两方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右不是两方,题目是西方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:53:07

两方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右不是两方,题目是西方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右
两方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右
不是两方,题目是西方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右

两方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右不是两方,题目是西方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右
Economic growth is an increase in the total output of a nation in a given period of time.Total output is the total quantify or value of a nation's goods and services.
The Gross Domestic Product(GDP)is the most comprehensive indicator of a nation's economic growth.GDP is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a year.
Besides GDP,employment and prices are also two indicators that measure the economic growth.Of all the indicators,employment rate and unemployment tends to reflect the economic cycle :when output is falling,the demand for labor falls and the unemployment rate rises;when output is rising,the demand for labor increases and the unemployment rate falls.
Stable price is another indicator of economic growth.The most common price measures the cost of a basket of goods bought by the average urban consumers.A fall in the general price level,which causes the purchasing power of money to rise,is deflation,While an increase in the general price level growing out of an increase in expenditures while goods available for purchase are not correspondingly increased in amount is inflation.Both deflation and inflation may slow down the economic growth.
The four facors of economic growth are human are human resources(labor supp;y,education.discipline,motivation),natural resources(land,minerals,fuels,environmental quality),capital information(machines,factories,roads)and technology.The three engines of the economic growth are consumption,export and investment.
Governments have certain instruments that they can use to affect the economic growth.The main instruments of governments are two;Fiscal policy and Monetary policy.
Fiscal policyrefers to the coordinated policy of government with respect to taxation,the public debt,public expenditures,and fiscal management,with an objective,for example,of attempting to stablize national income of the country.Fundamental to such a fiscal policy would be the adjectment of budgetary deficits or surpluses to confirm with the objective of stabilization against either undue inflation or deflation,with allowance for normal growth.
Monetary policy refers to the coordination of the credit control powers of the monetary authorities of a country exercised through the central bank.The usually objectives of such a policy would be to achieve stability in price by controlling the money supply,allowing over time for growth in the economy.Monetary policies affect the money supply through effect upon available(excess)reserves of the banks.It also affects the cost of bank credit by changes in the central banks rates for rediscounts,loans and advances to the banks.
By learning this unit,we should learn the indicators of economic growth and we need to know the relations between the economic growth and employment.After studying this unit,we should be able to analyze a nation's economy and the government's economic policies by using the factors and growth engines of economy.

Economic growth is an increase in the total ou...


Economic growth is an increase in the total output of a nation in a given period of time.Total output is the total quantify or value of a nation's goods and services.
The Gross Domestic Product(GDP)is the most comprehensive indicator of a nation's economic growth.GDP is the measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a year.
Besides GDP,employment and prices are also two indicators that measure the economic growth.Of all the indicators,employment rate and unemployment tends to reflect the economic cycle :when output is falling,the demand for labor falls and the unemployment rate rises;when output is rising,the demand for labor increases and the unemployment rate falls.
Stable price is another indicator of economic growth.The most common price measures the cost of a basket of goods bought by the average urban consumers.A fall in the general price level,which causes the purchasing power of money to rise,is deflation,While an increase in the general price level growing out of an increase in expenditures while goods available for purchase are not correspondingly increased in amount is inflation.Both deflation and inflation may slow down the economic growth.
The four facors of economic growth are human are human resources(labor supp;y,education.discipline, motivation),natural resources(land, minerals, fuels, environmental quality),capital information(machines,factories,roads)and technology.The three engines of the economic growth are consumption,export and investment.
Governments have certain instruments that they can use to affect the economic growth.The main instruments of governments are two;Fiscal policy and Monetary policy.
Fiscal policyrefers to the coordinated policy of government with respect to taxation,the public debt,public expenditures,and fiscal management,with an objective,for example,of attempting to stablize national income of the country.Fundamental to such a fiscal policy would be the adjectment of budgetary deficits or surpluses to confirm with the objective of stabilization against either undue inflation or deflation,with allowance for normal growth.
Monetary policy refers to the coordination of the credit control powers of the monetary authorities of a country exercised through the central bank.The usually objectives of such a policy would be to achieve stability in price by controlling the money supply,allowing over time for growth in the economy.Monetary policies affect the money supply through effect upon available(excess)reserves of the banks.It also affects the cost of bank credit by changes in the central banks rates for rediscounts, loans and advances to the banks.
By learning this unit, we should learn the indicators of economic growth and we need to know the relations between the economic growth and employment.After studying this unit, we should be able to analyze a nation's economy and the government's economic policies by using the factors and growth engines of economy.


两方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右不是两方,题目是西方领导表扬中国在金融危机保持经济增长,Keep economics growth in economic 120字左右 中国在金融危机危机下保持经济持续发展增长的根本保证(上面是一段材料)在金融危机对中国经济产生重大冲击的情形下,中国不仅避免了经济增长快速下滑,而且强调加快发展方式转变以 论文摘要中翻英2008年全球金融危机的爆发使得目前全球经济运行的不确定性增大,国内经济增长的速度放缓,国内经济增长中的结构性矛盾也随之突出.在全球金融危机这个大背景下,经济增长 为什么我国能在世界金融危机时能保持经济的平稳发展 中国的第四个经济增长极在哪里? 保持经济增长要靠拉动内需, 你认为发展教育事业和保持政治稳定在促进经济增长方面哪个更重要? 英语翻译自1978改革开放以来,中国经济保持着高速发展.1979~2007年社会总产值平均增长速度在10%以上,即使遇上严重的灾害,特别是受亚洲金融危机的影响下,1998年经济增长仍达7.8%,而2003年在经历 中国在“知识经济”时代如何才能保持经济的可持续发展 急缺英文翻译国际金融危机开始从金融领域蔓延到实体经济,2008年发达国家经济已经陷入衰退,全球经济增长率大幅放慢.鉴于主要发达国家房地产市场尚在调整之中,国际金融危机向发展中国 英语辩论赛:经济增长与环境保护在中国哪个应该优先?要英文版的啊 什么是三驾马车结合中国实际论述各部分在促进经济增长中的作用 什么是三驾马车 结合中国实际论述各部分在促进经济增长中的作用 什么是三驾马车结合中国实际论述各部分在促进经济增长中的作用 如何应对国际金融危机的影响,保持经济平稳较快发展 孙中三领导的辛亥革命在政治、经济、思想文化方面“推动中国发生历史性巨变”的表现 1.中国政府能够投入巨资刺激经济增长,主要得益于什么?扩大内需计划体现了政府用什么手段来发展经济?2.请列举两项古代中国科技一直走在世界前列的史实 英语翻译当前,世界经济总体仍处于复苏通道,国内经济继续朝着宏观调控的预期方向发展,向好势头进一步巩固,为我国外贸继续保持增长创造了良好环境.中国外贸呈现恢复性较快增长态势,拓