懂雅思的来 100分!求写这篇表格TASK 1 给我看下 6~6.不要太高端的词汇 让我看下条理 .

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 18:00:46
懂雅思的来100分!求写这篇表格TASK1给我看下6~6.不要太高端的词汇让我看下条理.懂雅思的来100分!求写这篇表格TASK1给我看下 6~6.不要太高端的词汇 让我看下条理.

懂雅思的来 100分!求写这篇表格TASK 1 给我看下 6~6.不要太高端的词汇 让我看下条理 .
懂雅思的来 100分!
求写这篇表格TASK 1 给我看下  6~6.不要太高端的词汇  让我看下条理 .

懂雅思的来 100分!求写这篇表格TASK 1 给我看下 6~6.不要太高端的词汇 让我看下条理 .
From the given table ,we can see Australia's nursing employment and the its changes between
the year1987 and 2001 as well the total workforce within this period.
As is shown in the table,the Employment number of Director of nursing increased 30% between the year 1987 and 2001 ,from 4,000 to 5,200 while all the other numbers decreased during this period,of which the number of Junior nurses fell most,minus28%,28,000 in 2001 compared with
the number 39,000 in 1987,next to it ,the number of Senor nurses ,minus 20% and Assistant nurses decreased least,minus 4%.Compared with the workforce in other fields ,the total nurse employment fell 10% during the same period,although the total workforce increased 37%,from 2,728,000 to3,738,000 in the same period .

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