
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/04 01:14:06


On the credit card industry development model] is a modern market economy, commercial banks in the main body of the financial system, in a country's economy plays an important role. Since reform and opening, China's increasing number of commercial banks, have been expanding. After joining the WTO, China's financial sector reform and opening up the breadth and depth of a qualitative change, which gives China's commercial banks to speed up development and a good opportunity to participate in international competition, it also brings greater challenges. In response to competitive challenges from home and abroad, commercial banks have conducted a joint-stock reform, to build a standardized corporate governance structure, the introduction of advanced management concept of commercial banks, in order to narrow the gap with the advanced international banks to improve competitiveness and laid a solid core the foundation. At the same time promote the development of information technology, commercial banking and financial product innovation and business environment changes, along with new business and new products appear and the transformation of traditional business and products, commercial banks continue to expand business, increase product variety, service increasing function of the banking industry more and more obvious features of the intellectual-intensive, commercial banks, a new trend for a higher quality of employees in the requirements. Commercial Bank of competition embodied in products, services, competitiveness and ability to resist risks, competition among commercial banks, the final analysis, talent competition. This paper discusses the development of Chinese business credit card current problems, such as target market issues, risk management, human resource management issues. That the development of China's credit card business to have a good development environment, to transform their operational mechanism in time, change management concepts; credit card business with the Chinese development of a virtuous cycle. Key words: commercial banking, credit cards, the market, the problem

英语翻译[论我国信用卡产业发展模式]商业银行是现代市场经济中金融体系的主体,在一国的经济运行中发挥着重要作用.改革开放以来,我国商业银行的数量不断增加,规模不断扩大.加入世贸组 英语翻译电子商务是我国未来商业发展的主要模式,而中小企业是我国经济活动中不可或缺的部分,因此大力发展中小企业的电子商务将会很大程度上带动我国经济的发展.电子商务可以帮助企 我国为什么要发展新能源产业? 我国民族产业发展现状怎样? 唐宋时期我国产业发展的特点 论述我国发展劳动密集型产业的利弊 什么是官僚、地主、商人三位一体商业发展模式 什么官僚地主和商人三位一体的商业发展模式 我国电子商务未来发展的主要模式 英语翻译信用卡 英语翻译本文通过对我国电子商务发展模式的分析,讨论电子商务对我国传统贸易模式创新的影响及未来外国国际贸易的发展方向. 英语翻译2009 年 6 月,国务院发布《促进生物产业加快发展的若干政策》 ,要求将生物产业培育 成为我国高技术领域的支柱产业,大力发展现代生物产业.该政策的颁布,标志着中国的生物产业已 英语翻译我国近年来在软件服务外包产业有较快发展,但是与印度软件外包产业还有很大差距.本文通过与印度在软件外包产业结构、产业总额、软件市场空间差异、企业规模差异等方面进行 我国政府为什么要加快发展节能环保产业 用哲学发展观点说明我国彩电产业任重道远. 我国为什么如此重视发展绿色产业和绿色经济 促进我国高科产业发展有哪些措施? 发展绿色产业和绿色经济我国实行哪些国策