英语翻译请问tamas wells 有一首歌叫做,整首歌词翻译成汉语是什么意思呢?不要什么谷歌翻译的,有手的只要不是白痴谁都会查,而且那玩意儿翻译的不通,且有很多历史在里面也翻译不出来(貌

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:34:23

英语翻译请问tamas wells 有一首歌叫做,整首歌词翻译成汉语是什么意思呢?不要什么谷歌翻译的,有手的只要不是白痴谁都会查,而且那玩意儿翻译的不通,且有很多历史在里面也翻译不出来(貌
请问tamas wells 有一首歌叫做,整首歌词翻译成汉语是什么意思呢?不要什么谷歌翻译的,有手的只要不是白痴谁都会查,而且那玩意儿翻译的不通,且有很多历史在里面也翻译不出来(貌似)……所以那位英语+历史大神能翻译一下的,加上其中涉及到的典,我只有的50分就都奉上了~不要嫌少~
Some say England had a queen
who was married to a dreamer
Who was going insane
and held together by a battle
And a reel of forty two pages
sealed in a weather tight drum
It was leather,it was guns that would hold it inside
All together till the ceremony came
And everyone waited still
Everyone waited still
But the battle didn’t mean
there were treasures there were dreams
Of every vain and wealthy brother in a February field
Forced to be trading yield
And cattle and steed from wherever there is need
And it’s measured in love
Held together till the ceremony came
And everyone waited still
Everyone waited still
Deck the halls with the wealth of mine
Some say England had a queen
who was married to a dreamer
Who was going insane
and held together by a battle
And a reel of forty two pages
sealed in a weather tight drum
It was leather it was guns that would hold it inside
All together till the ceremony came

英语翻译请问tamas wells 有一首歌叫做,整首歌词翻译成汉语是什么意思呢?不要什么谷歌翻译的,有手的只要不是白痴谁都会查,而且那玩意儿翻译的不通,且有很多历史在里面也翻译不出来(貌
按说英国历史上的女王是有数的那么几位,这位应该是被称作bloody mary的玛丽一世女王.儿时命运多舛,三十几岁继位,在位短短五年,终年四十二岁(歌词中"a reel of forty two pages” ,这句应该是个metaphor).她信奉罗马天主教,而之前其父亨利八世推行宗教改革,与罗马教廷决裂,成立英格兰圣公会,自己成为英格兰最高宗教领袖.
出于对天主教的狂热,玛丽一世嫁给了同样痴迷于天主教的西班牙国王菲利普二世(她的亲侄子),并由此使英国卷入了宗教狂热的战争中,并残酷迫害异教徒,这就是她为啥被称作bloody mary的原因啦~"who was married to a dreamer "中的dreamer应该是指菲利普二世.
hope these would be helpful~:)