英语两人对白,要短一点、容易记的以下有八个主题,求写8篇短文1.Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend.Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport.2.It has been pouring for the past week.Describe to your friend h

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 13:17:28

英语两人对白,要短一点、容易记的以下有八个主题,求写8篇短文1.Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend.Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport.2.It has been pouring for the past week.Describe to your friend h
以下有八个主题,求写8篇短文1.Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend.Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport.2.It has been pouring for the past week.Describe to your friend how you feel about the wretched weather.Then say how much you hope to see a sunny day.3.It is Sunday and you and your friend want to eat out.Discuss what kind of food you want to eat,traditional Chinese food or American-style fast food.Both of you must give reason(s) for your choice(s).
4.Suppose you are a doctor and your partner is a patient,who has felt tired and weak for a month.Ask your patient about his or her symptoms and prescribe medication and offer some advice.
5.The type of music/song/singer/composer/instrument you and your partner prefer.Discuss the reason why you like it.
6.Your friend is wearing a necklace/tie/scarf/blouse/shirt he or she received as a birthday gift.It is in fashion.Say how good it looks on him or her.7.Ask your partner what he/she thinks is the most important issue of our society.Suggest two things that you consider very important,for example,education and economy.
8.You have been on a visit to a faraway place.Tell your partner about the strange things you saw there.Your partner is expected to respond with expressions of surprise.感激不尽!

英语两人对白,要短一点、容易记的以下有八个主题,求写8篇短文1.Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend.Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport.2.It has been pouring for the past week.Describe to your friend h
1)Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend. Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport:
A: Hey there! Wow it has been a long time since i last met you!
B: Yupp. How are you nowadays?
A: Well, quite alright, what about you?
B: Ohh, it had been a horrible week for me...
A: How come?
B: Oh well, I need to redo my three thousand words report! Don't you think that it is tiring?
A: Gosh I pity you! Anyway, do you have any plan this weekend?
B: Not really, why?
A: If not, come join me in a game of badminton!
B: It sounds like a great idea, but I'm so sorry, I really need to complete my report.
A: Oh, ok, I understand. Are you alright?
B: hmmm it will be better if you are able to help me with my report, are you free this weekend?
A: Come on, why not? Let's meet somewhere then, let me see where can I help you.
B: That's great! Thankyou so much!
2)It has been pouring for the past week. Describe to your friend how you feel about the wretched weather. Then say how much you hope to see a sunny day:
A:Oh man, the weather nowadays is gloomy!
B: Yeah,it has been raining cats and dogs for the past week!
A: Argh, this kind of weather totally ruin my mood for outdoor activities! How I wish to see a sunny day!
B: You know, it had been a week since i last played tennis.
A: Oh don't remind me of tennis, my heart aches!
B: I wonder when will the rain stop...
A: I wonder when will the sun come out again.
B: Do you know any indoor activities to have fun with? I'm really bored.
A: Let me think... What about a game of chess?
B: Chess?! Stop kidding me! You know I sucks at it.
A: Well, i'm able to teach you!
B: Er.
A: Hurry on!
3.It is Sunday and you and your friend want to eat out. Discuss what kind of food you want to eat, traditional Chinese food or American-style fast food. Both of you must give reason(s) for your choice(s):
A: sigh, I feel hungry now.
B: My stomach is growling ~ so what sould we eat for lunch?
A: I would like to try chicken rice though, especially the one in that restaurant, since I absolutely love the taste of the rice, it is so unique that you can't find anything similar in other food!
B: Well, but I feel like trying 'KFC' instead since their new buddy meal was out! Just like their slogan——it's finger-licking good!
A: yucks. I hate fast food, it makes you fat!
B: It is not that unhealthy actually. Moreover, it will be more advisable then to eat at a luxurious restaurant.
A: Oh man don't be a wet blanket! Just try the chicken rice inside I'm sure you will love it!
B: No no no, I need to save money.
A: Alright, whatever. If you want to go your own way, you go ahead. You go have your KFC while i will make my way to the restaurant.
