unmingling,下面是词语所在的句子."In a quarter of a century",claimed the Omaha Daily Republican in 1883,"they have made the people of the United States homogeneous,breaking through the peculiarities and provincialisms which marked separate a

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unmingling,下面是词语所在的句子."In a quarter of a century",claimed the Omaha Daily Republican in 1883,"they have made the people of the United States homogeneous,breaking through the peculiarities and provincialisms which marked separate a
"In a quarter of a century",claimed the Omaha Daily Republican in 1883,"they have made the people of the United States homogeneous,breaking through the peculiarities and provincialisms which marked separate and unmingling sections."
un+mingling =

unmingling,下面是词语所在的句子."In a quarter of a century",claimed the Omaha Daily Republican in 1883,"they have made the people of the United States homogeneous,breaking through the peculiarities and provincialisms which marked separate a
mingling的意思是混合 un+mingling 和独立差不多的意思

unmingling,下面是词语所在的句子.In a quarter of a century,claimed the Omaha Daily Republican in 1883,they have made the people of the United States homogeneous,breaking through the peculiarities and provincialisms which marked separate a 解释下面句中加点词语的意思 吧下面的词语排成一句通顺的话 读下面句孑,并用带点的词语写句孑.' 八年级上册语文第12课《桥之美》的课后词语所在句,我们要抄啊 用下面的词语组成两个意思相同的句子的 武装 是 战胜的 知识 不可 用 人 起来第一句:第二句: 解释下面的词语 解释下面的词语 说说下面句中加点词语的含义和对表达句意的作用:(1)东京也无非是这样.无非 含义:说说下面句中加点词语的含义和对表达句意的作用:(1)东京也无非是这样.无非 含义:对表达句意 根据下面词语的意思,用“举”分别组成词语,填入句中的横线上.中国有()的万里长城,有( )的风景名注意是用“举”分别组成词语.今晚就要. 乱词组句用下面的词语组成两个意思相同的句子!的 武装 是 战胜的 知识 不可 用 人 起来句子1:( .)句子2:( .) 写出下面词语是反义词 写出下列词语的英文名称.牛下面的是龙. 把下面的词语组成两句不同的通顺的话沙尘暴 厉害 的 北京 真 下面词语搭配是怎样写的谢谢 下面三组词语没有错别字的一组是 解释下面词语的意思诚如是徒劳滋味休憩 调整下面词语的顺序,原句意思不变齐悬王和齐泯王听吹竽的方式完全不同