
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/03 06:01:50


Our company has a lot of clothes to need the goods to Colombia,I want to supervise putting,had not finishing until very late all the time yesterday,because did not come to class on time ,I felt that very sorry

< I > to make an appointment with the dog's ten
1. Although regret, and you together of the time, only a decade or so.
2. In order to enhance mutual understanding, please give us enough time t...


< I > to make an appointment with the dog's ten
1. Although regret, and you together of the time, only a decade or so.
2. In order to enhance mutual understanding, please give us enough time to each other.
3. Please talk more with me, ok?
4. Don't quarrel, don't beat and scold me, because I will not bite you.
5. When I am not obedient, always have reason, think well before you blame me.
6. Please believe me, because I will always be your partner.
7. You also have friends in school, but for me, only you in my life.
8. Even if I'm old, also don't abandon me, please.
9. The days I spent with you, I won't forget the rest of my life.
When I leave this world, you watched me leave, because have you by my side, I can live a happy journey to heaven. So, please don't forget anyway, I have been in love with you.


there were loads of clothes to be exported to Columbia in our.company, and i was in charge, so i stayed up late last night, that is why i donnot come to.class on time, i am really sorry for that.

Lots of our clothes are being shipped to Columbia recently, I went to supervise the loading yesterday and came back late. Really sorry that I didn't present on time.

There were a lot of clothes in our company needed to ship to Colombia.I work late yesterday as a supervisor,so I'm very sorry I didn't come to class on time.

We have lots of clothes needs to be shipped to Columbia,and i need to be responsible for it. For the shipment takes a whole night to be prepared so that i can not have my class in time, and i feel much pity for it.

英语翻译我们公司有很多衣服需要出货到哥伦比亚去,我要去监装,昨天一直到很晚才结束,因为没有按时来上课,我感到非常的抱歉,英语翻译 英语翻译:因为A公司和本公司存在付款期限的问题,A公司表示在问题解决之前都不会再出货给我们, 衣服湿度达到多少不会发霉?我们公司的服装出货到客人手上后总是出现发霉潮湿的现象,后公司用水份仪测试水份,请问水份达到多少才正常? 英语翻译需要将以下内容翻译英文:1)附档为ETD12.12 出货文件,请查收!2)附档为ETD12.12 出货 给COSMO 确认文件,请查收!(备注 COSMO是一家公司) 英语翻译翻译内容为请问你可不可以告诉我关于货款的安排呢?我希望你们可以在出货前3-4个工作日安排货款因为货款从你们帐户到我们帐户可能需要4天左右的时间!根据我们公司的原则,我们 英语翻译今天验货结果出现问题,我们暂时只能先安排3个container 出货 不然将赶不上船期28号的船期,剩下2个需要推迟出货到下周. 我们公司已经过了TUV认证了,他们提供的标签中有CE标签,还需要单独做CE认证么我们做的是光伏组件,在TUV 做的关于IEC 61215和61730 的标准认证,出货的产品标签上有TUV 的标志,这和CE 的标志不是 英语翻译您好,我是XX公司的业务员.现在我们公司正进行Led灯的促销活动.同时,有很多新产品上市. 英语翻译由于您一直没有说提供包材的时间,所以我们无法确定什么时候可以出货.关于您说的出货时间,如果这四款颜色要在7月15号前出货的话,我们需要您在7月11号之前提供给我们包材.包材 英语翻译我感觉在深圳翻译 几乎泛滥了,但是想找个好点在翻译公司 长期合作.因为我们公司 经常会亦在线翻译.和很多业务都要来自国外.需要英语翻译.求指教. 英语翻译为减少出货流程,我们希望能直接以贵公司名义交货至终端客户新加坡仓库,请确认是否可以?请帮忙翻译上面这句话.我们公司是供货给B公司,B公司再拿我们的货供给A公司,B公司在法国 英语翻译:我们有很多工作要做 英语翻译:很多情况下我们需要去学会适应, 英语翻译我们公司需要一个能翻译缅甸文的翻译公司合作, 英语翻译要发给客人的国内办事处,请他们催付款的,具体如下:附件是一份出货后暂未收到货款的清单,有一部分超过60天仍未收到美金的发票很紧急,因为我们公司办理退税核销手续必须在75天 英语翻译我们公司有一些文件是意大利语的,需要找一个能翻译意大利语的翻译公司,大家有谁知道的没有? 我们公司要举办展会,很多相同相似物品要做标记,需要隐形笔做记号,哪里有卖隐形笔的? 英语翻译原来计划7/31号出货的,收到明天停电通知,以防万一准备改到8/2号出货.烦请您通知物流公司以上内容.