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国名:乍得共和国 (The Republic of Chad) 国名释义:源于乍得湖.“乍得”在当地博尔诺语中意为“大片的水” 首都:恩贾梅纳 (N'Djamena),原名拉密堡 (Fort-Lamy),1973年9月5日改为现名. 面积:128.4万平方公里 人口:945万人(2004年联合国估计数字) 民族:全国共有大小部族256多个.北部、中部和东部居民主要是阿拉伯血统的柏柏尔族、图布族、瓦达伊族、巴吉尔米族等,约占全国人口的45%;南部和西南部的居民主要为萨拉族、马萨族、科托科族、蒙当族等,约占全国人口的55%. 语言:南方居民通用苏丹语系的萨拉语,北方通用乍得化的阿拉伯语.法语和阿拉伯语同为官方语言. 宗教:居民中44%信奉伊斯兰教,33%信奉基督教,23%信奉原始宗教. 独立日:8月11日(1960年) 货币:中非金融合作法郎 时差:比北京时间晚7小时 名胜:德基亚野生动物保护区、扎库马国家公园等. 位于非洲中北部,撒哈拉沙漠南缘,是个内陆国.北连利比亚,南与中非、喀麦隆交界,西与尼日尔、尼日利亚为邻,东和苏丹接壤.地势较平坦,平均海拔300-500米,仅北、东、南部边境地带为高原山地.北部地区属撒哈拉沙漠或半沙漠,占全国面积1/3强;东部是高原地区;中西部为辽阔的准平原;西北部提贝斯提高原平均海拔2000米.库西山海拔3415米,是全国、中部非洲地区的最高峰.主要河流有沙里河、洛贡河等.乍得湖为非洲中部最大的内陆淡水湖,由于水位随季节变化,面积在1-2.5万平方公里之间.北部属热带沙漠气候,南部属热带草原气候. 乍得历史悠久,早期的“萨奥文化”曾是非洲文化宝库的重要组成部分.公元前500年,乍得湖南部地区一直有居民.公元9-10世纪先后建立了一些穆斯林王国,加涅姆—博尔努王国为主要穆斯林苏丹王国.16世纪后,出现与之抗衡的巴吉尔米王国和瓦达依王国,从此出现了3国混战局面.1883-1893年各王国均被苏丹人巴赫·祖拜尔征服.19世纪末,法国殖民者开始入侵,1902年占领全境.1910年被划为法属赤道非洲的一个省,1958年宣布为“法兰西共同体”内的自治共和国,1960年8月11日获得独立,成立乍得共和国. 农牧业国家,经济落后,被联合国列为世界上47个最不发达国家之一.矿产资源较丰富,但大多尚未开采.主要矿产有天然碱、石灰石、白陶土和钨、锡、铜、镍、铬等.1970年以来,乍得湖塞迪盖地区、多巴盆地和瓦达伊盆地均发现石油.工业主要为农、牧产品加工企业,其中以棉花加工为主. 对外奉行睦邻、友好、合作和不结盟政策,反对“任何形式和来自任何地方”的霸权主义和扩张主义.1972年11月28日,乍得与中国建立外交关系.1997年8月15日,由于乍得政府同台湾当局于1997年8月12日恢复所谓“外交关系”,中国政府即日起中止同乍得的外交关系.2006年8月6日,中国和乍得两国政府代表在北京签署联合公报,决定自即日起恢复两国大使级外交关系. The name: Republic of Chad (The Republic of Chad) State Comment: from Lake Chad. "Chad" in the local language Borno Italy as "a large water" Capital: N'Djamena (N'Djamena), formerly known as Fort Lamy (Fort-Lamy), September 5, 1973 is a change. Area: 1.284 million square kilometers Population: 9.45 million (2004 UN estimate) National: total size of the more than 256 tribes. The northern, central and eastern residents mainly Berber people of Arab descent, people of cloth, herders race, Bajiermi family, or about 45% of the country's population; Residents of the southern and southwestern mainly Sara race, ethnic Massa, Kotokoli race, when ethnic Mongolia, the country's population of about 55 %. Language: residents of the south branch of the Sudan GM Sarah language of northern Chad common Arabic. With French and Arabic is the official language. Religion: 44% of residents in the Muslim, 33% Christian, 23% believe in primitive religion. Independence Day: August 11 (1960) Currency: Central African francs financial cooperation Time difference: seven hours later than -- Attractions: Dejie wildlife protected areas, zakouma national parks. Located in north-central Africa, the southern margin of the Sahara desert, is a landlocked country. Even Libya, North, South and Central Africa, Cameroon junction of West and Niger, Nigeria, neighborhood, East and the Sudan border. Relatively flat topography, with an average altitude of 300-500 meters, only North, East, the southern border zone for the mountain plateau. The northern region of the Sahara desert or semi-desert area of the 1 / 3 strong; Yes eastern plateau region; The potential for vast western plains; Northwest Shibei worked an average altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. The Xishan elevation 3,415 meters, is the central African region peak. Major rivers have river sand, and Logone. Lake Chad in central Africa for the largest inland fresh water, as the water level changes with the seasons, in the area of 10,000 square kilometers between 1-2.5. A tropical northern desert climate, a southern savannah climate. Chad has a long history, early "SOX culture" is the African cultural heritage has been an important part. Five hundred years before Christ, Chad Hunan have been residents of the region. 9-10 century AD has established a number of Muslim kingdom Jianiemu - Boernao Kingdom mainly Muslim Sudan Kingdom. After the 16th century, there Bajiermi contend with the Kingdom and the Kingdom according to Levada, the three countries emerging from scrimmage situation. 1883-1893, the Kingdom were Sudanese Bahejiebaier conquest. The late 19th century, French colonialists invasion began, in 1902 occupied territory. 1910 was designated as French Equatorial Africa, a province, in 1958 that "the French community" in the Autonomous Republic, August 11, 1960 independence, the establishment of the Republic of Chad. Agriculture and animal husbandry, economic backwardness, by the United Nations as the world's 47 LDCs one. Rich mineral resources, but most have not exploitation. Trona is the main mineral, limestone, clay and white tungsten, tin, copper, nickel, and chromium. Since 1970, Zedillo covered the Lake Chad area, multi Basin and herders Basin oil were found. Industrial mainly agricultural, livestock products processing enterprises, which mainly cotton processing. External neighborly, friendly, cooperative and non-aligned policy and oppose "any form and from any place," the hegemonic and expansionist. On November 28, 1972, Chad establish diplomatic relations with China. On August 15, 1997, the government of Chad with the Taiwan authorities on August 12, 1997 resume so-called "diplomatic relations", the Chinese government today to suspend diplomatic relations with Chad. On August 6, 2006, China and the two representatives of the government of Chad signed a joint communique in Beijing, has now decided to resume bilateral diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level.