
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 01:21:55


Primary depression,also known as depressive disorder,is characterized by persistent low mood symptoms of neurological disorder,often accompanied by anxiety,physical discomfort and sleep disturbance,is a kind of common mental disorders.In all mental disorders,the highest prevalence of depressive disorders,accounting for 10.4% of all mental disorders,and with the pace of life speeds up,increasing the pressure on the people,the prevalence of the disease showed increased year by year trend.Paroxetine in the treatment of depression with acupuncture or positive effects,but acupuncture and paroxetine in the treatment of depression reported was small,and the lack of treatment follow-up observation of the situation.In this study,acupuncture and paroxetine in 30 patients with primary depression treatment,treatment period of 6 weeks,4 weeks after the end of treatment follow-up 1.Combined acupuncture can effectively improve depressive symptoms paroxetine,worthy to be popularized.However,the synergy of acupuncture and paroxetine and its mechanism requires further study

Primary depression, also known as depressive disorder, is characterized by persistent low mood symptoms of neurological disorder, often accompanied by anxiety, physical discomfort and sleep disturbanc...


Primary depression, also known as depressive disorder, is characterized by persistent low mood symptoms of neurological disorder, often accompanied by anxiety, physical discomfort and sleep disturbance, is a kind of common mental disorders. In all mental disorders, the highest prevalence of depressive disorders, accounting for 10.4% of all mental disorders, and with the pace of life speeds up, increasing the pressure on the people, the prevalence of the disease showed increased year by year trend. Paroxetine in the treatment of depression with acupuncture or positive effects, but acupuncture and paroxetine in the treatment of depression reported was small, and the lack of treatment follow-up observation of the situation. In this study, acupuncture and paroxetine in 30 patients with primary depression treatment, treatment period of 6 weeks, 4 weeks after the end of treatment follow-up 1. Combined acupuncture can effectively improve depressive symptoms paroxetine, worthy to be popularized. However, the synergy of acupuncture and paroxetine and their mechanisms of action, needed further study.


Primary depression, and said, is depressive disorders persistent low mood for neurologic symptoms of anxiety and obstacles, often accompany body unwell and sleep disorders, is a kind of common mental ...


Primary depression, and said, is depressive disorders persistent low mood for neurologic symptoms of anxiety and obstacles, often accompany body unwell and sleep disorders, is a kind of common mental disorders. In all, the prealence of depression in the mental disorders, accounted for all of mental disorders, and with 10.4% life rhythm, people more and more pressure, the incidence of the disease present increased year trend. Acupuncture or paroxetine for the treatment of depression, but definitely acupuncture combined paroxetine for the treatment of depression is less, and lack of reports after treatment were observed. This study adopts acupuncture combined paroxetine for 30 cases of primary depressed patients treated for six weeks, the treatment cycle, 4 weeks after treatment were 1 times. Acupuncture combined paroxetine can effectively improve the clinical symptoms of depression, and promotion. However, acupuncture and paroxetine synergy and its mechanism, still need further research.




翻译:Primary depression, also known as depressive disorder, is characterized by persistent low mood symptoms of neurological disorder, often accompanied by anxiety, physical discomfort and sleep disturbance, is a kind of common mental disorders. In all mental disorders, the highest prevalence of depressive disorders, accounting for 10.4% of all mental disorders, and with the pace of life speeds up, increasing the pressure on the people, the prevalence of the disease showed increased year by year trend. Paroxetine in the treatment of depression with acupuncture or positive effects, but acupuncture and paroxetine in the treatment of depression reported was small, and the lack of treatment follow-up observation of the situation. In this study, acupuncture and paroxetine in 30 patients with primary depression treatment, treatment period of 6 weeks, 4 weeks after the end of treatment follow-up 1. Combined acupuncture can effectively improve depressive symptoms paroxetine, worthy to be popularized. However, the synergy of acupuncture and paroxetine and their mechanisms of action, needed further study.


英语翻译原发性抑郁症,又称抑郁障碍,是以持久的心境低落为特征的神经症状性障碍,常伴有焦虑、躯体不适和睡眠障碍,是一类常见的精神障碍.在所有精神障碍中,抑郁症患病率最高,占所有精 英语翻译自卑情结,寄养,家庭教育,多愁,抑郁 巧克力的功效都说巧克力能缓解抑郁,对抑郁症患者有很大帮助.但巧克力有可可脂和代可可脂之分,也就是好坏之分,它们缓解抑郁的功效相同么? 英语翻译……的障碍 吃抑郁症药物后感觉思维迟钝我今年15岁,2007年末开始有轻度抑郁,2009年1月变为重度抑郁,开始吃百优解和再普乐.吃完后感觉思维比抑郁症加重之前更迟缓.医生也说我还小,只让我每天服半片 得过抑郁症会影响智商吗20岁 15岁左右得的 很严重 5年多了 会导致智商或者情商下降吗 如果抑郁彻底好了 会提高吗 大脑会恢复吗 英语翻译交际法 (The Communicative Approach)又称功能法(The Functional Approach)或功能—意念法(The Functional—notional Approach),是以社会语言学和功能语言学为理论基础,注重培养交际能力的外语教学法, 英语翻译又称胶棒主要是用来密封的作用 英文翻译:抑郁症患者 阳光抑郁症英文怎么说 重度抑郁症的英文 英语翻译冲破障碍,到达终点英语怎么翻译?要准确! 难治性精神分裂能手术吗【精神分裂】病情描述(发病时间、主要症状、就诊医院等):5年病史,反复住院四次.开始抑郁,情感障碍,幻听妄想偏执防火持刀打人曾经治疗情况和效果:开始吃 英语翻译是以E开头的! 英语翻译主要意思是以老带新 具体情况不说了,我有抑郁症,吃了一些抗抑郁药,一个是不管用,再一个考虑副作用,所以自己买了5-羟色胺酸(5-HTP),我今年17岁(这是个重点).请看,我想知道我能不能吃?上面写不打算18岁一 英语翻译伊拉克战争又称美伊战争,2003年3月20日爆发.是以美国和英国为主的联合部队在未经联合国授权下正式宣布对伊拉克开战.英国伊战前已掌握伊拉克无大规模杀伤性武器,但是布莱尔是 英语翻译麻烦大神翻译下面这段 口语就行.调查问卷又称调查表或询问表,是以问题的形式系统地记载调查内容的一种印件.问卷可以是表格式、卡片式或簿记式.设计问卷,是询问调查的关键.完