英语翻译impact on organoleptic properties of lettuce.On the other hand,noneof the treatments applied to tomatoes has any adverse effects on theorganoleptic properties of tomatoes.Gutierrez et al.(2008b) haveshown successful applications of essent

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 13:01:28

英语翻译impact on organoleptic properties of lettuce.On the other hand,noneof the treatments applied to tomatoes has any adverse effects on theorganoleptic properties of tomatoes.Gutierrez et al.(2008b) haveshown successful applications of essent
impact on organoleptic properties of lettuce.On the other hand,none
of the treatments applied to tomatoes has any adverse effects on the
organoleptic properties of tomatoes.Gutierrez et al.(2008b) have
shown successful applications of essential oils to reduce pathogens
and spoilage microorganisms on ready-to-eat lettuce and carrots.
Population reductions of S.Typhimurium after treatment for 5,10,
15 and 20 min were not statistically different from each other
(pN0.05).Other researchers also observed that therewas no difference
in washing with thyme oil (1.0 ml/l) for 5,10 or 15 min in the
inactivation of E.coli O157:H7 inoculated to lettuce (Singh et al.,
2002).Sanz et al.(2002) also reported that there was no significant
difference in the number of mesophilic aerobic bacteria between 5
and 30 min washing times of artichoke with 50 ppm chlorine.
Populations of S.Typhimurium recovered from water and myrtle
leaves oil solutions after treating tomatoes and lettuce are presented
in Table 3.Generally,smaller populations of S.Typhimurium were
detected in myrtle leaves oil solutions than in distilled water solutions
after treating tomatoes or lettuce that indicates reductions
of S.Typhimurium by the myrtle leaves oil solutions from lettuce or
tomato were not only the removal of bacteria but also the inactivation
of them.
Treatment of shredded iceberg lettuce and whole tomatoes with
up to 1000 ppm myrtle leaves oil without any rinsing reduced the
number of S.Typhimuriumat maximum levels of 1.66 log cfu/g lettuce
and 1.89 log cfu/tomato,respectively.Researchers showed that
treatment of fruits and vegetables with up to 200 ppm of chlorine
results in a microbial reduction of less than 2 logarithmic units
(Takeuchi and Frank,2000; Kondo et al.,2006).Treatment of lettuce in
water containing 200 μg/ml chlorine reduced populations of Listeria
monocytogenes,Salmonella spp.,E.coli O157:H7 by 1.1–1.8 log cfu/
lettuce sample (Lang et al.,2004b).Dipping in a solution containing
110 ppm chlorine for 2 min resulted in 1.22 log reduction in the
number of Salmonella Montevideo on the surfaces of tomatoes
(Zhuang et al.,1995).Populations of Salmonella Baildon inoculated at
level of 3.60–3.86 log cfu/g to shredded lettuce and diced tomatoes
were reduced by less than 1 log as a result of treatment with 120 or
200 μg/ml chlorine (Weissinger et al.,2000).The results obtained in
this study showed that the effectiveness of washing lettuce and
tomatoes with 750 and 1000 ppmmyrtle leaves oil on S.Typhimurium
was comparable with that of washing with chlorine.Myrtle leaves oil
can be used as an alternative sanitizer to chlorine in the fresh produce
industry,especially for organic ones.Increased consumer awareness
of food safety issues and environmental concerns has contributed to
the growth in organic farming over the last few years (EU,2008).

