
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/27 14:04:44


t=0.15s 重力下平衡, t=0.21s 开始出现损伤
t=0.51s 铰行为明显, t=0.93s 较高位置的铰破坏
t=1.11s结构发生触地, t=1.59s 触地后
A 混凝土单元位置t=0.96s
B 混凝土单元的轴向应力变化曲线
图4.9 204截面内力变化
图4.10 顶部钢筋轴力变化曲线(N)
图4.11 顶部混凝土单元x向应力变化曲线(Pa)
A 2层梁2截面示意
B 1-10层梁2截面示意
图 4.12 2截面示意
A 各层梁2截面处竖向剪力(N)
B 2截面处总剪力(N)
B 竖向剪力之和与悬臂重力比例曲线
图4.13 1到10层梁在2截面处的内力变化曲线
图4.14 柱A1顶中节点y向速度曲线
A 各层梁2截面处弯矩(Nm)
B 1-10层梁2截面处总弯矩(Nm)
图4.15 2截面处的弯矩(Nm)
A 各层梁2截面处轴力(N)
B 1-10层梁2截面处轴力之和(N)
图4.16 2截面处的轴力(Nm)
图4.17 主体结构x向位移变化
A 完整结构第一弹性周期
B 主体结构第一弹性周期
图4.18 结构的第一模态(x向平动)
A 各柱1截面轴力(N)
B 结构1横截面处总轴力(N)
图4.19 柱1截面处的轴力(Nm)
A 各柱1截面剪力(N)
B 结构1横截面处剪力(N)
图4.20 柱1截面处的剪力(Nm)
图4.21 各柱1截面弯矩(Nm)
A 弯矩(Nm)
B 剪力 (N)
图4.21 三层梁与柱交接面内力变化
图4.22 拆掉柱子B1后结构的损伤变化
A 轴力变化
B 弯矩
C 剪力
图 4.23 各柱1截面内力变化
图4.24 ABC三根柱子在1截面处的轴力求和
A 弯矩(Nm)
B 剪力(N)
C 轴力(N)
图4.25 梁在4截面处的内力变化

Concrete model
RC Model
The finite element model of plane frame
Under the implicit analysis of the top beam under the bottom of column displacement and reaction force (kN,mm)
Explicit analysis of the top under the top of the beam under displacement
Explicit analysis of the displacement under the top column capitals
Implicit and explicit analysis and comparison
t = 0.15s gravity balance,t = 0.21s began to injury
t = 0.51s hinge behavior significantly,t = 0.93s higher position hinge damage
t = 1.11s structure hit the ground,t = 1.59s after touchdown
Removed after the column structure damage A1
Location of reinforcement unit
Reinforced unit axial stress curve
Reinforcing bars,and the axial stress curves
A concrete cell position t = 0.96s
B Concrete unit axial stress curve
Concrete element beam end to the stress curve x
Beam-column joint damage changes
Vertical shear force (Kn)
Moment (Knm)
Figure 4.9 Section Analysis of Changes 204
Figure 4.10 The curve of the top steel axial force (N)
Figure 4.11 The top of the concrete element x to the stress curve (Pa)
A 2 floor beams of two sections indicate
B 1-10 floor beams of two sections indicate
Figure 4.12 Section 2,indicate
A section on each floor beam 2,the vertical shear force (N)
B 2 section was the total shear (N)
B and the vertical shear of the curve with the cantilever gravity ratio
Figure 4.13 1 to 10 floor beams of the internal forces in the two curves cross section where
Figure 4.14 Column A1 to the top of the speed curve of the node y
A section on each floor beam 2 Department moment (Nm)
B 1-10 layer 2 section was the total beam moment (Nm)
Figure 4.15 Division 2 sectional moment (Nm)
A section on each floor beam 2,the axial force (N)
B 1-10 floor beams of the axial force of section 2 and (N)
Figure 4.16 2 Section The axial forces (Nm)
Figure 4.17 x to displacement in the main structure
A complete cycle structure of the first flexible
The first cycle of the main structure of elastic B
Figure 4.18 Structure of the first mode (x to the translation)
A section of the column an axial force (N)
Structure of a cross-section of Division B of total axial force (N)
Figure 4.19 Column 1 Section The axial force (Nm)
A section of the column 1,Shear (N)
Structure of a cross-section of Division B shear (N)
Figure 4.20 Column 1 section was shear (Nm)
Figure 4.21 a cross section of various column moment (Nm)
A moment (Nm)
B shear force (N)
Figure 4.21 three-beam column interface with the internal forces
Figure 4.22 removed after column B1 structure damage
A change in axial force
Moment B
C Shear
Figure 4.23 Section Analysis of changes in the column 1
Figure 4.24 ABC three columns in an axial section was sought and
A moment (Nm)
B shear force (N)
C-axis force (N)
Figure 4.25 Beam 4 section was in the internal forces

