请详细翻译此文 英文转中文 高手进Atlantis and the aliens These "alternative" archaeologists have credited the Atlanteans with teaching the Egyptians and the Mesoamericans how to build pyramids and how to write, etc., arguing similar

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 05:35:54

请详细翻译此文 英文转中文 高手进Atlantis and the aliens These "alternative" archaeologists have credited the Atlanteans with teaching the Egyptians and the Mesoamericans how to build pyramids and how to write, etc., arguing similar
请详细翻译此文 英文转中文 高手进
Atlantis and the aliens
These "alternative" archaeologists have credited the Atlanteans with teaching the Egyptians and the Mesoamericans how to build pyramids and how to write, etc., arguing similarly to von Däniken that ancient civilizations burst on the scene in a variety of different places on earth and have a common source. . Atlanteans or aliens, either way the case can be made for a common source for ancient civilizations only if one selectively ignores the gradual and lengthy development of those societies. One must also ignore that the writing of the Egyptians is no clue to the writing of the Mayans, or vice-versa, and that the purpose of their pyramids was quite different. The Mesoamericans rarely buried anyone in their pyramids; they were primarily for religious rituals and sacrifices. The Egyptians used pyramids exclusively for tombs or monuments over tombs.Why would the aliens or Atlanteans not teach the same writing techniques to the two cultures? And why teach step building in Mesoamerica, a technique not favored by the Egyptians? If you ignore the failures of the early pyramid builders and ignore their obvious development over time, including the development of underground tombs with several chambers, then you might be able to persuade uncritical minds that Giza couldn't have occurred without alien intervention.
Finally, one should wonder, I suppose, if the Atlanteans were such technological geniuses who shared their wisdom with the world, why did Plato depict them as arrogant warmongers?
Unfortunately for the New Age Atlanteans, there is no credible and convincing archaeological or geological evidence for either Atlantis or Mu. That has not stopped hundreds of people from concocting theories to the contrary. To paraphrase Whitehead, the belief in Atlantis, the ancient and great civilization, is another footnote to Plato.

请详细翻译此文 英文转中文 高手进Atlantis and the aliens These "alternative" archaeologists have credited the Atlanteans with teaching the Egyptians and the Mesoamericans how to build pyramids and how to write, etc., arguing similar
还是我给你翻吧 谢谢你昨天采纳我的回答 真的好速度 我刚回答完就被采纳了
Atlantis and the aliens
These "alternative" archaeologists have credited the Atlanteans with teaching the Egyptians and the Mesoamericans how to build pyramids and how to write, etc.,
附:credit v. 归功于, 信任, 赞颂
Mesoamericans n.[考古]中美洲
arguing similarly to von Däniken that ancient civilizations burst on the scene in a variety of different places on earth and have a common source.
(还是这些“不确定”的考古学家们)还都同样地和 von Däniken 争论,认为很多地方的爆发性出现的古代文明都有一个共同的来源.
Atlanteans or aliens, either way the case can be made for a common source for ancient civilizations only if one selectively ignores the gradual and lengthy development of those societies.
One must also ignore that the writing of the Egyptians is no clue to the writing of the Mayans, or vice-versa, and that the purpose of their pyramids was quite different.
附:Mayan n. 玛雅人; 玛雅语
vice versa ['vaisi'və:sə]
The changing of real property to personal property or vice versa.
Man dictates to weapons, not vice versa.
Occasionally a Greek prefix is found in front of a Latin word or vice versa.
The Mesoamericans rarely buried anyone in their pyramids; they were primarily for religious rituals and sacrifices.
The Egyptians used pyramids exclusively for tombs or monuments over tombs.
Why would the aliens or Atlanteans not teach the same writing techniques to the two cultures?
And why teach step building in Mesoamerica, a technique not favored by the Egyptians?
附:关于两种文化的金字塔之不同,建议你查查墨西哥 特奥蒂瓦坎 的月亮金字塔,就是建在所谓亡灵大道上的那个,是中美洲式金字塔的典型代表 然后就会发现其与埃及的金字塔长得很不同了

If you ignore the failures of the early pyramid builders and ignore their obvious development over time, including the development of underground tombs with several chambers, then you might be able to persuade uncritical minds that Giza couldn't have occurred without alien intervention.
附:Ciza 埃及吉萨大金字塔 若我没有记错的话它应该是埃及最大的金字塔

Finally, one should wonder, I suppose, if the Atlanteans were such technological geniuses who shared their wisdom with the world, why did Plato depict them as arrogant warmongers?
附:warmonger n. 好战者, 主战论者
Unfortunately for the New Age Atlanteans, there is no credible and convincing archaeological or geological evidence for either Atlantis or Mu.
That has not stopped hundreds of people from concocting theories to the contrary.
附:concoct v. 调制; 捏造; 调合; 图谋

To paraphrase Whitehead, 为了解释Whitehead(的所作所为)

the belief in Atlantis, the ancient and great civilization, is another footnote to Plato.
附:footnote n. 脚注, 写在一页纸底端或一章最后的参考意见或建议; 出现在档案续集的命令方向
希望你仍能满意 对了,你下个百度Hi吧 欢迎以后你还有问题直接找我

亚特兰蒂斯的外国人,这些“另类”,考古学家们记入不同地方的亚特兰提斯与教学的埃及人和印地安如何建立金字塔以及如何编写等,争论同样以冯达尼肯这一古老的文明在各种突发的一幕在地球上和有一个共同的来源。 。亚特兰提斯或外国人,无论哪种方式的情况下可以作出一个古老文明的共同源头只有一个选择,如果忽略了这些社会渐进和漫长的发展。还必须忽视的是,埃及人写作是没有的玛雅人,反之亦然写作线索,而他们的目的金字塔是...


