
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 22:26:17


Stop only for unloading passengers
Stop for unloading only

Temporary parking

stop for no staying

即停即走,应该就是“出租车乘坐点”,相当于国外的pick/drop stand。 A "Park & Ride" place is a huge parking lot next to a rail station or a major bus top. Commuters park their cars there for the day and ride trains or buses ...


即停即走,应该就是“出租车乘坐点”,相当于国外的pick/drop stand。 A "Park & Ride" place is a huge parking lot next to a rail station or a major bus top. Commuters park their cars there for the day and ride trains or buses to downtown. At the end of the day, they get back and drive home from there. Park & Ride lots are usually located in suburban areas. Another place is "Kiss & Ride" which is very close to the entrances of public transportation. Someone, normally your spouse or someone you just had sex with the night before, drive and drop you off there so that you can ride a bus to work. The problem is “that someone” might not come to pick you up at the end of the day. You know what I mean, I hope?


在停车场用的标志,即停即走(下客之后立即开走)的英文如何翻译? 停车场标志用英语怎么说 停车场标志牌最新报价 停车场标志P是什么英文单词P的意思是什么 自行车停车场标志要有心意的标志的!有图更好 要有个人创意! 问:禁止驶入,停车场标志,禁止掉头标志和禁止人走的英文 停车场里的算车祸吗.各位不好意思,用了个吸引你们的标题.我有个表哥,他在停车场刚发动,准备倒车,据他说刚开始倒,动了一点点,1m都没有,却看到一辆大货车失控了,他立即停下来,那货车车主 停车场含义停车场用在形容人上,是指这个人怎么样?和奇葩的形容意思一样吗? 谁在外国生活过?帮我翻译一下这些公园用的标志单词:(休闲广场),(中心园岛),(人工湖),(行车道)(湖边休闲平台),(西南出入口),(园区主路),(应急出口)(爬山道),(休闲缓坡草坪),(小型汽车停车场),( “我确信在将来科比会成为继乔丹之后篮球的又一个标志”英文怎么说不要用翻译机器 地下停车场入口的标志是什么意思地下停车场入口会有几个标志,如禁止鸣笛,还有P,还有一个圈里面写个5是什么意思? 关于标志的英语单词如厕所W.C 停车场NO pamking 在新课程理念下,评价一堂好课的标志是什么? 植草地坪与植草砖那种好?就是停车场用的,不知道植草地坪停车场与植草砖铺的停车场有什么区别?在使用寿命上那个好? 十位的停车场用英语怎么说, 请问各位大侠,半封闭式停车场和封闭式停车场的区别是什么?请主要解释下半封闭式停车场的含义, 停车时辆车相隔多远有规定吗?是多少?停车场停车,但是地上没有什么标志,只能估计好停车距离.有一个新手也去停车,在我的车平行停放,我的车在他车的右边,结果在要驶离停车场倒车的时候 在停车场p是什么意思