Concrete model
RC Model
The finite element model of plane frame
Under the implicit analysis of the top beam under the bottom of column displacement and reaction force (kN, mm)


Concrete model
RC Model
The finite element model of plane frame
Under the implicit analysis of the top beam under the bottom of column displacement and reaction force (kN, mm)
Explicit analysis of the top under the top of the beam under displacement
Explicit analysis of the displacement under the top column capitals
Implicit and explicit analysis and comparison
t = 0.15s gravity balance, t = 0.21s began to injury
t = 0.51s hinge behavior significantly, t = 0.93s higher position hinge damage
t = 1.11s structure hit the ground, t = 1.59s after touchdown
Removed after the column structure damage A1
Location of reinforcement unit
Reinforced unit axial stress curve
Reinforcing bars, and the axial stress curves
A concrete cell position t = 0.96s
B Concrete unit axial stress curve
Concrete element beam end to the stress curve x
Beam-column joint damage changes
Vertical shear force (Kn)
Moment (Knm)
Figure 4.9 Section Analysis of Changes 204
Figure 4.10 The curve of the top steel axial force (N)
Figure 4.11 The top of the concrete element x to the stress curve (Pa)
A 2 floor beams of two sections indicate
B 1-10 floor beams of two sections indicate
Figure 4.12 Section 2, indicate
A section on each floor beam 2, the vertical shear force (N)
B 2 section was the total shear (N)
B and the vertical shear of the curve with the cantilever gravity ratio
Figure 4.13 1 to 10 floor beams of the internal forces in the two curves cross section where
Figure 4.14 Column A1 to the top of the speed curve of the node y
A section on each floor beam 2 Department moment (Nm)
B 1-10 layer 2 section was the total beam moment (Nm)
Figure 4.15 Division 2 sectional moment (Nm)
A section on each floor beam 2, the axial force (N)
B 1-10 floor beams of the axial force of section 2 and (N)
Figure 4.16 2 Section The axial forces (Nm)
Figure 4.17 x to displacement in the main structure
A complete cycle structure of the first flexible
The first cycle of the main structure of elastic B
Figure 4.18 Structure of the first mode (x to the translation)
A section of the column an axial force (N)
Structure of a cross-section of Division B of total axial force (N)
Figure 4.19 Column 1 Section The axial force (Nm)
A section of the column 1, Shear (N)
Structure of a cross-section of Division B shear (N)
Figure 4.20 Column 1 section was shear (Nm)
Figure 4.21 a cross section of various column moment (Nm)
A moment (Nm)
B shear force (N)
Figure 4.21 three-beam column interface with the internal forces
Figure 4.22 removed after column B1 structure damage
A change in axial force
Moment B
C Shear
Figure 4.23 Section Analysis of changes in the column 1
Figure 4.24 ABC three columns in an axial section was sought and
A moment (Nm)
B shear force (N)
C-axis force (N)
Figure 4.25 Beam 4 section was in the internal forces
RC Model


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