提拉米苏英文 我须要来做报告~急用~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/30 05:43:06

提拉米苏英文 我须要来做报告~急用~

提拉米苏英文 我须要来做报告~急用~

Tiramisu is one of the best cake you can eat on this planet, the recipe is originally from italy (treviso) Tiramisu is one of the most famous dessert in all the world.
Preparation of tiramisu is r...


Tiramisu is one of the best cake you can eat on this planet, the recipe is originally from italy (treviso) Tiramisu is one of the most famous dessert in all the world.
Preparation of tiramisu is relatively simple if all ingredients is present.
Now we consider ingredients to prepare tiramisu for 4 hungry persons (use your intuition, i never feel comfortable with ingredients quantities because i always do what i feel to do in relation of what i want to do and for who i have to do, so just open for god and u will know all exactly to fullfill every desire of your potential guests) so take this quantities just for an easy reference but remember that you with your love are making the tiramisu recipe a delicious dessert.
Ingredients we need: 2 eggs, 3 spoon of sugar for each egg, 250 grams of mascarpone (mascarpone is a very rich italian cheese concentrated from milk cream, with a fat content up to 75%. It has a very smooth, creamy and sweet texture), cookies (ladyfinger cookies, or normal cookies) in this case i prepared with normal cookies, coffe, some cocoa powder and quality chocolate for decoration.


提拉米苏英文 我须要来做报告~急用~ 我须要英文 54青年节的来历是什么?是什么来的?写个报告谁有文档传给我个也行,写报告急用 我必须要戒烟的英文 英语翻译今天我做值日报告.我先来给大家讲个故事 做一个报告模板 英文怎么说? 谁能帮我做一个英语ppt,是关于婚姻的定义和中国传统婚姻的变化.用英文来做的急用,给钱也行 越狱 剧情简介 英文我在做一个关于《PRISON BREAK》的英文报告,需要一些人物简介(英文), 找人用英语做一篇值日报告今年刚进新学校 急用一篇值日报告 要用英语 急死人的急 分不够我再加 英语作文 《做一个鸡腿三明治》 必须要英文 用小六程度的英文介绍bear(熊)!急用!不必太长,必须要用小六英文程度 请问在广州市哪家医院可以做出国体检,同时用我自己提供的体检报告格式(英文)出报告?如题 我们英语老师让做一个英语报告,3分钟左右的吧,我做一个让人印象深刻,非常棒的报告.大家给点意见有英文报告更加 制定的计划一直做不到该怎么办?对我来说是一件必须要做的事,可是一直没有毅力将它完成! 谁有沃尔玛公司的英文简介?好心人帮个忙,急,急要正宗英文,做报告用的啊,谢谢一共有25分,家底都抛出来了 我现在必须要睡觉了 英文怎么说 探究玉米种子萌发需要什么条件的实验报告我们是分组做 我做有温度空气无水分的 急用 求《柯南》的英文介绍(急用啊!)我的值日报告要介绍柯南请各位亲们帮我写一篇《柯南》的英文介绍还有前面的串词也要急用!