B: Oh please.hmmm, i'll follow you then.
A: ^0^
B: Provided that you treat me this lunch.
A: =.= Fine, let's go to KFC.
4.Suppose you are a doctor and your partner is a patient, who has felt tired and weak for a month. Ask your patient about his or her symptoms and prescribe medication and offer some advice:
A: Hi, you are James?
B: yupp.
A: So, how do you feel?
B: Oh...actually, I feel a bit weak and I don't know why.
A: How long has it been?
B: About one month i think.
A: So for this one month you had been feeling weak?
B: Yes, and will get tired easily.
A: Hmmm...do you suffer from any other symptoms?
B: Well, sometimes I had headaches...
A: Do you sleep well nowadays?
B: Not really, since I'm quite a busy person and need to handle some admin matters in my company.
A: So you mean you always stay up late?
B: yupp.
A: well, i guess you are lacking of sleep, that's why you feel weary all the time. Rest well and don't drink coffee or tea before sleep. I will prescribe you some panadol for your headaches.
B: ok, thankyou.
5.The type of music/song/singer/composer/instrument you and your partner prefer. Discuss the reason why you like it:
A: Look! It is a musical concert held at the conference hall!
B: Wow! Who will be performing?
A: Some famous musicians? But it's all western music...
B: I prefer western music, especially violin! Seriously, don't you think that violin is the most graceful and elegant intrument ever?
A: I don't quite agree. Personally I prefer the chinese instrument erhu more, because the sound it produce is so close to the voices of people! The feeling that erhu gave me is warmth and sad, unlike violin, I feel that that's a rather 'cold' instrument.
B: Cold? But i think that violin is able to produce such feelings too, it's just that you didn't really appreciate it.
A: Perhaps so. All western intruments are categorized as 'classy', 'graceful' etc is due to the history and personality of the westerners. Unlike chinese intruments, i feel that they are more 'real', more appealing to people like me.
B: you mean that it is more towards the populance?
A: yupp, I'm not a 'classy' person hence i guess playing the erhu instrument will be suitable for me.
B: oh i see... Well, music is a really subjective matter and that their value is not determined by the two of us only.
A: Agree!
B: Some people might think that piano is a bulky, childish intrument while others might feel that piano is an instrument from heaven!
6.Your friend is wearing a necklace/tie/scarf/blouse/shirt he or she received as a birthday gift. It is in fashion. Say how good it looks on him or her:
A: Oh my goodness! You look utterly ravishing with this necklace!
B: Really? Thankyou!
A: Where did you get this from?
B: Oh, it is Jonas who bought this for me as a birthday gift.
A: That's so sweet ~
B: Do you know, that this necklace that i'm wearing is the latest fashion?
A: Gosh, you mean, the lastest trend?
B: of course! So i guess this thing really cost like heaven!
A: You are so lucky to get it on your birthday.
B: you couldn't imagine how astonished i was!
7. Ask your partner what he/she thinks is the most important issue of our society. Suggest two things that you consider very important, for example, education and economy:
A: Hey, what are you doing?
B: nothing much, was just pondering over a question.
A: oh, what's the question?
B: what do you think is the most important issue of our current society?
A: Hmmm...I think it will be economy, since everyone is talking about our country's economy boom! Moreover, the financial crisis recently is a hot topic in the news. I think that knowing our economy well is important to fix strategies to allow us to achieve more in the future! What about you?
B: Ohh, to me, education is the most important issue, because our future depends on our next generation, the right amount is education is necessary for them to shoulder the tasks that society puts on them.
A: However, if education is the mosy important, then the right amount of education has been given to us! Does it help in the society nowadays?
B: well, then it depends on your definition of education. I not only mean academic results, but also eductaion of moral values. I feel that one who possess the right attitude towards life is important, and if the fast-pacing and fast-changing world will have more of such people, then the future of our economy will be positive.
A: I don't quite agree, you linked education to economy, which means you think that education will affect economy and not the world's economy itself?
B: it will definitely affects the economy indirectly.
