英语翻译 马可·波罗(Marco Polo)[1254年~1324年],世界著名的旅行家、商人.1254年生于意大利威尼斯一个商人家庭,也是旅行世家.他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人.马可·波罗17岁时跟

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 14:20:26
英语翻译 马可·波罗(MarcoPolo)[1254年~1324年],世界著名的旅行家、商人.1254年生于意大利威尼斯一个商人家庭,也是旅行世家.他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人.马可·波罗

英语翻译 马可·波罗(Marco Polo)[1254年~1324年],世界著名的旅行家、商人.1254年生于意大利威尼斯一个商人家庭,也是旅行世家.他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人.马可·波罗17岁时跟
 马可·波罗(Marco Polo)[1254年~1324年],世界著名的旅行家、商人.1254年生于意大利威尼斯一个商人家庭,也是旅行世家.他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人.马可·波罗17岁时跟随父亲和叔叔,途经中东,历时四年多来到中国,在中国游历了17年.回国后出了一本《马可·波罗游记》(又名《马可·波罗行记》,《东方闻见录》).记述了他在东方最富有的国家——中国的见闻,激起了欧洲人对东方的热烈向往,对以后新航路的开辟产生了巨大的影响.同时,西方地理学家还根据书中的描述,绘制了早期的“世界地图”.

英语翻译 马可·波罗(Marco Polo)[1254年~1324年],世界著名的旅行家、商人.1254年生于意大利威尼斯一个商人家庭,也是旅行世家.他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人.马可·波罗17岁时跟
Marco polo[1254~1324] was a famous merchant traveler aroud the world.He born in a business family in 1254.His father Niccolo and uncle Maffeo both are merchant travelers.Marco Polo traveled from mid-east to china along with his father and uncle at his 17years old,and this journey takes about 4years.He lived in china more than 17years.He published a famous book - the travels of Marco Polo,in which he described the richest oriental country-China and everything he had seen there.This book made the china as the most attractive country for european and give the european a huge clue to open up a brand new route.At the same time,western geologist draw a first edition of world map according to Marco Polo's book.And this book is the first travel notes in which depict china's history,culture and art clearly by european.Ramusio,an italian collector and geologist in 16 century,was quoted as saying:Maroco Polo finished his travel notes in 1299,few mouth later,you can see this book everywhere in italia.Before the death of Marco Polo in 1324,the travels of Marco Polo had been translated into many european languages.The existing the travels of Marco Polo has about 119 variants in various languages.This book played a significant role in spreading china's culture to european.Western scholar Maurice Collis,who studies Marco Polo,thinks that the travle notes of marco polo is not only a travel notes,it's a irradiative book for uninformed european,this book make a noise in the heart of european.It showed brand new knowledge and different opinion for european,the book's role is that it bring the European an extensive renaissance of Human studies.