
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 15:18:19


The eyes lotus is a magical power in the Buddha pupil an of the eyes Jian lotus, eyes lotus is since filial piety have much of again mercy the person of the heart, since the childhood sincerity to the Fo, afterwards house be monk, his devotion Xi Fo, practice moral teachings gradual profound, even have the ability of magical power eye.
Because once remembered the mother of a life time, he with the magical power see its mother because of at a life time of greedy thought industry report, clay-cold depravity at of devil way, lead the Zhao eat not satisfied of life, is suffering the torture that the hungry ghost hang upside down in the hell.
The eyes Jian lotus Wu is an all sorts of hardship to rush through to hell, the divine power which use him become food, fill bowl with rice by Bo to allay one's hunger for mother, but it mother don't change greedy thought, see a food arrival, deep afraid the other devil rob food, greedy thought food arrive she neutral namely become ember, can't bottom swallow.
Eyes Jian although the lotus contain magical power, be person's son, can't save its mother, very pain and sufferings, see Zhao oneself of the mother be endure long hardship, heart is really pain and sufferings unbearable, then and immediately beg Fo Zu to point out him to rescue mother's escape from the woes, ask how Buddha is is good.
The Buddha say:"Your mother is selfish and mean while was living, don't have a heart, the sin be too deep while was living heavy so would have this kind of retribution.To save her isn't what you a person alone make it.July 15 days is knot the summer nestle to practice moral teachings of the last day, the method be kind to be full of, you have to at July 15 day that very day, is everyplace of the family prepare 100 flavors five fruits and bring up them.So, gathered all monks as a group and many power of absolute being, not only can save you of mother's escape from the woes, bear again soon, can also give relief to the other people's parents, let them also escape from distress."The Fo read aloud for him 《Yu orchid basin through 》, instruct his July 15 make a Yu orchid basin with the fiesta it a mother.

Lin is a disciple of the Buddha head in the supernatural powers of the head the first bullock Venerable Lin, head Lin is a very compassionate and filial piety is the heart of the people, sincerely向佛fr...


Lin is a disciple of the Buddha head in the supernatural powers of the head the first bullock Venerable Lin, head Lin is a very compassionate and filial piety is the heart of the people, sincerely向佛from an early age, and later become a monk when he虔心study Buddhism and practice increasingly profound and even the ability to have a magical eye.
Miss mother died because he used supernatural powers to see his mother alive at the time because of greed earnings, after the death of fall in the evil that lived enough of life, is hell of being hung upside down苦刑hungry.
Lin qianwei head was a lot of hard work went to hell, with his divine power into the food bowl to eat盛饭to the mother, not to greed but his mother saw the arrival of food, fearing food off other evil, greed with the food into her mouth immediately Tan, can not swallow.
Although Lin qianwei Mitac head, as the Son of Man, but can not save his mother, a very painful, to watch their mother by the suffering, the heart is really painful, they immediately seek to rescue the mother of the Buddha pointing his misery, the Buddha to ask what to do.
Buddha said: "Your mother had selfish mean, not good, his sins too much emphasis on the why we have such a retribution. To save her, not you alone to do so. July 15 is the end of summer practice home the last day, France is full of good, you have to July 15 in the same day, the monks prepared for around five fruits Barilla, provide for them. In this way, a collection of all the monks and the power of the gods, not only can save you the mother of misery , reborn as soon as possible, you can save someone else's parents let them out of misery. "Buddha for his study" by the O-bon, "he asked in July for 15 O-bon Festival in their home.


Lin is a disciple of the Buddha head in the supthe head the first bullock Venerable Lin, head Lin is a very compassionate and filil piety is the heart of the peple, sincerely向佛from an early age, and l...


Lin is a disciple of the Buddha head in the supthe head the first bullock Venerable Lin, head Lin is a very compassionate and filil piety is the heart of the peple, sincerely向佛from an early age, and later become a monkwhen he虔心study Buddhism and practice increasingly profound and even the , after the death of fall in the evil that lid enough of life is hell of being hung upside down苦刑hungry
Lin qianwei head was a lot of hard work went to hell, with his divine power into the food bowl to eat盛饭to the mother, not to greed but his mother saw the arrival of food, fearing food off other evil, greed with the food into her mouth immediately Tan, can not swallow.
Although Lin qianwei Mitac head, as the Son of Man, but can not save his mother, a very painful, to watch their mother by the suffering, the heart is really painful, they immediately seek to rescue the mother of the Buddha pointing his misery, the Buddha to ask what.
Buddha said: "Your mother had selfish mean, not good, his sins too much emphasis on the why we have such a retribution. To save her, not you alone to do so. July 15 is the end of summer practice home the last day, France is full of good, you have to July 15 in the same day, the monks prepared for around five fruits Barilla, provide for them. In this way, a collection of all the monks and the power of the gods, not only can save you the mother of misery , reborn as soon as possible, you can save someone else's parents let them out of misery. "Buddha for his study" by the O-bon, "he asked in July for 15 O-bon Festival in their home.


Eyes is the disciple of Buddha) magical first in the 犍 Lotus founder, both eyes is a dutiful great compassion for people, who sincerely to the Buddha, later became a Monk Monk, he became a Godly heart...


