
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 14:07:25


Thanks very much for your help.
I have read the document, just for confirmation with one question, which company I am going to work for, f or g, because in that paper it shows only company g offered me the job.
In addition, I will soon confirm my trip schedule and email it to you.
PS: I really appreciate your cooperation again.
Best regards
XXXXXXXXX(your name)

Thanks for your assistance.
I have reviewed the document and have an issue which needs your confirmation. Would you please advise whether I shall work for F company or for G company, since the doc...


Thanks for your assistance.
I have reviewed the document and have an issue which needs your confirmation. Would you please advise whether I shall work for F company or for G company, since the document indicates that I should work for G company.
In addition, I shall dertermime my travel schedule and send you an email as soon as possible.
Many thanks for for your help.


Thanks for you help.
After reading the document, I want to confirm one thing, Do I work for f or g ? I am assigned the job in the g according to the document.
Besides, I will email you to tell you my travel as soon as possible.
I appreciate your help . Many thanks.

Thank you very much for your help.
I've read the paper and I have one problem to make sure. I am working with f, not g. But on the paper the company I'm working with is g.
In addition, I'll email you to confirm my itinerary as soon as possible.
Thank you again for your help. Thanks.

汉译英,一定要准,机器就别来了我看了一下文件,我是为f(是公司的名字,不用翻译)工作还是为g(也是公司的名字,不用翻译)工作,文件上写的是为g工作.另外,我会尽快确定我的行程然后给您发 汉译英,好的多给分,机器的不要来您好可以告诉我工作的地点吗,我的朋友会帮我看一下租房子的情况.另外,我需要买了机票之后通知你具体的时间,对吗.一定要好好翻译啊,语气要客气. 数学题看一下我哪里算错了 我家里用的林内热水器出故障了,从使用说明上看可能是风压开关坏了,谁能指点一下风压开关在机器里什么地我家的林内热水器风压开关坏了, 汉译英,一句话.不要机器好的,我明白了, 重要的汉译英.机器别来.好的再加分我以为现在就可以去了,所以我辞职了,正在准备订机票,您能尽快一些帮我办理吗?一定要好好翻译,高手来吧. 谁能帮我看一下这个电路我哪画错了 顺便帮我看一下我哪里错了 关于交流电源与直流电源的问题.我的机器好像是需要直流电源的.但是我却不小心接了个交流电源.只是闪了一下.就不亮了.请问这是烧坏了么?交流电源是1A的.我拆开看并没有烧毁痕迹.我手上 苯乙烯与氢气的反应刚才我看了一下, 谁能帮我看一下这个程序哪里错了? 看一下我的过程哪里错了 拜托了帮我看一下怎么涂颜色 我自己百度了一下,没看明白 我学会了( ) 一定要新颖, 汉译英,一句话,机器不要来了我今天下午打过电话,已经有老师上班了. 买什么水过滤机器好?家里面水里有漂白粉,而且水垢很厉害,看了很多牌子的过滤水的机器,都说不错,但是好象有分净水机,纯水机,软水机,直饮机很多种,请问一下就我家里的情况,只想买一款可 翻译句子What real love can do大家帮忙一下,这句子是什么意思啊,我看了半天都弄不出意思,哦,也有可能是句病句,麻烦大家了,拜托,一定要快哦!