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牛存节,字赞正,青州博曷人.曾经在河阳诸葛爽手下做事,诸葛爽死后,牛存节对他的同伙说:“天下喧扰纷争,应当选择真正的英雄投靠他.”于是,带领同伙十令人投奔梁大祖.牛存节为人质朴、倔强、忠厚、谨慎,粱大祖非常喜欢他,赐给他名字,让他担任小校.张旺攻打汴州,牛存节带兵攻下了他的两个营寨.梁军攻打濮州,战领了南边的刘桥、范县,牛存节的功劳很大.亭罕之把张全义围困在河阳,张全义请求梁太祖出兵援助,梁太祖因为牛存节曾经在河阳做过事,熟悉河阳的小道,派他带兵作为前锋.当时,正处于荒年,军队行进中缺少粮食,牛存节用钱买来老百姓的干桑葚给士兵充饥,击走了李罕之的军队.粱兵攻打郓城,牛存节让都将王言藏在郓城西北角壕沟中的船中,约定正午时分渡过护城河攻打郸城.刚好梁营中起了火,郓城的士兵登上城墙看火,都说有伏兵不敢动,王言没有按约定的时间与牛存节同时行动,牛存节独自攻破郸城西门,夺取河上的吊桥,梁兵得以攻进去,于是就打败了殊宣.殊瑾遣到吴国,召集吴国的军队徐、宿二州.牛存节分析说:“吴兵一定不会先攻打宿州,然而宿州壕沟城垒一向坚固,足可以抵御敌人.”于是牛存节带兵急忙赶赴徐州,等到他们接近徐州城下,殊瑾的军队才到,看到梁军扬起的尘土,大惊说:“梁军已经到了,他们是多么的迅速啊!”没有攻城就走了.不久,梁大祖派使者到了,坟予牛存节军机一职,梁大祖的看法都与牛存节的相吻合,从此各位将领更加佩服牛存节的才能.后来升迁担任潞州都指挥使.粱太祖攻打凤翔,派人招牛存节前往.牛存节担任将领,法令严明整齐,并且深的士兵的拥护,前来送行的潞州无不大哭. 梁大祖即位后,授予牛存节右千千卫上将军.随从康怀英攻打潞州,担任行营排阵使.晋军攻下了夹城,牛存节等人带领剩余的士兵回去,行进到天井关,听到昔兵要攻打泽卅,牛存节回头对各位将领说:“我们虽然没有接到命令去支援泽州,但泽州是要害之地,不能失去.”各位将领都不同意救泽州.牛存节务求士兵好好地休息,木久对他们说:“事情紧急而不前去支援,哪里.称得上是勇敢呢?”于是举起马鞭冲在前面,士卒都跟随其后.他们到了泽州后,泽州城的人已烧毁了外城,准备投降晋国,听到牛存节带人来援助,人心才稍稍安定下来.牛存节进入城后,帮助泽州城的人防守泽州城,晋国的士兵想挖地道采攻破泽州城,牛存节选派数十名勇士,也挖地道对抗,双方在地道中交战,晋人进不了城,于是就解围而去.同州叛变梁国,逃到凤翔去了,梁大祖任命牛存节为匡国军节度使.珠友谦投降了晋国,同西面的凤翔连成了一体,牛存节东西两面遭受夹击.同州的水都是咸的,又没有水井,刘知俄叛变梁田,是因为缺水喝不能坚守才逃走的,所以,殊友谦与吱兵包围同州很久,想让牛存节因饥渴而军心涣散.牛弄节祈祷上天,井挖了八十口井,井水都是甘甜可以喝的,珠友谦最终没有攻下同州.蒋殷在徐州谋反,末帝派牛存节前去平定丁徐州,因为有功劳而加封大尉.梁、晋两国的军队在黄河上互相对峙,牛存节得了消渴症,而此时梁、晋双方军队正在进行苦战,牛存节忠诚激愤更加突出,整治军队,督促士兵,从不谈自己的病.后来病加重了,末帝招他回京师,临死的时候,对儿予牛知业说:“忠孝,就是我的儿子啊.”没有说别的事.
