这两段英文是孔子的哪几句文言文To let the Heaven into your heart, to cultivate a conscience so sensitive that it can conceive the rights of the other man, is to know wisdom.To decide specific cases for others he thought was to cause the
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 00:54:03
这两段英文是孔子的哪几句文言文To let the Heaven into your heart, to cultivate a conscience so sensitive that it can conceive the rights of the other man, is to know wisdom.To decide specific cases for others he thought was to cause the
To let the Heaven into your heart, to cultivate a conscience so sensitive that it can conceive the rights of the other man, is to know wisdom.
To decide specific cases for others he thought was to cause them to lose the power of deciding for themselves. When asked what a just man should do when he was dealing with one absolutely unjust, he said, "He who wrongs himself sows in his own heart nettles."
这两段英文是孔子的哪几句文言文To let the Heaven into your heart, to cultivate a conscience so sensitive that it can conceive the rights of the other man, is to know wisdom.To decide specific cases for others he thought was to cause the