱备.又称镜之宫的Hall of Private Audience尤其瑰丽,中央礼堂不论天花、墙壁,都以镜片和彩石镶嵌成不同形状的花卉植物图案,尽显印度工匠的精工手艺,闪烁华贵却又不带金银的俗艳.

追查主人真正身份,其实兴建琥珀堡的Raja Man Singh,只是斋浦尔一带的公国国王,并非真正的印度一国之君,但毕竟作为区内最高领导人,官邸琥珀堡占有城?的最佳位置,立于能俯视全城的山丘之上,置身其中,凉风阵阵,令人忘却印度的暑热;在山下仰望,其庄严外貌还有点似西藏的布达拉宫.





镜之宫的彩石镶嵌技术不下于泰姬陵,原来斋浦尔正是印度的宝石之城,尤以砌割及镶嵌技术著称,宝石则以红宝、蓝宝及绿宝最有代表性.但是就算想一掷千金买番一堆珠宝返归,都要有门路才不怕受骗,琥珀堡城下的Bhandari Jewellers有不少贵客光顾,包括已故戴安娜王妃、保罗麦卡尼等,该有一定保证.除了高价首饰,店内也有印度银器首饰出售,百零蚊都有交易. Jaipur (Jaiput) Amber Fort (Amber Fort) will be very deceptive. Pu Ermingming studio with the nickname Pink City, as a 19th century king put public buildings are painted pink became, However, as the city has its own characteristics, the maximum target Amber Fort, "color" but it is not mentioned by name amber. Instead of light yellow. Amber Fort is a bastion of self-reported identity, but the person standing in front of it and found it clearly is attached to the grand palace. They are living in Japan "and greater." Deceived, but there is no resentment, only a surprise because many Amber Fort beautiful than I had imagined. But why would such a beautiful defense bastion, as beautiful to the palace? "India are living in the fortress of the emperor, this is the safest place incorrect. "Tour guide explained. Scintillation Mirror Palace Amber Fort is not surprising that the standard pattern of India Palace, whether the Hall of Public Audience public meeting. Hall of Private Audience met with the Minister of the Royal residence in the backyard, will be available at one location. Also known as the Hall of Private Audience Mirror Palace particular audience. Whether the central hall ceilings, walls, lenses and color stone mosaic in the shape of the plants into different patterns. Indian craftsmen crafted craft shows, scintillation luxurious but not the gaudy gold belt. Trace the true identity of the owner, Amber Fort built by Raja Man Singh. Jaipur is just around the Principality King is not really a country-India, but after all the top leaders of the region, Amber Fort ? City residence occupied the best position, will remain in the hills overlooking the entire city, in the midst of it, cool breeze blowing, forget India's hotness. Looking up at the foot of the mountain, seems to have a little solemn appearance of the Potala Palace in Tibet. 12 major Olympic Amber Fort Palace "Olympic" is a very interesting part of a square piece of land. Square and the Great Hall is the middle of a small, surrounded by two, three-story buildings surrounded, and the third floor accessible, the program is C King, The ground floors are divided into 12 houses, one of the princesses live. King Habitat program to build the staircase leading to the independence of the 12-room drama, Grace's bedroom walls separated from the middle. each other, do not know which books to the king to a room alone, Central to the dispute must forgive only to hurl into the square, the king on the second floor balcony glance, all essential to do so. Admission : About HK$10; carrying cameras palaces as treasured pets HK$13; about free riding an elephant into the city. But pay tips about HK$10. Celebrity Mirror Palace gem city strokes of color stone mosaic technique is no less than that listed. Jaipur is India's original gem city, especially the characters cut and inlay technique known gem through Hongbao. Sapphire and Emerald most representative. But even made a heap like dirty buy jewelry Return to the Garden, should have opportunities before being afraid. Amber Fort City Jewelers many clients patronize the Bhandari, including the late Princess Diana and Paul McCartney, with the guarantee. In addition to expensive jewelry, silverware jewelry shops have to sell India, have 100 bucks transactions. 4.加尔各答是印度独立运动的摇篮,印度现代政治在这里改写,但是加尔各答的发展和命运,却与欧洲国家有极密切的关系.






