MATLAB 绘制插值图像如何将双3次插值的图像输出来?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 09:53:07

MATLAB 绘制插值图像如何将双3次插值的图像输出来?
MATLAB 绘制插值图像

MATLAB 绘制插值图像如何将双3次插值的图像输出来?
其中,'cubic' - bicubic interpolation
INTERP2 2-D interpolation (table lookup).
ZI = INTERP2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) interpolates to find ZI,the values of the
underlying 2-D function Z at the points in matrices XI and YI.
Matrices X and Y specify the points at which the data Z is given.
Out of range values are returned as NaN.
XI can be a row vector,in which case it specifies a matrix with
constant columns.Similarly,YI can be a column vector and it
specifies a matrix with constant rows.
ZI = INTERP2(Z,XI,YI) assumes X=1:N and Y=1:M where [M,N]=SIZE(Z).
ZI = INTERP2(Z,NTIMES) expands Z by interleaving interpolates between
every element,working recursively for NTIMES.INTERP2(Z) is the
same as INTERP2(Z,1).
ZI = INTERP2(...,'method') specifies alternate methods.The default
is linear interpolation.Available methods are:
'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation
'linear' - bilinear interpolation
'cubic' - bicubic interpolation
'spline' - spline interpolation
All the interpolation methods require that X and Y be monotonic and
plaid (as if they were created using MESHGRID).If you provide two
monotonic vectors,interp2 changes them to a plaid internally.
X and Y can be non-uniformly spaced.
For example,to generate a coarse approximation of PEAKS and
interpolate over a finer mesh:
[x,y,z] = peaks(10); [xi,yi] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3,-3:.1:3);
zi = interp2(x,y,z,xi,yi); mesh(xi,yi,zi)

MATLAB 绘制插值图像如何将双3次插值的图像输出来? matlab 插值 每隔两个插一个数,均匀插值 利用matlab实现Lagrange 插值多项式主程序为:function SF_Sinx = -5 : 0.01 : 5; y = sin(x); plot(x,y,'r:') % 绘制准确函数图像hold onpx = -5 : 1 : 5; % 插值点py = sin(px hermite插值的matlab代码 常见图像插值算法只有3种么? 如何利用MATLAB模拟曲线工具箱和插值公式近似出曲线方程? 怎样用matlab实现序列的抽取和插值 柳树如何插活? 柳树如何插活? 利用matlab进行图像插值!我想利用matlab对二值图像进行插值,是肺部的切片,轮廓线有点复杂,我觉得利用基于图形形状的插值方算法进行插值的话,是不是有点复杂,很难找对应点对.肯定各位高手 matlab newton插值问题给定[0,1.2]内的被插函数f(x)=cosx,插值点 x=[0 0.4 0.8 1.2], y=[1 0.921061 0.696707 0.362358], 编写Newton插值函数,求xi=[0.45 0.58 0.02]处的函数值yi,绘制f(x) 的图形且标出(xi,yi)不会编写 用MATLAB求Lagrange插值多项式和Newton插值多项式用MATLAB求下列一组值的Lagrange插值多项式和Newton插值多项式 D={(0,5),(1,-2),(2,3),(3,4),(4,-1),(5,7),(6,5),(7,2)}. `要MATLAB的具体程序以及运算结果 matlab绘制积分函数图像 bezier插值属于什么插值 matlab中如何保持两个二维图像的横纵坐标比例保持一致?比如说绘制y=3x的图像(图像1),绘制y=4x+3的图像(图像2).规定x值只能从1到1o,y只能从0到40,且图像1和图像2的坐标比例要保持一致?急 matlab 多项式绘制图形问题用matlab做了一个牛顿插值函数之后 出来一个多项式f1=38.26+36.9059*x-723.048*x^2+1901.7*x^3-2169.6*x^4+1158*x^5-235.3277*x^6怎么给这个多项式 绘图?x在0~0.5*pi下面是数据左侧为x取值 matlab 插值函数用matlab求解这五个坐标(5,7)(2,6)(8,2)(4,3)(6,9)插值函数每个坐标有一个值0.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 折纸三角插如何制作