
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 19:01:13


College for others also to themselves,there are many benefits to college such as:1.Learn to live,man!2.Mainly the study of learning to learn,learn learn to accept.3.More knowledge for more energy reserves Efficient service for the community Get high quality of life 4.Institute of interaction with others,learn,learn problem-solving way of thinking,learning life,knowledge,master the ability to solve problems.5.That you still have to experience,the university is a pleasure.Ups and downs 6.Is an experience it is a kind of social pressure forced 7.In the study at the same time improve their overall quality of a better future for themselves well prepared to adapt to society Another problem is this:pay attention to make friends 8.University life can be said to a variety of exercise can also be said to be facing into the community you're about to lay a solid foundation for it,but have you try the taste of the ups and downs,and sometimes death can make you think of this the word Why?Because of love.The second is the relationship between poverty and affluence associated with it in order to leave a good memory,it will be difficult.9.I have not gone to college,but I am longing for university life,I love the atmosphere,dreaming 10.Of course the most basic method of learning,an integrated living,life,life skills,and aggressive diversified approach.At the same time is to learn to go beyond,understand the "reason"!11.The first is learning to be (how to get along with people,how people skills,how to live freely.),The second is learning to learn (selective learning,learning useful things they think,as I think in English,computer and knowledge of psychology is very important.),The third is to learn to see with the eyes of long-term problems (see friends problem,look at setback issues,look at the issue of poverty and wealth,see employment issues)!12.The university is for?In fact,the university is to himself.For their own learning,build capacity for themselves,for their pioneering vision.Purpose and significance of college for everyone,is not the same.The key is to see how you like that's it?However,the university can learn the values of life,life and so on.More importantly,learn how to behave.To learn the main man is a very sound so sophisticated,you may need to learn a lifetime.University is a smaller version of society,in college you can not try to contact all previous way of life,compared to the relative safety outside the community much like the lions early childhood learning,to get you better in the into the community before the accumulation of more knowledge and experience,after less Chi Diankui But no sooner out of the community college if you have more than peer social experience 上大学为了别人也是为了自己 ,上大学的好处有很多比如:1.学会生活,做人!2.主要是学习学会学习、学习学会接受.3.准备更多的知识 储备更多的能量 高效率的为社会服务 得到高质量的生活 4.学会为人处世,学会做人,学习解决问题的思维方 法,学习生活常识,掌握解决问题的能力.5.那还要你自己体会,上大学是一种享受.酸甜苦辣 6.是一种经历吧,也是迫于社会的一种压力 7.在学习的同时 提高自己的综合素质 为自己将来更好的适应社会做充分的准备 还有一个问题 就是:注意结交朋友 8.大学的生活可以说是丰富多彩的也可以说是锻炼你即将面临的走入社会打下扎实的基础吧,但同时有让你尝试着酸甜苦辣的味道,有的时候都可以让你想到死这个字为什么呢?因为爱情.其次就是贫穷与富裕的关系联系在一起要想把它留下作为一个美好的回忆,那将很难.9.我没有上过大学,但是我很向往大学生活,我喜欢那里的气氛,做梦都想 10.当然最基本的是学习一种方法,一种综合生活、做人、处世以及进取等多元化的方法.与此同时的就是学会超越、懂得“理性”!11.第一是学会做人(如何与人相处,如何为人处事,如何生活自如.),第二是学会学习(选择性的学习,学习自己认为有用的东西,如我个人认为英语,计算机及心理学的知识都很重要.),第三是学会用长远的目光看问题(看朋友问题,看挫折问题,看贫穷与富贵问题,看就业问题)!12.上大学是为了什么?其实,上大学就是为了自己.为自己学习,为自己培养能力,为自己开拓视野.上大学的目的和意义对每个人来说,都是不一样的.关键看你自己是怎么样认为的了?不过,上了大学可以从中学到人生的价值观、人生观等.更重要的是学会怎样做人.要学会主要做人其实是一门很声深奥的学问,可能要学一辈子.大学其实是社会的缩小版,在大学里你可以尝试着各种以前没接触的生活方式,比起外面的社会要相对安全得多,就象狮子幼年时期的学习,能让你更好的在步入社会前积累更多的知识和经验,以后少吃点亏 不过不读大学早点出社会的话你有比同龄人更多的社会经验