加尔各答市内,林立着许多殖民地色彩的建筑,所以旅游此地,主要就是参观昔日大英帝国和东印度公司的余晖.加尔各答最热闹的地区,是朝润希(Chowronghee)一带,现在称为尼赫鲁路(Jawaharlal Nehru Rd.).这里道路两旁分布有高级饭店、餐厅、航空公司、外国领事馆、政府观光局、银行、物产店...等,附近还有维多利亚纪念堂、儿童博物馆、美术馆、加尔各答公园、印度博物馆.北边还有一座新市集(New Market),里面大约有几百家店铺,包括宝石店、布店、艺品店、书店...等.朝润希地区不仅行驶有地上电车,还有印度唯一的地下铁. India is the cradle of the independence movement in Calcutta, India rewritten in modern politics, but in Calcutta, development and fate European countries have a very close relationship. Calcutta is India's second largest city, with a population of about 12 million, is the West Bengal university. 1690, the East India Company established the first factory in Calcutta, but about 1575. Portuguese already in Hooghly River, the setting up of trading positions. And between 1645-1825, Calcutta's trade is controlled by the Dutch. 1773, the British colonial government in Calcutta to headquarters, heavy industry and commerce have started to develop. An influx of labor force makes to create a prosperous and chaotic city. 1911, the colonial government headquarters to Delhi, Calcutta makes the economy recession. 1971 Bangladesh war of independence broke out, many refugees have fled to Calcutta, Calcutta to bring dirty. filthy and poor condition, resulting in many industries began to move. Hooghly River (Hooghly) is a tributary of the Ganges River in India, Calcutta slowly flow. Finally in Bangladesh sea. As Gregory river easily piled up sand bars and shoals, adverse navigation, as well as the important port city of Calcutta lost cause. Prior to 1943, is located on the Hooghly River Bridge Huolashan (Howrah), but a pontoon Later on, it was turned into a truss bridge traffic jam is very serious now. The Calcutta, because of excessive swelling, with the lower stratum, the increasingly serious problem of crime. Traffic everywhere mixed with the air Shen muddy gives a startling impression. But because Calcutta is one of the principal gateway into India, as tourist starting point. Calcutta city, filled many colonial architecture, tourism here mainly former British Empire visited the East India Company and the Hui. Calcutta, the most crowded areas, North Korea Yun-Hee (Chowronghee) area. Now known as the Nehru Road (Jawaharlal Nehru Rd. ). High distribution on both sides of the roads here are hotels, restaurants, airlines, foreign consulates, the Tourism Bureau, banks, shop ... natural resources, also near the Victoria Memorial Hall, the Children's Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts in Calcutta Park Indian. There is also a new market in the north (New Market), where some hundreds of shops, including gem shop Gewandhaus. art stores, bookstores, etc. . Run Greek parts of the ground are moving towards the tram, India's only subway. 5.座落于印度沙漠首府佐代普尔(Jodhpur)的北边,Umaid Bhawan皇宫是印度最新的一座皇宫,也是世界上最大的私人住宅之一.座落于花草茂盛的花园中,金黄色沙岩的建筑,采20世纪初期流行的几何型及流线型风格.
这间拥有347间房间的皇宫,经过15年的工程,于1943年完成,用来当作佐代普尔王室家庭的主要住宅.由著名的Edwardian建筑师Henry Lanchester设计,综合了东方和西方的建筑风格.
皇宫中105英呎高的圆屋顶建筑,采文艺复兴时期风格,内部是镀金的家俱及以几何型及流线型为特色的艺术作品,并挂上自我放逐的波兰艺术家Stefan Norblin的异国风格壁画,来彰显内部装饰.
Umaid Bhawan皇宫附设有博物馆、2间餐馆和1间酒吧、1座雄伟的新古典主义舞厅、1 间吸烟室、一间藏书丰富的图书馆,及各式各样的会客室、室内游泳池、大理石花纹回力球场、网球场,和提供身体、精神、心灵回春的spa设施.
Desert located in the Indian capital of Jodhpur (Jodhpur) in the north. Umaid Bhawan Palace is the latest of a palace in India, the world's largest private residential one. Garden plants located in the rich, golden yellow sandstone buildings in the early 20th century mining geometry and streamline pop style. It has 347 rooms in the palace, after 15 years of the project, completed in 1943. Jodhpur royal family used as a principal residence. Designed by eminent Edwardian architect Henry Lanchester. General Oriental and Western architectural styles. Palace were 105 feet high dome construction, mining Renaissance style. and the furniture is gilded to the internal geometry and aerodynamic characteristics of the art. and the self-imposed exile where Polish artists Stefan Norblin an exotic style murals to highlight internal decoration. This heritage palaces into hotels in 1997 and now has 30 rooms and 15 luxury suites. rooms still retain the elegance past, and it offers visitors a comfortable modern equipment and services. Umaid Bhawan Palace equipped with a museum, two restaurants and one bar. 1 Block, the magnificent neo-classical dance halls, one rooms, a library rich in books, and a wide range of the reception room. indoor swimming pool, marbling back edge Stadium, the tennis courts, and provide physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation of the spa facilities.
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