Eyes is the disciple of Buddha) magical first in the 犍 Lotus founder, both eyes is a dutiful great compassion for people, who sincerely to the Buddha, later became a Monk Monk, he became a Godly heart acquisition under the Buddha, spiritual practice increasingly well educated, and even have the ability of Shen Tong eyes. Because i miss her mother, he was using miracle powers saw his mother because of the gamblers live in karma, death of the fallen in the goblins road, live a life of food, is hell suffered the bitter hungry ghosts from misery. Subhead 犍 Lotus impelled by arriving in the heading to hell, using his superpower into food, to Bowl and hinted to mothers during the famine, but his mother not greediness, see food coming, fearing another goblins ferocious, greediness food into her mouth immediately into Fo Tan, unable to swallow. Although the watchlist 犍 Lotus mystical powers, as a child, but save his mother, a very painful, look in his own mother motherfucker, heart really agonizing, once begged Buddha pointing to his rescue mother misery, consult the Buddha. The Buddha says: “ you mother selfish mean, not charity, the deceased had so troubled iniquity too will have this kind of retribution.To save her, not you alone.July 15 is being spiritual summer peacefully in a knot at the last day, the goodness of the full, your method must be in the July 15 on the day, as parts of a monk ready Potpourri five fruits, provide for them.This way, collection of all monks and the power of gods, not only could save your mother misery, early on Earth, or you can rescue someone else's parents, let them also affliction.Nien ” Buddha to his basin of the Yu LAN), 15 July and charged him for Yu LAN basin to sacrifice their mother.


Lin is a disciple of the Buddha head in the supernatural powers of the head the first bullock Venerable Lin, head Lin is a very compassionate and filial piety is the heart of the people, sincerely向佛fr...


Lin is a disciple of the Buddha head in the supernatural powers of the head the first bullock Venerable Lin, head Lin is a very compassionate and filial piety is the heart of the people, sincerely向佛from an early age, and later become a monk when he虔心study Buddhism and practice increasingly profound and even the ability to have a magical eye.
因为惦念过世的母亲,他用神通看到其母因在世时的贪念业报,死后堕落在的恶鬼道,过著吃不饱的生活,正在地狱里遭受饿鬼倒悬的苦刑。 Miss mother died because he used supernatural powers to see his mother alive at the time because of greed earnings, after the death of fall in the evil that lived enough of life, is hell of being hung upside down苦刑hungry.
目犍莲於是千辛万苦赶往地狱,用他的神力化成食物,以钵盛饭给母亲充饥,但其母不改贪念,见到食物到来,深怕其他恶鬼抢食,贪念一起食物到她口中立即化成火炭,无法下咽。 Lin qianwei head was a lot of hard work went to hell, with his divine power into the food bowl to eat盛饭to the mother, not to greed but his mother saw the arrival of food, fearing food off other evil, greed with the food into her mouth immediately Tan, can not swallow.
目犍莲虽有神通,身为人子,却救不了其母,十分痛苦,看著自己的母亲受煎熬,内心真是痛苦不堪,便立刻求佛祖指点他营救母亲脱离苦海,请教佛陀如何是好。 Although Lin qianwei Mitac head, as the Son of Man, but can not save his mother, a very painful, to watch their mother by the suffering, the heart is really painful, they immediately seek to rescue the mother of the Buddha pointing his misery, the Buddha to ask what to do.
佛陀说:“你母亲生前自私刻薄,不做善事,生前罪孽太深重了所以才会有这种报应。要救她,不是你独自一人办得到的。七月十五日是结夏安居修行的最后一日,法善充满,你必须在七月十五日当天,为各地的出家人准备百味五果,供养他们。这样,集合了所有僧侣及众神的威力,不但可以救你的母亲脱离苦海,早日投胎,也可以解救别人的父母,让他们也脱离苦难。”佛为他念《盂兰盆经》,嘱咐他七月十五作盂兰盆以祭其母。 Buddha said: "Your mother had selfish mean, not good, his sins too much emphasis on the why we have such a retribution. To save her, not you alone to do so. July 15 is the end of summer practice home the last day, France is full of good, you have to July 15 in the same day, the monks prepared for around five fruits Barilla, provide for them. In this way, a collection of all the monks and the power of the gods, not only can save you the mother of misery , reborn as soon as possible, you can save someone else's parents let them out of misery. "Buddha for his study" by the O-bon, "he asked in July for 15 O-bon Festival in their home.


英语翻译目莲是佛陀弟子中神通第一的目犍莲尊者,目莲是个既孝顺又很有慈悲心的人,从小就诚心向佛,后来出家当了和尚,他虔心习佛,修行日渐高深,甚至具有神通眼的能力.因为惦念过世的母 有什么佛教的书吗?希望主要是或包含了佛教传播人 佛陀或其他弟子的一些事迹 经历的那一类书 弟子规第一句的意思是? 归元寺第234签,悔过原为进步时,认错不失真君子;安得为霍良将在,家乡青山映翠池;是利婆弥尊者五百罗汉第貮佰叁拾肆尊利婆弥尊者,又作香樟婆提。佛陀十大弟子之一。目犍连的弟子。 孔子弟子中做官的弟子谁的官职最大? 英语翻译《如来弟子》这篇文章的。原文开头是:张玄之、顾敷是顾和中外孙。 醉西游答题活动,“中神通”指的是谁?正确答案是什么? 看看下面作文应该从哪方面立意一个佛陀在旅途中,碰到一个不喜欢他的人.连续好几天,好长一段路,那人用尽各种办法污蔑佛陀.最后,佛陀转身问那人:“若有人送你一份礼物,但你拒绝接受, 弟子规中关于孝敬父母的句子 弟子规中关于时间的句子 弟子规中孝敬父母的句子是什么? 弟子规中关于安全的句子 弟子规中 信 讲的是什么 《弟子规》中知未的读音 神通乡巴佬阐述的什么道理 佛陀告知我们的宇宙人生真相是什么 佛指舍利英语怎么说佛陀的指骨舍利 尘归尘,土归土来自西方的圣经还是佛陀?