
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 00:05:30

3.如果我加入的话 我所在的团队有多少人 是怎么分工的?
4.有没有轮岗 出差 培训 是社内培训还是送到培训机构去培训还是请专家或者老外来培训
7.环境造就人才 有时候没的选择就是最好的选择 因为我第一份工作做得是跟我专业对口的工作 但是我一直想去国外 没想到就做了质量的工作 现在找工作也都是要有工作经验的 就这样一直做到现在
做一行爱一行 我觉得我还是很适合做这份工作的 首先我很有耐心 在日本工作的经验让我变得非常有礼貌 别人火再大 我都不受印象 这方面我也代表了公司的形象

1.I have the experiences in the field of this work,but I am still a newcomer to your products.How long do you think I need to study and be trained after employed so that I could be familiar with your products and work independently?
2.Does this work need any special technique and qualification?
3.How many people does the team to which I belong to have and what is the labor divided if I join you?
4.Is there any position change,business trip or training?If there are trainings,are the trainings inside the company or in a training organization?Does a specialist or a foreigner undertake the trainings?
5.Is there an assessment of position?
6.Could I visit the factory?
7.The environment creates the talents.Sometimes no choice is the best choice.My first job was a match to my major,but I was thinking of going abroad then.I did not expect I would do the quality work.At present,the experienced person is always privileged in the job hunting.I have been so until now
Once I join an industry,I will make every endeavor to make it perfect.I believe this position is my choice.Firstly,I am a patient man.Secondly,the experience in Japan has sharpened me a lot and I know the rules to get along with people.I could control my temper,even the client I am facing is angry with me,I won’t permit other’s angry influence my and my work.I believe I am the company in this sense.What I act is the impression of the company.

1. Although I had to do work experience in this field, but for your company for your products, I'm still a novice, do you think I need how long after the entry of learning and training to understand f...


1. Although I had to do work experience in this field, but for your company for your products, I'm still a novice, do you think I need how long after the entry of learning and training to understand familiar with products singular work?
2. Do this job need any special skills and qualifications?
3. If I join words I team in how many person is how division?
4 have total travel training is training or clubs to training institutions to training or invite experts or old foreign training
5. Any evaluation
6. Can look around the factory
7. Environmental build people sometimes no choice is the best option because my first job is done with my professing work but I've always wanted to go abroad unexpectedly did the quality of work for a job now also is to have work experience so had been do now
Do I feel I love line line is very suitable for doing the work at first I am patient working in Japan experience makes me very polite others fire again big I would not be impression this aspect I also represents the image of the company


Reward points: 50 - 14 days 23 hours to expire

英语翻译1.虽然我有做这方面的工作经验,但是对于你们公司对于你们的产品来说我还是一个新手,你觉得我入职后需要多长时间的学习和培训才能了解熟悉产品独当一面的工作?2.做这份工作 我的工作经验主要集中在销售房地产方面-----英文翻译? 虽然我没有工作经验用英文怎么说 英语翻译我很高兴可以参加这次面试,my name is xxxx,我虽然没有正规大学学历,但我有7年多IT support工作经验.熟悉各种计算机软硬件,网络,服务器方面的故障分析与排除,尤其擅长解决软件程序问 英语翻译要有工作经验的,这样我也好参考. 英语翻译在暑假打工的日子里,我虽然感到有点累,但还是在坚持,打工的时间里我学到了很多,使我培养了实践能力和工作经验,因此锻炼了自己,非常难忘. 英语翻译我有丰富的工作经验并且曾经上过班(的人) 怎么翻译 我已有2年以上的工作经验.如何用英语翻译 英语翻译下午好,我叫**,来自于**,我今年23岁,我的爱好是看书、写作、听音乐,有五年的工作经验,虽然我现在英文水平不是很好,但我相信通过努力,我会比别人做的更好,希望贵酒店能给此机会 英语翻译我曾经做过一段时期的超市收银工作,这份工作让我养成了细心,耐心的良好习惯,虽然我没有相关的工作经验,但是如果有我有幸能被录用,我一定会尽自己最大的努力做好这份工. 英语翻译我积累了大量的实际工作经验,更进一步激发了在这个行业工作的兴趣和斗志. 英语翻译本人自信,自律,工作负责,责任心强,注重团队合作精神,具有吃苦耐劳的精神,虽然我欠缺工作经验但我不怕辛苦,能通过自己的汗水努力拼搏,不断的积累经验和提高自己的社会实践能 英语翻译我认为这需要依情况而定.如果职员有经验却无能力,我是不可能会重视他的.我不能让一个没有工作的能力的人在公司工作.相反,如果职员虽然暂时没有工作经验,但是他好学,我会很重 英语翻译您好!我名叫Robin,主要做货代海运这方面的工作,有三年的工作经验,我公司的优势航线是非洲航线,如能合作,我可以为您做好每一件事情,让您放心.我希望我们不但能合作,还能成为朋 求英语翻译,谢谢,谢绝机翻在为人方面,我诚实善良、开朗自信,能够吃苦.在生活中,我尊敬他人,能够和别人友好相处. 现在我唯一的不足就是应届毕业,还没有足够的工作经验. 但我擅长学习新 英语翻译在过去的三年中,我在某某公司从事城市天然气管网的设计与施工管理工作,三年的工作经验使我对城市天然气方面有了一定的了解,特别是对城市燃气管网设计与施工管理这一块.熟悉 英语翻译“不好意思,请问你们这里招聘服务员对吗?我是大学生来做兼职的”“是的,你有这方面的工作经验吗?”“没有,但是我愿意吃苦,能否考虑下我?”“恩,月薪600元你能接受吗?”“恩,可 以下是我的工作经验英文怎么说?(快!)