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一、 She used to be a history teacher.
【句型介绍】该句句意为她过去是一名历史老师. used to do sth. 表过去经常做某事,暗示现在已不再如此,句中to后接动词原形.只能用于过去时态,并且可用于所有人称.其否定形式为used not to ... 疑问形式为Used you to ... ? Used he to ... ? 等.而在口语中或不太正式的书面语中,否定形式为didn't use to ...,疑问形式为Did you use to ... ? Did he use to ... ? 等.
He doesn't smoke these days, but he used to (somke). 他现在不抽烟,但是他以前抽.
【句式比较】 1. be used to do sth.,被动语态结构,意为被用来做某事,句中to后接动词原形.
This machine can be used to produce juice. 这台机器可以用来做果汁.
2. be / get used to (doing) sth.,习惯于做某事,句中to为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词.
I'm not used to the noisy city life here. 我不习惯这儿喧嚣的城市生活.
Are you used to singing loudly in public places? 你习惯在公共场所高声唱歌吗?
二、 what is worse
【句型介绍】 意思为更糟糕的是,常作为插入语,强调后出现的情况比先出现的情况更糟糕,含有强烈的感情色彩,常可替换成worse than all /ever, to make the matter worse.
It was very dark outside, and what was worse, it began to rain. 外面很暗,而糟糕的是,天开始下雨了.
I started very late, and worse than all, I met with a traffic jam. 我出发得很迟,更糟糕的是,又遇到了交通阻塞.
【句式比较】 1. what's more,更何况,强调后出现的情况程度远远超过先出现的情况.
I'm not afraid of it, because I work hard, and what's more, many friends will help me. 这一点我并不害怕,因为我工作很努力,更何况许多朋友会帮我.
2. besides也有更何况之意,其用法与what's more相同.
I'm sure he will be fired, because he has been late so many times, and besides he has caused so much loss to our company. 我确信他肯定会被解雇,因为他迟到了这么多次,更何况他给我们公司造成了这么多损失.
【特别提醒】 通过语境区分各句型.
三、 We're having a family meeting.
【句型介绍】该句句意为我们要开一个家庭会议, are having从结构上看是现在进行时态,但它表达的是将来时态.在口语中come, go, fly, leave, move, travel等表位置移动的动词常用现在进行时表示一般将来时态.
I'm leaving for Shanghai next Monday. 我下周一要去上海.
He's moving into a new house tomorrow. 他明天要搬进新房去.
The boy's father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by telegraph.
【句型介绍】该句中so ... that ... 表示如此.以致.,引导结果状语从句,so后面接形容词、副词原级.
She is so beautiful that many people like her. 她长得很漂亮,许多人都喜欢她.
so 有时出现在以that 引导的从句中表示非常的意思,如课本中出现的I'm so happy that you could come to England with us for the holidays.
1. such ... that ...,如此.以致.,引导结果状语从句,such后面接名词顺序为such + a / an + adj. + n., 而so 修饰时为 so + adj. + a / an + n..
It was such a wonderful film that I saw it many times. (It was so wonderful a film that I saw it many times.) 这场电影如此精彩以致于我看了很多遍.
It was such good news that he felt very excited at it. 这个消息很好,听到之后他感到很激动.
2. so that,意为以便.时,引导目的状语从句,此时so that前面没有逗号,后面常出现may, can等情态动词;意为结果.时,引导结果状语从句,此时so that前面常有逗号.
He started very early so that he could get there in time. 他出发得很早以便能及时到达那里.
【特别提醒】 着重从结构、逻辑、标点符号、习惯搭配等角度区分这些句型.
It's made of bamboo and animal's hair.
【句型介绍】 该句中be made of 表示由.制成,从成品中看得出原材料, 后面接材料.
This cup is made of paper. 这个杯子是由纸做的.
Those chairs are made of steel. 那些椅子是钢做的.
1. be made from,由.制成,从成品中看不出原材料, 后面也接材料.
Bread is made from flour. 面包是由面粉做的.
2. be made in,由某地制造,后接产地.
This kind of car is made in Shanghai. 这种小汽车是上海造的.
Bikes can be made in our city. 我市能生产自行车.
3. be made into,.制成了.
Class is made into bottles. 玻璃可制成瓶子.
4. be made by, 由某人制造,后接生产者.
The coat is made by Miss Wang at home. 这件外衣是由王小姐在家里做的.
5. be made up of, 由.组成, 指某物或某组织由某种成分或成员组成.
This TV set is made up of hundreds of different parts. 这台电视机是由数百个不同的零件组装成的.
一、It seems that ...
[句型介绍] 意为似乎是.;看起来好像.,it为形式主语,that后引导的从句为真正主语.
It seems that they are talking about something.似乎他们在谈论什么.
[比较] seem to do sth.似乎在做.
He seems to be a clever boy.他看起来像个聪明的男孩.
二、make one's way
[句型介绍] 意为一路前进;向前.
The soldiers made their way in the thick snow.战士们在厚厚的雪地上前进.
The firemen are making their way out of the burning house. 消防队员们正从燃烧的房子里冲出来.
[比较] feel one's way 摸索着前进;lose one's way 迷路;push one's way 挤着前进;fight one's way杀出一条路.
It was very dark outside, so he had to feel his way.外面很暗,所以他不得不摸索着前进.
The child lost his way at the cinema and with the help of the policeman he found his way to go home. 这个小孩儿在电影院迷路了,在警察的帮助下他找到了回家的路.
There were so many people at the station that they had to push their way. 火车站的人真多,他们不得不挤着前进.
The soldiers fought their way out of the enemy's encirclement. 战士们从敌人的包围圈中杀出了一条路.
三、on one's way to
[句型介绍] 意为在某人去某地的途中,one's也可换成the,to后面接地点名词,若地点为副词,应省to.