A: but providing enough education is not the only factor to boom our economy, I believe that society issues people should focus on is still economy itself, education might affect economy but only a minor percentage. Economy is about the whole world, our government do trading and coopertaion with other country leaders, which cause such significant increase in our economy income.
B: Apart from that, another thing in society is important too.
A: Oh, what is it?
B: gender disparity. I'm sure you will be able to notice that boys will always receive better treatment than girls.
A: Isn't that normal?
B: no! due to such mindset like you, no one speak up for the poor girls. They are the ones who does not receive enough education!
A: Oh! Education!
B: wait! listen to me! From our culture, boys are always being respected, they are the ones who people put faith, trust, hope on them. But the girls? They are just nothing!
A: well, but things are not that bad currently. Look at the number of girls studying in school, surely there is an increase. Also, you are able to see female political leaders, doesn't it shows that the differences between male and female had narrowed down?
B: hmmm... you had a point there.
A: The most important issue of society actually depends on what is the the big event happening now. For instance, now there is a financial crisis, the economy issues of course will be the most important issue! But if now there is a large unbalance proportion of male and female then gender disparity will become the most important issue. do you understand what i mean?
B: i get your idea.
A: then that's it. What could be defined as the 'most important' will keep changing according to differnt eras and even different countries!
8.You have been on a visit to a faraway place. Tell your partner about the strange things you saw there. Your partner is expected to respond with expressions of surprise:
A: Oh my god! You will never expect what I've seen in Japan!
B: What? Tell me please!
A: I saw this huge hot spring where monkeys and tourists are able to enjoy it during winter!
B: Wait, I'm puzzled. Did you just mention monkeys?
A: Yes! Monkeys! They bath inside the spring too with my family members!
B: Gosh! i can't imagine monkeys jumping into the water with people!
A: absolutely! i thought i was dreaming at first!
B: wow, then how does it feels like?
A: i didn't go in though, i'm so scared that the monkeys will crawl onto me! but my brother went in, and he said 'quite fun'.
B: oh, he had fun with the monkeys?
A: yupp! having so much fun with them that they don't want him to go away!
B: god! then what happened?
A: the monkeys grabbed onto my brother's pants, in the end he had to take off his pants and run away.
B: haha! that was really hilarious!
A: i can't stop laughing!

英语两人对白,要短一点、容易记的以下有八个主题,求写8篇短文1.Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend.Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport.2.It has been pouring for the past week.Describe to your friend h 作业里有一项:英语动画片对白模仿,哪位大侠有好一点的对白,最好简单又短又好记,最好还有英文对白,我会给追加分的千万要简单一点,拜托了 简单英语动画片对白作业里有一项:英语动画片对白模仿,哪位大侠有好一点的对白,最好简单又短又好记,最好还有英文对白,我会给追加分的 千万要简单一点,拜托了 狮子王经典英语对白越多越好!短一点! 求3篇短的八年级英语作文要稍微短一点的! 谁有《无所事事海盗》的英文对白?我要英语的对白,文字形式, 谁有比较经典的英文电影独白?就是要比较经典的,稍微短一点的(我要背下来),对白或独白都可以, 急求经典英语电影对白~两人对话的 做演讲用!大概两三分钟 一个长点 一个短点的 求两人的英语对白,经典一点短小一点最好是幽默搞笑一点、然后大家又都熟悉一点的英文对白,比如说加菲猫中的对白等等.最好有中英对照, 英语顺口溜,有没有短一点的? 求几则好笑的英语笑话要短一点的 然后要比较容易懂的 或者是一些短的小故事也行 要中文 好的话 关于英语的小笑话 短一点有两三行就行 短一点的英语作文,有中文.20字,两篇. 有没有英语电影对白适合两个人三分钟的演讲老师作业要准备英语演讲最多三分钟电影对白也行小品什么的也行稿子要好找! 英语电影对白80词 是两个人对话的! 哪首英文歌简单好记容易唱?抒情一点的,短一点最好要有歌词 短一点的英语诗歌要正确! 英语作文,要短一点,一定的