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Pop music,in popular and contemporary parlance,is a subgenre of popular music.Since the term spans many rock,hip hop,rhythm and blues (R&B),country,dance and operatic pop acts,it is reasonable to say that "pop music" is a loosely defined category.The term is also used in a derogatory manner by those who feel that pop acts lack any musically artistic meaning,or in lack of better terminology,represent a "betrayal" away from the traditional sound of either the act themselves or the specific genre to which the act belongs.
Pop music is generally described as very commercial friendly,marketable and memorable,with either vocals,lyrics,instruments,or a combination of all three creating catchy choruses or verses.Pop music is also known for its ability to attract listeners through its versatile sound since it pulls from a plethora of musical influences.It can be also fair to say that pop music is predominantly image driven,especially through the subject matter of the lyrics,live performances,music videos,and other forms of exposure which makes it favourable and unfavourable to whoever is the listener.
In modern times (increasingly over the last half-century; most notably since the start of the 2000's),this genre's immense success as a commercial product has,ironically,led to even more commercialization within the music itself,with "artists" being drawn in by companies for their appearance,dancing ability and vocal competence; and being provided with an image,choreography,and most importantly complete songs by veterans working for the record company.Some notable examples include Swedish songwriter Max Martin's having crafted most hit songs by pop acts such as Britney Spears and The Backstreet Boys,and the pop boy band O-Town having been created as an MTV show.This technique for creating music is massively effective commercially for several apparent reasons.It is adept at targeting specific demographics among young people,since songs are written with that purpose in mind by talented professionals,and images crafted similarly.Also,by sticking to a straight-forward formula and format,it is able to produce a consistent,predictable,and marketable product.That ability is only aided,naturally,by the vastly reduced output of the artists preventing companies' dependency on their eccentricities and whims.On the other hand,that reduced role for the artist,especially in the creative area,has always drawn harsh criticism from music fans who are painfully aware of its lack of substance.A music production method completely opposite to that of pop music is that of indie music,where record labels are small,vastly dependent on their few artists,and run by young entrepreneurs rather than corporate veterans.Indie artists,in turn,are in no way image driven,not widely marketed (often because of the label's financial constraints),and are almost universally of organic origins rather than having been assembled by their label.Many new artists turn to small indie labels since their reduced marketability makes them an unpopular choice with major labels.

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