雅思作文批改,这样的小作文能得几分?我第一次写剑5,test1 writing task 1The line graph shows that how many people who are at their 65 in Japan,Sweden and USA from 1940 to 2040.It is clear that in three countries,the size of the elde

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 13:12:32

雅思作文批改,这样的小作文能得几分?我第一次写剑5,test1 writing task 1The line graph shows that how many people who are at their 65 in Japan,Sweden and USA from 1940 to 2040.It is clear that in three countries,the size of the elde
剑5,test1 writing task 1
The line graph shows that how many people who are at their 65 in Japan,Sweden and USA from 1940 to 2040.It is clear that in three countries,the size of the elder aged 65 will reach his peak in 2040.
According to the table,the proportion of people who are 65 year-old has a slightly decrease in USA since 1940 to 1960,while other two countries both have a gentle increase.The number of the old has no change in America between 1960 and 1980,on the contrary,in Japan an in Sweden,there happened a slowly rise in each country.The American elder are countinually become more and more since 21 century and they will be the most in 2040 among 3 countries.
However,the proportion of the population aged 65 in Sweden finally surpass that of Japan from approximately 1998 until now and will be continued to 2040 by fluctuating in his own pattern.The size of the population in Japan leveled off and is smaller than that of Sweden,but it will still climb in the future.
Overall,the number of the American aged is the least one at the beginning of 1940 and will be the most one in 2040.

雅思作文批改,这样的小作文能得几分?我第一次写剑5,test1 writing task 1The line graph shows that how many people who are at their 65 in Japan,Sweden and USA from 1940 to 2040.It is clear that in three countries,the size of the elde
The line graph shows that how many people (前边改成The line graph shows the numbers of people) who are at their (their去掉) 65 in Japan,Sweden and USA from 1940 to 2040.It is clear that in three countries,the size of the elder aged 65 will reach his (his改为its) peak in 2040.
According to the table,the proportion of people who are 65 year-old (people who are 65 years old才对,而且建议改成65-year-old people,无须用定从时别用) has (变成had) a (a去掉) slightly decrease(加d) in USA since (改为from) 1940 to 1960,while (加the) other two countries both have a gentle increase.The number of the old has no change (has no change为中式表达,改为stayed the same) in America between 1960 and 1980,on the contrary,in Japan and in Sweden,there happened a slowly rise in each country (句式不对,改为:a slow rise came about).The American elder are countinually become more and more (不是人变多,而是人数变多,还有时态,改为:The number of the American elder has contiually become larger and larger) since 21 century and they will be the most (it will be the largest) in 2040 among 3 countries.
However,the proportion of the population aged 65 in Sweden finally surpass (加ed) that of Japan from approximately 1998 until now and will be continued to 2040 by fluctuating in his own pattern.The size of the population in Japan leveled off and is smaller than that of Sweden,but it will still climb in the future.(这段挺不错)
Overall,the number of the American aged is(改为was) the least (改为smallest) one at the beginning of 1940 and will be the most (largest) one in 2040.
说人数不要用people作主语,而用the number of people.另外注意时态问题.图表题最重要的是清楚.文章表达得还算清楚,但小问题较多,希改正



第一段其实很简单,你只要把问题图提供的现成表述写下来作为开头即可,千万别出现语法错误,还有时态,比如:第二段你使用了has。..since 1940 to 1960 ,这明显就是一个时态错误,后面还有。。在小作文只要是过去发生的事情一般要用过去式。另外要用一些动词的不同表达方式,特别是增加 减少 上升 下降这些动词的不同表达方式,再有就是副词的使用要多积累一些。你这篇文章估计也就是4--4.5这个...


第一段其实很简单,你只要把问题图提供的现成表述写下来作为开头即可,千万别出现语法错误,还有时态,比如:第二段你使用了has。..since 1940 to 1960 ,这明显就是一个时态错误,后面还有。。在小作文只要是过去发生的事情一般要用过去式。另外要用一些动词的不同表达方式,特别是增加 减少 上升 下降这些动词的不同表达方式,再有就是副词的使用要多积累一些。你这篇文章估计也就是4--4.5这个水平



雅思作文批改,这样的小作文能得几分?我第一次写剑5,test1 writing task 1The line graph shows that how many people who are at their 65 in Japan,Sweden and USA from 1940 to 2040.It is clear that in three countries,the size of the elde 我的雅思作文帮忙批改 评分 请帮忙批改雅思小作文,能得几分,剑桥4 test4的小作文The line chart above illustrates the data relate with the people travelled to Britain and the UK people visited abroad form Briitain in two decades while the second bar graph descri 雅思小作文没写完,大作文写完了 总共能得几分?我的小作文写了大概70字,只将将把图表给描述了一下,没有联系对比和结尾。 雅思作文批改 雅思小作文没写好 大作文跑题 作文能得几分2013 9月7的雅思 让很多烤鸭欲哭无泪.我小作文没写好 大作文跑题.还有希望得五分么.大作文前面两段还可以.后面就开始云里雾里.另外就是我看了 批改雅思作文的是英国人吗? 雅思小作文没写完能得几分啊我今年高二 11年6月11日在昆明考的A类雅思 平时英语不错 底子好都是年级第一 在考作文时我先写的大作文 写完了感觉还行 但是小作文没写完 只写了开头 和抓 雅思我小作文写的还好,但没够字数,大作文写跑题了,我能有几分?6分有可能么 一篇雅思小作文求分析剑9T1的作文,可以得几分?有什么不好的地方? 哪有雅思作文批改的服务啊?哪里提供雅思作文批改的服务啊? 雅思小作文跑题,数量比写成人数比,完全错误,语法什么的都还不错,大作文也可以,作文能得几分 因为比例弄错,所以整体的结构整篇的信息都错了. 雅思小作文批改题目是雅思4的test1的小作文,这篇作文怎么样,大概能得多少分啊,The chart demostrates the percentage of different types of families living poor in Australia in 1999.According to the chart,the family of aged co 雅思小作文怎么提高?我在某批改网上改过大作文,大概能达到6.但是小作文只有5分的样子,严重拖后腿!之前我考过几回雅思了,都是作文5.5拖分,很无奈很无奈……PS:我不是不会句式,不是语法 雅思作文偏题,能得几分?9月13日,我把大作文的前一半写成了为什么环保重要,后一半写个人应该干什么没问题.小作文写得也还好.那我究竟能不能有5分啊? 雅思小作文只写了一半,大作文写完了,能得多少分?上次考试雅思小作文只写了第一段,说了一下我要说什么话题,大作文一般,有字数不够的嫌疑(大约差了二十多个词),得了3.5,这次是小作文 雅思作文可以用句酷作文批改吗? 雅思IELTS大作文批改!目标是作文单科成绩7+...主要是留学的学校要求小分四个7,作文是最难提高的,所以求高手批改,并做一些批注或者建议(最好是雅思作文老师,或者雅思高手也行!)我最大