亚特兰蒂斯的外国人,这些“另类”,考古学家们记入不同地方的亚特兰提斯与教学的埃及人和印地安如何建立金字塔以及如何编写等,争论同样以冯达尼肯这一古老的文明在各种突发的一幕在地球上和有一个共同的来源。 。亚特兰提斯或外国人,无论哪种方式的情况下可以作出一个古老文明的共同源头只有一个选择,如果忽略了这些社会渐进和漫长的发展。还必须忽视的是,埃及人写作是没有的玛雅人,反之亦然写作线索,而他们的目的金字塔是很大的不同。印地安很少的金字塔埋藏在他们的任何人,他们的宗教仪轨和牺牲为主。埃及人专门用于墓葬或以上tombs.Why古迹金字塔的外国人或亚特兰提斯会不会教的写作技巧,以相同的两种文化?又为何教一步中美洲,而不是由埃及人喜爱的工艺建设?如果忽略了早期金字塔建造者的失败,而忽略他们对时间的明显发展,包括与一些地下陵墓商会的发展,那么你也许能说服不加批判的头脑中吉萨不可能没有外来干预的发生。最后,人们应该知道,我想,如果亚特兰提斯是这样的天才世界科技与谁分享他们的智慧,为什么他们是战争贩子柏拉图描绘傲慢亚特兰提斯?不幸的是新时代,没有可信的和令人信服的证据,考古或地质无论哪种亚特兰蒂斯或亩。这并没有阻止炮制理论相反数百人。套用白石,在亚特兰蒂斯,古代的伟大文明的信念,是另一种柏拉图的注脚。


这些“另类”,考古学家们记入与教学的埃及人和印地安如何建立金字塔以及如何编写等,争论同样以冯丹尼肯的古文明爆裂就在地球上不同地方的各种场景,并有亚特兰提斯一个共同的来源。 。亚特兰提斯或外国人,无论哪种方式的情况下可以作出一个古老文明的共同源头只有一个选择,如果忽略了这些社会渐进和漫长的发展。还必须忽视的是,埃及人写作是没有的玛雅人,反之亦然...


这些“另类”,考古学家们记入与教学的埃及人和印地安如何建立金字塔以及如何编写等,争论同样以冯丹尼肯的古文明爆裂就在地球上不同地方的各种场景,并有亚特兰提斯一个共同的来源。 。亚特兰提斯或外国人,无论哪种方式的情况下可以作出一个古老文明的共同源头只有一个选择,如果忽略了这些社会渐进和漫长的发展。还必须忽视的是,埃及人写作是没有的玛雅人,反之亦然写作线索,而他们的金字塔的目的是完全不同的。印地安很少的金字塔埋藏在他们的任何人,他们的宗教仪轨和牺牲为主。埃及人专门用于墓葬或以上tombs.Why古迹金字塔的外国人或亚特兰提斯会不会教的写作技巧,以相同的两种文化?又为何教一步中美洲,而不是由埃及人喜爱的工艺建设?如果忽略了早期金字塔建造者的失败,而忽略他们对时间的明显发展,包括与一些地下陵墓商会的发展,那么你也许能说服不加批判的头脑中吉萨不可能没有外来干预的发生。


亚特兰蒂斯和外国人 这些“可用作替换”考古学已经把向写,等等告诉埃及人和 Mesoamericans 怎样在的基础上建立金字塔和怎样归功于 Atlanteans 向来自 Däniken 同样争辩那古老文明在现场在各种各样的世界上的和不同的地方中的爆炸和有一所共用来源。。Atlanteans 或者外国人,两者都可以情况能是为仅当一可选择地忽视那些社会的逐步和冗长发展古老文明向一所共用来源前...


亚特兰蒂斯和外国人 这些“可用作替换”考古学已经把向写,等等告诉埃及人和 Mesoamericans 怎样在的基础上建立金字塔和怎样归功于 Atlanteans 向来自 Däniken 同样争辩那古老文明在现场在各种各样的世界上的和不同的地方中的爆炸和有一所共用来源。。Atlanteans 或者外国人,两者都可以情况能是为仅当一可选择地忽视那些社会的逐步和冗长发展古老文明向一所共用来源前进。一必须也忽视那埃及人的写作马雅人的或者反之亦然不是写作的线索和那他们的金字塔的目的是很和不同。Mesoamericans 很少把任何人埋藏在他们的金字塔里;他们主要是对于宗教仪式和牺牲。埃及人使用金字塔专门前往在 tombs.Why 的上方的坟墓或者纪念碑外国人或者 Atlanteans 不将教两类文化同样的写作技术吗?和为什么教步,在中亚美利加洲,一未经过埃及人偏爱的技术积累?如果你忽视早金字塔建造者的失败和在时间的上方,忽视他们的对是显而易见发展,随几个房间带有地下坟墓的发展,那时你可以能说服不加批判的头脑相信那 Giza 不能已经没有对是外来对的干预发生。 最后,一将对如果 Atlanteans 是和世界分担他们的智慧的这样技术上的天才感到惊讶,我假定为什么自动教学用程序逻辑确实作为傲慢无礼战争贩子描绘他们吗? 不幸对于新纪元 Atlanteans,事实上没有可信和有说服力的考古学的或者地质的有利于或者亚特兰蒂斯或者微米的证据。那个还没有阻止几百在的人们与此相反编制理论。改述 Whitehead,相信亚特兰蒂斯,古老和伟大文明是另一个向自动教学用程序逻辑脚注。
