来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 09:40:15
这种缺乏个人标记的情况仍然存在,尽管事实上,有效率的标签会使个人照片集更协调,但这种情况几乎存在了近10年[24] - [26],而标签可以明显地改善个人图像的组织和检索[27].
最近的研究也开始探讨这一现象[28] - [30],它们暗示着社会性的标记诱因可以是相当多样化的.在人脸书中,一副图像中的标签通常对应于个人的身份,而这些标记是用来保证图像会被这个人的朋友所看到.
ABSTRACT | Personal photographs are being captured in
digital form at an accelerating rate, and our computational
tools for searching, browsing, and sharing these photos are
struggling to keep pace. One promising approach is automatic
face recognition, which would allow photos to be organized by
the identities of the individuals they contain. However,
achieving accurate recognition at the scale of the Web requires
discriminating among hundreds of millions of individuals and
would seem to be a daunting task. This paper argues that social
network context may be the key for large-scale face recognition
to succeed. Many personal photographs are shared on the
Web through online social network sites, and we can leverage
the resources and structure of such social networks to improve
face recognition rates on the images shared. Drawing upon real
photo collections from volunteers who are members of a
popular online social network, we asses the availability of
resources to improve face recognition and discuss techniques
for applying these resources.
One useful way to index photographs V especially personal
Photographs V is through the identities of the individuals
they contain, and, in theory, this can be executed at
scale using automatic face recognition. However, recognizing
individuals from facial images is a hard problem,
particularly when the images are like those in Figs. 1 and 2:
collected Bin the wild[ with uncontrolled variations in
pose, lighting, and expression. This difficulty is exacerbated
in large online photo collections in which hundreds of
millions of individuals might appear; the difference in appearance
between individuals becomes very small relative
to the appearance variation of any particular individual.
Furthermore, even the preparation of training data (by
manually labeling images, for example) to enroll people in
an automatic recognition system becomes burdensome.
This paper argues that online social networks can
provide the keys to successful face recognition in large
photo collections on the Web. This argument is based on
two observations. First, online communities induce social
incentives for members to manually attach identity labels
to facial images. The resulting practice of users voluntarily
B tagging[ themselves and their friends in photos can
produce extraordinary quantities of labeled facial images,
which reduces or eliminates the traditional enrollment
burden. The second observation is that the social network
graph of an online community, which is often available in
machine-readable form, provides powerful contextual
information that improves both performance and computational
By drawing on photos embedded in the online social
network Face book, we assess the availability of labeled face
data, and we build on our earlier study [2] to show how
social network context can be leveraged to improve
recognition. While these results are preliminary, they
suggest that B socially aware[ face recognition is a problem
that deserves research attention.
One important source of information in online social
Networks V and Face book in particular V is the vast quantity
of facial images that have been manually labeled, or
B tagged, [ by identity. The popularity of tagging is somewhat
surprising, because tagging images by associating
captions, annotations, or keywords is a tedious process V so
tedious that very few people actually take the time to tag the
images in their personal libraries [23]. This lack of personal
tagging persists despite the fact that efficient tagging
interfaces for personal photo collections have existed for
almost a decade [24]–[26] and tags can significantly
improve personal image organization and retrieval [27].
Interestingly, things seem to change when images are
shared online. Online communities induce social incentives
to tag, and, as evidenced by the density of tags in Face book
and other online communities, these incentives can be
quite strong. Recent studies are beginning to explore this
phenomenon [28]–[30], and they suggest that the social
incentives for tagging can be quite diverse. On Face book,
tags typically correspond to the identities of individuals in
an image, and these tags are used to ensure that an image
will be seen by one’s friends. When Avery tags Ben in a
Face book photo, Ben receives an e-mail message with a
link to the image, and both Avery’s friends and Ben’s
friends might find the tag mentioned in streaming B news
feeds[ on the site. In this way, Avery successfully shares
the photo with Ben, and (perhaps) Ben’s stature is
enhanced among their combined group of friends.
Whatever the reasons for social tagging, the practice is a
boon for recognition systems. At the time of this writing,
Face book has a rapidly growing population of more than
400 million users, and it hosts over 20 billion images, with
more than 2.5 billion new photos being added every month
[31], [32]. Many of these images have been manually tagged
with individuals’ identities, and, in this way, the members of
this online community have inadvertently created an
astoundingly large database of annotated facial images
embedded in a social network structure that can be accessed
(at least partially) in machine readable form.