
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/22 14:56:29


英语中有句谚语:“Every cloud has its silver lining”,意思是每片云都有它的银色衬里,也就是说事物总有好有坏.的确,在同学们相处的过程中间也会有闹别扭的情况出现,但大家最终还是又言归于好,并且友谊不但没有减弱反而增进了.整个班级其乐融融,不信就请来我们班做客吧!
取得了这些成绩,同学们都很感激给予我们帮助和关心的所有老师们,我们深知没有他们的努力我们不会取得现在 的成绩.我们将会再接再厉,继续迈出坚实的脚步,谱写青春之曲,为我们院为工大增添光彩.
Our class is composed of 30 members,23 of them are girls.Everyone from the acquaintance to acquaintance,like brothers and sisters of fraternity and mutual assistance.We study,work,stepping solid pace and actively develop their own life.There is a saying in English:" Every cloud has its silver lining",meaning every cloud has a silver lining in it,that is to say the thing always has good and bad.Indeed,in the middle of his classmates process will be difficult circumstances,but they eventually make it up with sb.Again,and instead of reduced promote friendship.The whole class enjoyable,not on the letter please come to our class and be our guest!Given these achievements,the students are very grateful to give us help and concern to all the teachers,we know that without their efforts we would not have made the score now.We will make persistent efforts,continue to step solid pace,compose the song of youth,as we add luster for engineering academy.