急需一篇关于瓦尔登湖的BOOK REPORT,英文,500-600字

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急需一篇关于瓦尔登湖的BOOK REPORT,英文,500-600字
急需一篇关于瓦尔登湖的BOOK REPORT,英文,500-600字

急需一篇关于瓦尔登湖的BOOK REPORT,英文,500-600字
Walden (first published as Walden; or,Life in the Woods) by Henry David Thoreau is one of the best-known non-fiction books written by an American.It was Published in 1854,
Henry David Thoreau was graduated from Harward University,instead of being a government official or becoming a businessman or being a star.he choose to live a simple and original life.
Thoreau came to Walden pond in july 1845,when he left there,it was september 1847.
Thoreau regarded his sojourn at Walden pond as a noble experiment with three purpose.First,he was escaping the humanizing effects of the Industrial Revolution by returning to a simpler,agrarian lifestyle.Second,he was simplifying his life and reducing his expenditures,increasing the amount of leisure time in which he could work on his writings.Third,and most important,Thoreau was putting into practice the Transcendentalist belief that one can best transcend normality and experience the Ideal,or the Divin(神圣),through nature.
The book details Thoreau's sojourn in a cabin near Walden Pond,amidst woodland owned by his friend and mentor Ralph Emerson,near Concord,Massachusetts.Thoreau lived at Walden for two years,two months,and two days,but Walden was written so that the stay appears to be a year,with expressed seasonal divisions.Thoreau did not intend to live as a hermit,for he received visitors and returned their visits.Instead,he hoped to isolate himself from society in order to gain a more objective understanding of it.
This book is not a novel,a narrative poem,or a play; there is no clear story line,no plot line.Nor is it autobiography,although much of it is based on Thoreau's life at Walden pond.
The book has 18 chapters.The question of its structure has puzzled many critics,with some focusing on the cycle of the seasons as symbolic death and rebirth,and others on whether it is unified in spite of the oppositions it contains.It is not an easy book for a reader -- especially a first time reader -- to sort out and to find order in.
Walden emphasizes the importance of self-reliance,solitude,contemplation,and closeness to nature in transcending the crass existence that is supposedly the lot of most humans.
That the book is not simply a criticism of society,but also an attempt to engage creatively with the better aspects of contemporary culture is suggested both by his closeness to Concord society and by his admiration(赞美) for classical literature.
Thoreau believes that it`s beneficialy to live solitary and close to nature.He loves to be alone,for "I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude," and he is never lonely as long as he is close to nature.He believes there is no great value to be had by rubbing shoulders with the mass of humanity.
At the final chapter,Thoreau criticizes Americans' constant rush to succeed,to acquire superfluous(多余的)wealth that does nothing to augment their happiness.He urges us to change our lives for the better,not by acquiring more wealth and material possessions,but instead to "sell your clothes and keep your thoughts," and to "say what you have to say,not what you ought." He criticizes conformity:"If a man does not keep pace with his companions,perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.Let him step to the music which he hears,however measured or far away." By doing these things,men may find happiness and self-fulfillment.

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Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), the author of Walden, was born in Concord, Massachusetts. When he was a child, he always went to the woods and field with h...


Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), the author of Walden, was born in Concord, Massachusetts. When he was a child, he always went to the woods and field with his old brother. So he loves the nature very much. In the middle of 19th century, American economies developed so rapidly that most people pursuit the material life and ignore the spiritual life. But Thoreau wants to live a simple life. Also for the Transcendentalist Movement was centered in Concord and Emerson had a great influence on him. All these made Thoreau go to build a cabin on the shore of Walden Pond and live alone to close to the nature in 1845. Later, he wrote the famous book, Walden, which mainly talks about his life and thoughts during he lived alone in the woods near Walden Pond.
  When Walden was published in 1854, it was not well accepted by people. Instead it was regarded as "wicked and heathenish" .It was published only one time until Thoreau died of disease. But many years later especially in twentieth century, it was gradually known and appreciated by lots of readers all over the world.
  This is a book which tells in spring Thoreau starts building a cabin in the woods, thinking about life, reading some books, and listening to the sound of nature. In autumn, he cultivates beans, observes Walden Pond. In winter, the Walden Pond freeze, lots of animals accompany with him. As spring's coming, the Walden and other ponds melt. Every thing in nature is awake and reborn including Thoreau. After two years, Thoreau leaves.
  Thoreau first writes that most people pursuit their necessary things of life such as fashionable clothes, houses and equipment. They pursuit these things while Thoreau go to the woods to building a cabin which only costs $28.12, eating simple food and needing little furniture. So one of chapters in his book, “Higher Law", emphasizes more on the spiritual 'aspect instead of the satisfaction of material. Further more; he urges people to read more classic literature such as Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and other great writers’ masterpiece.
  He also writes that though he lives alone in the woods, he is close to nature and makes himself as a part of nature. He lives alone, but sometimes he also talks with his visitors who are honest, sincere, thinkable and loving their life.
  Thoreau also mentions that the noise in the town and the whistle of train disturb the quite life of the town. However, in the woods life is quite. When he lives in the woods, he can listen to animals' sounds such as bird's singing, owl’s hooting, cockerel’s crowing etc. He lives with animals friendly. He also describes
the Walden Pond. The water, blue and green, clear and pure, freezes in winter and melts in spring.
  When I was reading Walden, I felt that I was listening to a wise man’s talking. The words and phrases about the nature especially the Walden Pond are beautiful and fascinating. The sentences are full of wisdom and philosophy.
Reading this book reminds me of those people who work hard to earn money, waste lots of money to buy luxury, waste time to entertain themselves. In my point of view, they may easily lose themselves, and though their bodies are full, their minds are hungry. The real life is to make every complicated thing to be simple and enrich our heart and soul. In a word, just simplicity simplicity and simplicity!
  One of Thoreau's thoughts about solitude attracts me deeply for I’m the person who likes to be alone. There are some reasons for why I like to be alone: Firstly I think that living with others is easy to have a conflict whatever you are best friends. Secondly just as Thoreau saying ‘a man thinking or working always alone and let him be where he will’. I always live alone and people who around me think I must be lonely. Actually it's not true. They don't understand me at all. When I'm learning or reading, I don't think other things, just immersing in the ocean of knowledge .My heart is quite calm. And if learn new knowledge I got a feeling of happiness, satisfaction and fullness. So I was so surprised that what Thoreau said was exactly same to what I thought. I was so glad to find a person who has the same idea with me.
When Thoreau lived alone in the woods, people did not understand him, even Emerson thought what he did was wrong. And now, people who around me think my life is not good. But I think Thoreau’s life was successful, meaningful and happy, so is mine. Because I think that the success and happiness of life all come from exactly value. Everyone deeply desires of themselves life. When you know what the value of yourself is, meanwhile you can enjoy your life according to the value every time. You will find that everyday you have full of energy and enthusiasm to do anything, hear the sure sound from your heart, and often feel intense achievebility, the most important is that your heart is peace and calm.
  Although I may not understand Thoreau's thoughts completely, I’m really benefited from reading the book, Walden.
