英语翻译下面两句话哪句是对的?指出错误之处!what's the impact the stock market have on the economywhat impact do the stock market have on the economy

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 08:43:17

英语翻译下面两句话哪句是对的?指出错误之处!what's the impact the stock market have on the economywhat impact do the stock market have on the economy
what's the impact the stock market have on the economy
what impact do the stock market have on the economy

英语翻译下面两句话哪句是对的?指出错误之处!what's the impact the stock market have on the economywhat impact do the stock market have on the economy
1. What's the impact the stock market has on the economy?
2. What impact does the stock market have on the economy?
Otherwise, both sentences are OK.

只是第二句 用does

英语翻译下面两句话哪句是对的?指出错误之处!what's the impact the stock market have on the economywhat impact do the stock market have on the economy 指出电路的错误之处 下列两句话哪句是病句,请指出错误.A希望读者朋友们继续对本刊予以更多的关心和支持.B特别是辛勤工作在山区的老教师们,更加令人可敬. 请指出这幅图的两处错误 如图所示,指出电路图的错误或不妥之处 下面每句话中都存在一处错误,指出并改正.1,October comes after November. 错误的指出来. 指出错误的地方 指出电路图的错误 指出这篇文章的错误 指出如图所示家庭照明电路的错误之处有5处错误! 句子逻辑错误1.尽管这位美丽多情的女人身边不乏有山清水秀,芳草连天,渔舟唱晚的迷人美景,可还是难平心中对爱的执著与深深地思念之情.上面这句话语法和逻辑方面是否有错误,请指出后帮 下面的论证过程是否有误?若有误,进行严格的证明(必须指出论证推理中的错误之处,而不能采用举反例、推翻结果的方法)求证:两人在笔直跑道上跑步,只要两人一直在向前笔直奔跑,原来 求大神指出错误之处 这里有两个人的英文对话,你们看对不对?对话 A:Would you like coffee or tea? B:Tea,please. A:OK,I have tea,too.不要怀疑,单词一个也没打错,如果这段对话是错误的,请指出错误之处,如果是对的,那最后一 两种二倍体植物的花粉通过细胞杂交,可获得二倍体可育植株,请指出错误之处花粉为什么不能杂交,有根据吗 指出英文句子错误之处这句话短语运用以及句法有点错误:At the end of the day,a score on a paper doesn't mean much in the bigger picture.请改写这句话,并且指出错误的地方. 改错:下面每题都有一处错误,请指出错误并改正.