几道英语填空题,有些我做了,但不知对否?没做的帮我提示一下,1、The prisoner ___escaped from the police without any difficulty__(毫不费力气地从警察手中逃掉了).2、Have you seen the new ______________________(零

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 02:22:36

几道英语填空题,有些我做了,但不知对否?没做的帮我提示一下,1、The prisoner ___escaped from the police without any difficulty__(毫不费力气地从警察手中逃掉了).2、Have you seen the new ______________________(零
1、The prisoner ___escaped from the police without any difficulty__(毫不费力气地从警察手中逃掉了).
2、Have you seen the new ______________________(零件小得看不见的机器)?
3、Do you still remember ____________________(我们去乡下参观农场的那一天吗)?
4———————(要是他昨天在这里的话),he would have attend the party .
5、_________(那天当我到达大学时),I found her seated in the large room.
6、I had never before seen ____________(像他那么高的男子).
7、She was so shy that ______(她从不敢向陌生人问路).
8、He is very tired,_____________(让他休息几分钟吧).
9、We will go,__even if it rains___(即使下雨).
10、__________(只有通过努力)can you pas the exam.
11、We will go and visit the museum________(就算他没空).
12、There aren't enough books,so ___________(你们得合着用).
13、There is a window___broken last night__ (昨晚被打碎了).
14. He was ____________(尽他可能提供)the best service to the patients,but they were not satisfied.
15..I want to ______(马上把它淘汰)

几道英语填空题,有些我做了,但不知对否?没做的帮我提示一下,1、The prisoner ___escaped from the police without any difficulty__(毫不费力气地从警察手中逃掉了).2、Have you seen the new ______________________(零
1、The prisoner escaped from the police without any difficulties.(毫不费力气地从警察手中逃掉了).
2、Have you seen the new machine whose (零件小得看不见的机器)?
3、Do you still remember the day we went to visit the farm in the countryside?
4、If he had been here yesterday(要是他昨天在这里的话),he would have attend the party .
5、When i got to school that day(那天当我到达大学时),I found her seated in the large room.
6、I had never before seen a man as tall as him.(像他那么高的男子).
7、She was so shy that she never asked strangers for directions.(她从不敢向陌生人问路).
8、He is very tired,let him take a break for a few minutes.(让他休息几分钟吧).
9、We will go,even if it rains.(即使下雨).
10、Only by working hard(只有通过努力)can you pass the exam.
11、We will go and visit the museum,even if he is not available.(就算他没空).
12、There aren't enough books,so you have to use it together.(你们得合着用).
13、There is a window broken last night.(昨晚被打碎了).
14.He was trying his best to provide( 尽他可能提供)the best service to the patients,but they were not satisfied.
15..I want to eliminate it immediately.(马上把它淘汰)

几道英语填空题,有些我做了,但不知对否?没做的帮我提示一下,1、The prisoner ___escaped from the police without any difficulty__(毫不费力气地从警察手中逃掉了).2、Have you seen the new ______________________(零 老师,我做了一道题不知对否,我做的对否.题目是这样的:甲乙两人从相距40千米的A,B两地相向往返而行.甲4千米/小时,甲出发3小时后,乙才出发,乙5千米/小时,两人相遇继续行走,他们第二次相遇 请问闩字有几种意思?闩字我猜是把门栓着了吧?不知对否? 第二题我算出来HAC:17ml.NAAC33ml.不知对否 一道看似简单,会做的数学题,不知道被那个杀千刀的改了一下,去掉一些阴影部分.我已经算出答案,但不知对否,因为我是拼出来的,答案是11.69,下面是图片;要过程和解说,我是小学六年级的,易 有些英语填空我不会. 我现在初二了,但英语成绩不理想 徘徊在75分左右我准备努力了 但我算了一下即使我上课认真听 基础全对也最多85分 做阅读题十分困难 文章大多理解60% 不知怎么提高 积累的词汇量目前也 哪里有胡萝卜,鸡蛋,咖啡豆的英语完型填空我要的是关于这篇文章的完型填空题,以前做过,但找不到了. 这句话用英语这样讲对吗?额,或许吧,我英语也很烂~这句话翻译成英语是:Possibly,My English is very poor.不知对否? 六个人做六朵花用六分钟时间,用100分钟做100朵花需要多少人小学数学练习题,题后答案是1个人,我觉得不对,我算是600人,不知对否,请高手指教 四、判断题第1题我不知做了对还是错? A you look s_____ .What food do you eat every day?B I eat healthy food ,and I l____ fish and beef(一次一空,我做了这题但不知对不对)首字母填空 日全食眼镜怎么做我先自己做个不知行否 几道英语填空题, 几道英语填空题, 几道英语填空题, 几道英语填空题, 几道英语填空题,