On his / the way to Beijing, he found a secret. 在去北京途中他发现了一个秘密.
She met with a traffic accident on her / the way home.回家途中她遭遇了车祸.
[比较] on one's way from ... to ...在某人从.到.途中
On my / the way home, I picked up a wallet. 回家路上,我拾到了一只皮夹子.
On their / the way from Shanghai to Beijing, they discussed this matter. 在从上海到北京的途中,他们讨论了这个问题.
四、wait for one's turn to do sth.
[句型介绍] 意为等候轮到某人做某事,to do sth.为不定式作定语.
I am waiting for my turn to buy a ticket. 我在等着轮到我买票.
Are you waiting for your turn to take a bath? 你在等着洗澡吗?
[比较] It's one's turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事;take turns at doing sth. 轮流做某事.
Is it your turn to clean the blackboard? 今天轮到你擦黑板吗?
Whose turn is it to be on duty today? 今天轮到谁值日?
They took turns at watching at his bedside.他们轮流守护在他的床前.
[特别提醒] 这些句型中的turn均为名词,表依次轮流的顺序.
五、feel like doing sth.
[句型介绍] 意为想要做某事,feel like后面应接动名词作宾语.
I feel like having something to eat. 我想吃点儿东西.
Do you feel like going swimming? 你想去游泳吗?
[比较] would / should like to do sth. 愿意做某事,should 常用于第一人称,would用于各种人称.
I would like to stay at home this afternoon. 今天下午我想呆在家里.
六、stop sb. from doing sth.
[句型介绍] 意为阻止某人做某事,句中stop可换成prevent或keep,from也可以省去,但keep sb. from doing sth.中的from不可省.
What stopped you (from) coming to see me?什么事让你没来看我?
[比较] protect ... from保护.不受.侵害
An umbrella can protect us from the rain. 雨伞能保护我们不被雨淋湿.
七、stand on one's head
[句型介绍] 意为倒立,为身体姿势描绘用语.
The actress can stand on her head for five minutes. 这个女演员能倒立五分钟.
Can you stand on your head? 你会倒立吗?
[比较] stand on one's feet站着;stand on one foot 单足站立
Can you stand on one foot for an hour? 你能单脚站一个小时吗?
Having stood on his feet for a long time, he felt very tired.站了很长时间了,他感到累了.
八、not ... until ...
[句型介绍] 意为直到.才.,表某一动作或状态直到until或till所表示的时间为止才开始发生.
He didn't go home until 5 p.m. 直到下午五点,他才回家.
She didn't get married until she was thirty years old. 直到三十岁她才结婚.
[比较] do ... until / till,表示某一动作或状态一直延续到until/till所表示的时间为止才结束,其谓语动词须为持续性动词.
He worked until the clock struck twelve.他一直工作到钟敲了十二点.
一、 lose oneself in
At the meeting, he lost himself in reading newspapers. 开会时,他读报入了神.
She often loses herself in deep thought when she is alone. 独自一人时,她经常沉溺于思考之中.
[比较] be lost in迷失方向;沉溺于.
Take care, and not to be lost in the woods again.当心别再在森林中迷路了.
[特别提醒] be lost in的主语为人称代词的主格或名词,而不能为反身代词.
二、 say to oneself
I woke up at six and said to myself, It's still early.我六点钟时醒了, 心想:还早呢.
When he heard what the teacher said, he said to himself, I should study hard. 当他听到老师的讲话时,心想我应当认真学习.
[比较] talk to oneself 自言自语,反身代词和主语在人称上也应保持一致.
An old man likes to talk to himself. 老人喜欢自言自语.
三、 主语(人) + spend ...(in) doing sth.
He spent quite a lot of time (in) working out this maths problem. 他花了许多时间才解出了这道数学题.
How much time did you spend(in) reading this book? 读这本书花了你多长时间?
[比较]主语(人) + spend +金钱+ on sth.,花费金钱买某物;It costs /takes+时间+to do sth. 花费时间做某事;pay ... for ...,为.付款.
He spends most of his money on food.他把大部分钱用来买食物.
Did it take you much time to prepare for it?准备这件事花了你很多时间吗?
It cost me fifty yuan to buy this dictionary. 我花了五十元买了这本字典.
He paid twenty yuan for a pair of glasses. 他花了20元买了一副眼镜.
四、 I'm sure that ...
[句型介绍] 该句表示对某事有肯定的认识或判断.
I'm sure that she is an honest girl. 我肯定她是一个诚实的女孩.
Are you sure that she has stolen your pen? 你能肯定是她偷了你的钢笔吗?
[比较] I'm not sure if ...,表示对某事没有肯定的认识或判断,是I'm sure that 的否定句.
I'm not sure if he will come on time. 我无法确定他是否会按时来.
五、 get on with ...
[句型介绍] 意为在.取得进展;与.相处融洽,如果进展顺利或相处融洽, on后面可加well,但此时该句不可用于How引导的特殊疑问句.
-How are you getting on with your speech? 你的演讲准备得怎么样了?
-I'm getting on well with it. 进展顺利.
Can Tom get on well with his classmates? 汤姆能和他的同学融洽相处吗?
[比较] get along with,含义及用法与get on with相同.
He is getting along well with his new book. 他的新书写得很顺利.
He is easy to get along well with. 他很容易相处.
六、 be fed up with ...
[句型介绍] 意为对.感到厌烦.with为介词,后面应接名词、代词、动名词.
I'm fed up with working with him.我讨厌和他共事.
Are you fed up with eating the same food every day? 你讨厌每天吃同样的食物吗?
[比较] be tired of对.感到厌烦;讨厌.
I'm tired of dealing with such kind of man. 我讨厌和这样的人打交道.