英语翻译impact on organoleptic properties of lettuce.On the other hand,noneof the treatments applied to tomatoes has any adverse effects on theorganoleptic properties of tomatoes.Gutierrez et al.(2008b) haveshown successful applications of essent
用未经稀释的1000浓度桃金娘科植物叶精油处理莴苣表皮和整个西红柿分别降低了在莴苣中1.66log菌落/克 和西红柿中1.89log菌落/克 的鼠伤寒细菌的最高数量.研究人员表明,用200以上浓度氯处理的蔬菜和水果导致了微生物数量小于2对数单位的减少(竹内和弗兰克,2000年;近藤等人,2006年).用浓度为
200μg/ml氯水处理过的莴苣,1.1-1.8log菌落/克的莴苣样品(郎等人,2004年),使李氏细菌,沙门是杆菌,大肠杆菌的数量减少.浸入含110浓度氯的溶液中两分钟导致了西红柿表皮的蒙得维的亚沙门氏菌数量减少了1.22log(庄等人,1995年).在莴苣叶和西红小块上培养的等级为3.60-3.86菌落/克的巴尔通沙门氏菌减少了不到1log和经120或120μg/ml 氯水处理的效果是一样的(魏辛格等人,2000年).这个研究获得的结论表明了用750或1000浓度的桃金娘科植物叶精油冲洗莴苣、西红柿和用氯水冲洗作用在鼠伤寒菌上的效果是相似的.桃金娘科植物叶精油可以作为代替氯的清洁剂作用在新鲜农业产品上,特别是有机农业.越来越多的消费者对食品安全的认识和对环境的关心已经对过去几年里有机农业的发展做出了贡献.(欧洲,2008)

15 - 20分钟统计起来并没有不同。
在用香油 (1.0 ...


15 - 20分钟统计起来并没有不同。
在用香油 (1.0 ml/l)洗涤后的5、10、15分钟内
后面的暂时 没办法 我有点事


对莴苣感官的物产的冲击。 在另一只手上,无
of治疗被申请于蕃茄有对的所有不利影响蕃茄organoleptic物产。 古铁雷斯(2008b)等有减少病原生物的精油的shown成功的应用and在立即可食的莴苣和红萝卜的损坏微生物。S.的Population减少Typhimurium在5的, 10治疗以后,
(pN0.05)。 其他研究员也观...


对莴苣感官的物产的冲击。 在另一只手上,无
of治疗被申请于蕃茄有对的所有不利影响蕃茄organoleptic物产。 古铁雷斯(2008b)等有减少病原生物的精油的shown成功的应用and在立即可食的莴苣和红萝卜的损坏微生物。S.的Population减少Typhimurium在5的, 10治疗以后,
(pN0.05)。 其他研究员也观察了therewas没有区别洗涤与麝香草油(1.0 ml/l)的in 5, 10或者15在的分钟的大肠埃希氏菌O157的inactivation :H7被接种对莴苣(等Singh,
2002)。 等(2002)也报告的Sanz没有重大在嗜中温度的有氧细菌的数量的difference在5之间的朝鲜蓟的and 30极小的洗涤的时间与50 ppm氯的。
Populations从水和加州桂恢复S. Typhimurium
in表3。 通常, Typhimurium S.的更小的人口是在加州桂的detected在蒸馏水解答把油解答留在比表明减少对待蕃茄或莴苣的after
of S. Typhimurium由加州桂留下从莴苣或的油解答tomato是细菌,而且钝化作用不仅撤除 of他们。切细的卷心莴苣和整体蕃茄的Treatment与由叶子上油,无需其中任一漂洗的1000 ppm加州桂决定的减少了1.66日志cfu/g莴苣的S. Typhimuriumat最高标准number and 1.89日志cfu或蕃茄,分别。 研究员显示了那水果和蔬菜的treatment与200 ppm的氯在少于2个对数单位的微生物减少的results
(Takeuchi和弗兰克2000年; Kondo等, 2006)。 莴苣的治疗在的包含200 μg/ml氯的water减少了李斯特氏杆菌的人口monocytogenes,沙门氏菌spp.,大肠埃希氏菌O157 :由1.1–1.8日志cfu/的H7lettuce样品(等Lang, 2004b)。 浸洗在包含的解答2分钟的110 ppm氯导致对的1.22日志减少沙门氏菌蒙得维的亚number在蕃茄表面的
(等Zhuang, 1995)。 沙门氏菌Baildon的人口被接种在3.60–3.86日志对切细的莴苣和切成小方块的蕃茄的cfu/g level 由于与120的治疗或, were由少于1本日志减少了200 μg/ml氯(等Weissinger, 2000)。 在得到的结果this研究显示了那洗涤的莴苣的有效率和与750和1000年ppmmyrtle的tomatoes在S.留下油Typhimurium
was可相比较和那洗涤与氯。 默特尔离开油
industry,特别是有机那些的。 增加的消费者了悟


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