
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/26 17:32:14


I have believed that love can make people happy but also timid,ravished but puzzled.I have never thought that the most beautiful part of love is the result.I believe the most sweet part of love is the process starting from the first glance to falling love with each other.I like the poem of love because true love would never cease even one is phycially far away or died.Love has never been simply a personal preference.In my mind,love is like a stream,running quietly and unremittingly,and it will never stop.If it is a mistake that I have fallen in love with you,for me it is indeed a beautiful mistake.(ztlthb)

i have always been thinking that love is something enjoyable but timid, charming but confusing. i can feel that the most beautiful part of love is not the result but the process from the first glance ...


i have always been thinking that love is something enjoyable but timid, charming but confusing. i can feel that the most beautiful part of love is not the result but the process from the first glance to falling love with each other. i like this poetry because nothing can hinder the true love, whatever it is live or death and however the distance it is. Love never shows up as a kind of preference, but like a water flow, quiet but relentless. If i am telling you that falling love with you is a mistake, I hope it is a beautiful mistake at least.


英语翻译我一直认为爱情让人欣慰又胆怯,沉醉又迷惑.我时常觉得爱情最美丽的不是结果,而是从相遇到相恋之间的过程.我最喜欢这首诗是因为无论生死或距离多远都无法将真正相爱得人阻隔 英语翻译我一直认为爱情让人欣慰又胆怯,沉醉又迷惑.我时常觉得爱情最美丽的不是结果,而是从相遇到相恋之间的过程.我最喜欢这首诗是因为无论生死或距离多远都无法将真正相爱得人阻隔 英语翻译一直认为 汉译英:感恩的心,唯有努力才能让人欣慰. 汉译英一句:感恩的心,唯有努力才能让人欣慰. 英语翻译圣诞节又是一年一度的圣诞节,这个圣诞节.我只能在家写作业.这个圣诞节,我过得很不开心,没有礼物.但同学,老师,家人的祝福让我感到欣慰.在今天圣诞节,同学开了个派对.我没有去 亲情让人依赖,友情让人快乐,爱情让人渴望.把这句话用英语翻译出来,呵呵我不会. 英语翻译翻译:真正的爱情绝对不是占有,如果能让你幸福开心,那放弃对我来说又算的了什么! 英语翻译爱情,不但温和了生活的苦,同时又让生活充满了浪漫风情. 如何理解 生命诚可贵,爱情价更高!我一直认为爱情是人生中一件很重要的事,没有爱情的人生绝对不会幸福!真正的爱情是超越一切的 英语翻译:我怎么了?一直做别人的小丑,让别人笑话我一番,我又何尝不感到好笑呢? 美好的事物总是让人向往?爱情也算是美好,为什么很多时候又让人望而却步? 我想要听实际的例子.有意义的回答! 英语翻译我的梦想究竟离我有多远,-是什么,让你一直逃,一直逃,- 胆怯的含义又是什么 不要让细节打败爱情.英语翻译 下雨的天是否会一直哭泣?下雨的天气一直哭泣 ``我会哭泣李宇春的 下雨让我哭泣?爱情就是这样 我一直认为 唯物主义把人都教坏了 英语翻译:我一直认为这门学问没有存在的必要.