Cattle-to-deposit section, the word is Chan, Chang Bo Qingzhou people. Zhuge Shuang He Yang in the matter, Shuang single, and keep only the section Gu said: "The world is fury, when the heroes have to do it." Rate is the only person to the Liang Dynasty more than a decade. Day-to-deposit being strong-chung would like to, love Dynasty, thanks to the name, thinking that a small school. Zhang Bian extensions attack, the other broken kept Walled section. Pu Zhou Liang attack, fighting Liuqiao South, Fan Xian, Day-to-deposit more than reactive. Li Zhi Wai Han Zhang Quanyi in Heyang, all soldiers beg for justice in the beam, in order to keep Dynasty section of the story He Yang, know bypass roads to enable soldiers to forward to. When hunger is a year-old, poor line troops food section in order to keep people on Jinbo easy to do in order to eat mulberry army, take the hit of the Han. Gong Wei Dynasty, kept under section Li-Yang Wei, Linhe, Dynasty and will be in yellow.
Yun Liang Bing Gong, so that will keep section Wang boats possession of Xibei Yu Yun Ho, with a view to Japanese soldiers crossing over Kenneth Gilbert of Ji Gong. Camp will be in the fire, people Yun Wang Teng-city fire, made by Fu did not dare move, and kept missing festival period. Day-to-deposit alone Yun-breaking West Gate, seizing its bridge Ho, LIANG Bing get into all that was broken Zhuxuan. Wu Jin Zhu go, Zhao Xu Bing Gong Wu, places. Day-to-deposit plan said: "The soldiers will not Huai Initiative places, but places groove-solid base to the enemies of Islam." Night is urgent items to soldiers in Xuzhou, Xu Fu City, Jin soldiers to the side, looking from the dust, said Jing : "LIANG Bing has come, how fast it is!" Attack can not go. Yier envoy to large progenitors, the awarding military-to-deposit section, and noted the section intended to keep together by the Zhu Jiang is beneficial to their suit. Luzhou Duzhihuishi move. Dynasty Fengxiang attack, so that the call-to-deposit section. In order to keep section, the Act was good and thorough, and people heart and Lu were both sent to boohoo.
Dynasty ascended the throne, and worship right on the General Wei kN. KANG Huai-British attack from Luzhou, in order to make the trip Front row camp. Jinbing folder city has been broken, such as the section in order to keep the YU Bing, the courtyard to Kwan, Wen Jinbing Zezhou attack, the festival kept Gu Zhu Jiang said: "My line is not set down, but the crucial point Ze Zhou, also can not lose. "Zhu Jiang neither of the stronger. Day-to-deposit interest rate familiar ring Shizu, Yier said that: "The urgent thing is not to go, said Qi Yong!" Policy and give first, followed Shizu. Zezhou than to the state have been burning outside the city, Shanxi will drop, it is to keep festival, is set slightly. Day-to-deposit into the city to help people Shou-ze. Jin Point Road in order to attack, the Warriors kept dozens of excerpts also point to be, the war in the tunnel, the enemy can not enter, the solution to Jin.
Liu Zhi, the same rebel-jun, Ben Cheung, is moved to keep the military section Martini Jiedushi. Zhu Jin attached to the disaffection against him, even Fengxiang West, East and West section kept by the enemy. With salt water, and no wells known rebel-Jun Liang, in order to observe and can not go thirsty, so Youqian Qi and soldiers encircled a lasting, weary of trying to use thirst. Day-to-deposit prayer and the choice of 80 drilling, water Gan are edible, but not single Youqian.
Modi-lap, with the increase in book subglottic Pingzhang Shi, the only town the balance. Jiangyin anti-Xuzhou, keep off section of the break to add Tai Yu Gong. Liang, Jin away from the river, Xiao-to-deposit disease section, and Liang Jin side fighting hard, keep section anger indemnity-zhong shock, the military governor with a disability, the disease has not been made. Gram's disease, the response to the capital, Jiang Zu, the language industry know his son said: "One, also Wu Zi." Other than.