
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 17:32:20


是不是拼写错误“drainage sewage”应该污水排水系统吧


drainage sewage :排污系统

drainage Drainage membrane drainage是什么意思啊 drainage structure是什么意思 英语翻译plumbing and drainage installation a drainage system.其中drainage和system这俩词都是名词 为什么可以连在一起?名词前面不是形容词吗?何况这两个名词间无连字符 所以不能视为合成词呀!这样行不:a system of drainage? proper drainage away from each of the weighing modules 怎么译呢proper drainage away from 后边是每个称重模组 英语翻译1.Inorganization drainage will adopted with yard drainage of rainwater.2.For current status,main transformer do not set extinguishing equipment,each transformer will be provided trolley type dry powder fire extinguisher.3.As per design st the city was even equipped with a drainage system这句话里的with是什么用法 直接改成the city was even equipped a drainage system不可以吗? 英语单词后缀drain“排水”后面加上-age就变成了drainage“排水系统”的意思.请对-age这个后缀讲解. 此句句子成分分析,The city was even equipped with a drainage system,for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. 英语翻译The kinds of rocks on which the streams are developed,the structural pattern of the faults,and uplift will usually determine a drainage system. 英语翻译原文:某私企职中宿舍楼给排水及消防工程翻译:Water supply and drainage and fire protection engineering for a dormitory of vocational secondary education of a private enterprise 英语翻译要翻译内容为:某22层广电中心教育大厦建筑建筑给排水设计直译如下:A 22-storey building to the Radio and Television Center Education Building Drainage Design State-of-the-art.这句怎么翻译合适?是一篇文章的标题.State-of-the-art permeability determination from well logs to predict drainage capillary water saturation in classic rocks. 英语翻译Suturing of the drainage material may be necessary to maintain its position so that the wound remains saucerized.This procedure pertains to both intraoral and extraoral wound dressings.The retention of dressings that maintain saucerizatio 求助几篇期刊杂志的英文简写格式大家帮忙看一下下面几篇期刊杂志,求他们的英文简写格式!高电压技术High Voltage Engineering排灌机械Drainage and Irrigation Machinery内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版)Journa 英语翻译1.Floods disrupt normal drainage system in cities and typically overwhelm sewer systems.Thus,raw or partially raw sewage spills are common in flooded area.Additionally,(if the flood is severe enough),destruction of building( that ca