
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/06 21:11:07


AROUND 2:28 pm on Monday,Zhu Qi had his first brush with terror.He’d been awakened from an afternoon nap.His bunk was shaking.The door to his dormitory room was jammed shut.When Zhu,a postgrad at Chengdu University of Technology,managed to join his classmates outside,the earth had stopped moving.But the damage had been done.
At area universities,students had fled dorms and classrooms with the clothes on their back.But at least they were alive.Only 96 kilometers away in Wenchuan County,thousands of people,young and old,were buried in rubble.
The 7.8-magnitude quake had devastated a region of small cities and towns set amid the steep and forested hills of northwestern Sichuan.The quake is China’s worst in three decades.The full reach of the damage has yet to be determined.By press time,around 12,000 people were dead.
Some 1,300 rescue and relief troops arrived for the first time at Wenchuan County on Tuesday.
Li Fuhang,a junior at the Chengdu Institute of Sichuan International Studies University (CISISU),could only think of his parents at home in Dujiangyan County.Shortly after the quake,he tried to call them.He couldn’t get through.Fearing the worst,he logged onto QQ,where he learned that his parents had been spared.
His father had been traveling and was 800km from Chengdu.His mom was picking up his cousin from a school in Dujiangyan when she felt the quake and watched as buildings around her began to collapse.
“We chatted briefly,” said Li.“I haven’t heard from them since,but I feel good.I feel like I have been saved from hell.”
Other students are still awaiting news of loved ones who lived near the quake’s epicenter.Wen Zao,an advisor at CISISU,said the school is doing its best to ease their anxiety.
“The advisors have talked to each of them and asked about their family situations,” she said.“We’re helping them contact their families to relieve their worries.”
Meanwhile,students all over the region are waiting to find out what the immediate future will hold.On Tuesday,the Ministry of Education asked schools and universities to adjust their teaching schedules in light of the disaster.By press time,these revised schedules had not been announced.
“Last night,at our university,20,000 students spent the night on the pitch,” said Zhu,the grad student who was awakened from his afternoon nap.“We don’t want to do it another night,because it is still raining here.”
He admits that he has a lot more to be thankful for than some people.“I feel bad.I heard that more than 10,000 have been killed and that the number keeps growing.
“I have been to Wenchuan before,the people there are nice and friendly,I feel sad…” he said,his voice trailing off into silence.

初中生地震英文作文,截止到明天上午8点! 英语翻译关于北京绿之都建筑节能环保技术研究所生态建筑联谊会项目资金使用管理情况专项审核报告回答者:俞敏娜 ,答案为软件翻译,请别伤我心成不?截止到明天上午8点,没有合适答案 长颈鹿吃什么截止到明天6点之前, 明天考概率论了,上午8点到10点,我会发高悬赏来解题, 英语作文 纸制字典和电子字典的优缺点我要英文的,截止到5号中午12点 截止到明天晚上.求高手翻译一篇英文.麻烦快点. 英语翻译为什么是-推迟到明天上午10点开,而不是-需要开到明天上午10点。 截止到此刻四川地震伤亡人数? 最好当天上午回答 问题截止到中午 急求原创、创文作文两篇、800字以上、截止日期是7月8号上午交到一定要原创作文、800字以上、悬赏分作文到后还有、、、创文、是关于创建文明城市、、最好就是议论文 我因音乐而快乐 作文8点截止! 关于二次函数的 截止到明天早上5点~求2x(x-1)平方+4=0 2013,我希望急,越快越好给分越高!截止到明天中午12点!抓紧咯适度提高悬赏 他将在明天上午九点准备就绪 翻译为英文 英语作文求助,要求六级水平~Women Are Becoming More Independent Nowadays200字左右.希望我运气好,因为明天早上就交...所以截止提问到今晚凌晨1点…… 身边有的事使你高兴、愉快等,也有的使你难过、惭愧等.什么的一件事,作文200字,只能截止到明天下午1点30左右. 英语过去式作文越多越好,要有翻译的速度,截止到5月4日11点 初中生关于玉树地震的英语作文