英语翻译牛、马、驴、骡 惊慌不安、不进厩、不进食、乱闹乱叫、打群架、挣断缰绳逃跑、蹬地、刨地、行走中突然惊跑 动物异常现象(癞蛤蟆异常).猪 不进圈、不吃食、乱叫乱闹、拱圈、

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 18:25:27

英语翻译牛、马、驴、骡 惊慌不安、不进厩、不进食、乱闹乱叫、打群架、挣断缰绳逃跑、蹬地、刨地、行走中突然惊跑 动物异常现象(癞蛤蟆异常).猪 不进圈、不吃食、乱叫乱闹、拱圈、
牛、马、驴、骡 惊慌不安、不进厩、不进食、乱闹乱叫、打群架、挣断缰绳逃跑、蹬地、刨地、行走中突然惊跑 动物异常现象(癞蛤蟆异常).
猪 不进圈、不吃食、乱叫乱闹、拱圈、越圈外逃 .羊 不进圈、不吃食、乱叫乱闹、越圈逃跑、闹圈 .狗 狂吠不休、哭泣、嗅地扒地、咬人、乱跑乱闹、叼着狗崽搬家、警犬不听指令 .猫 惊慌不安、叼着猫崽搬家上树 .兔 不吃草、在窝内乱闹乱叫、惊逃出窝 .鸭、鹅 白天不下水、晚上不进架、不吃食、紧跟主人、惊叫、高飞 .鸡 不进架、撞架、在架内闹、上树 .鸽 不进巢、栖于屋外、突然惊起倾巢而飞 .鼠 白天成群出洞,像醉酒似的发呆、不怕人、惊恐乱窜、叼着小鼠搬家 .蛇 冬眠蛇出洞在雪地里冻僵、冻死,数量增加,集聚一团 .鱼 成群漂浮、狂游、跳出水面、缸养的鱼乱跳,头尾碰出血,跳出缸外,发出叫声、呆滞、死亡 .蟾蜍(癞蛤蟆) 成群出洞,甚至跑到大街小巷 .

英语翻译牛、马、驴、骡 惊慌不安、不进厩、不进食、乱闹乱叫、打群架、挣断缰绳逃跑、蹬地、刨地、行走中突然惊跑 动物异常现象(癞蛤蟆异常).猪 不进圈、不吃食、乱叫乱闹、拱圈、
Cattle,horses,donkeys,mules panic anxiety,not into the stables,not eating,barking rampage,gang war,brake the bands reins to escape,stomp,dig in,walking in a sudden stampede abnormal animals (toad exception).
Pigs are not into the circle,not eating,barking rampage,the arch,the more circles flight.Sheep are not into the circle,not eating,barking rampage,the more laps run,downtown circle.Dog barking endlessly,weeping,to pawing olfactory ,bite,run around rampage,dangling bitch move,dogs do not listen to instructions.cat panic anxiety,dangling cat cubs move the tree.rabbits do not eat grass,barking rampage in the nest,nest to escape shock.Ap ,geese into the water during the day and night,not into the frame,do not eat,followed by the owner,screaming,fly.chicken is not into the frame,hit the frame,the frame within the downtown,on the tree.dove not enter the nest,perched on the house,suddenly Qingchao startled and flying.rat groups during the day out of its hole,like a drunken-like daze,not afraid of people,panic rampant,dangling mouse move.hibernate the snake out of its hole snake frozen in the snow,frozen to death,increase in the number ,gather a group.fish floating in groups,and the crazy swim,jump out of the water tank raised fish jumping,head and tail touch the bleeding,out of tanks,to give a call,dull,dead.toad (toad) groups out of its hole,and even mention went to the streets