六级作文批改!之前考四六级的时候作文之前都没练过,导致分数普遍不高,这次想还是连连吧,因此写了一篇发上来请高手看看.The importance of reading classics1、 阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要2

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/12 15:29:23

六级作文批改!之前考四六级的时候作文之前都没练过,导致分数普遍不高,这次想还是连连吧,因此写了一篇发上来请高手看看.The importance of reading classics1、 阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要2
The importance of reading classics
1、 阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要
2、 现在愿意阅读经典的人越来越少,原因是……
3、 我们大学生应该怎么做
Asked what will reading classics do,theresponse of many advocators may have a reliable answer:the greatestcontribution of classic books is positive for humans’ development.Nevertheless,there are less and less people who are willing to read these books today.
This situation is based on several factors.Firstly,people have no leisure time to immerse in the classics world.As weall know,in our contemporary,people had to finish a myriad of tasks everyday.As a result,they fail to read classic books due to lacking time.Secondly,modern people prefer to read those books which instruct them how to get successor work efficiently.Classic books,nonetheless,are unable to improve peoplein a short period.Subsequently,they are being forgotten by the public.
For our college students,in myperspective,we should read classics books during our campus life.Readingclassics could teach us how to be a good guy.In addition,our undergraduateshave much free time.So we have time and necessary to focus on excellent books.

六级作文批改!之前考四六级的时候作文之前都没练过,导致分数普遍不高,这次想还是连连吧,因此写了一篇发上来请高手看看.The importance of reading classics1、 阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要2
第一段的less and less好像怪怪的,应该改成there are very seldom people.
第二段的As weall know是As well know
第三段的excellent books好像用得不对,应该是用good来代替excellent就好了(good books)
So we have time and necessary to focus on excellent books.
So, we should take the time out to read those good books.
比如说the response,greatest contribution,people in,my perspective,reading classics,undergraduates have.

六级作文批改!之前考四六级的时候作文之前都没练过,导致分数普遍不高,这次想还是连连吧,因此写了一篇发上来请高手看看.The importance of reading classics1、 阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要2 如何考好的作文四六级? 新东方四六级作文模版急需新东方老师给的作文模版.请务必在明天晚上之前帮我解决. 六级听力听力考试之前会有一段试音时间,这段时间是用来看短对话好呢,还是用来看长对话和短文?考四六级的时候都是把那段时间用来看短对话,可是长对话和短文就因为没看选项,完全听不 英文四六级作文还有考研的时候英语作文用花体字书写好吗? 考了公共英语,四六级还要考吗?如果已经考了公共英语,大学可以不考四六级吗?还有,四六级是大四的时候才考吗? #英语四六级#四六级经常考哪些语法和作文,还有怎么快速复习英语 2011年六月河南英语四级实行机考吗?我是信阳师院的那六级会啥时实行机考啊?我怕机考,我想在实行之前就考过四六级 期末考到了的作文请给些作文阿!今天5点之前就要有! 批改作文的符号 批改作文的符号 作文我的理想400字急下午六点之前必须回答4月4日之前 雅思小作文怎么提高?我在某批改网上改过大作文,大概能达到6.但是小作文只有5分的样子,严重拖后腿!之前我考过几回雅思了,都是作文5.5拖分,很无奈很无奈……PS:我不是不会句式,不是语法 我看见你之前考四六级口语是用机考的是吧,我想问一下机考的内容和流程,从12月份开始全都改成机考了, 考四六级的时间 请问机考GRE中,成绩是在report score 之后还是之前就能给出?如果选择了cancel的话,作文分还会有吗?ETS还会给批改作文吗? 今天的四六级作文是什么意思呀? 有关英语四六级作文的问题