
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/06 03:41:44

与传统金融危机不同的是,次贷危机中风险的承担者是全球化的,所造成的损失是不确定的.次贷的证券化分布以及证券化过程中的流动性问题,使得经济金融发展中最担心的不确定性通过次贷危机集中体现出来.也正是由于上述不确定性造成了次贷损失的难以计量和对市场的巨大冲击.爆发于华尔街的次贷危机迅速向两个方 向传导:一是向其他国家的金融系统传导.欧洲的金融系统首当其冲,欧盟国家如临大敌.冰岛甚至一夜之间由全球最富有的国家,成为首个因为金融危机濒临破产的国家.韩国、乌克兰等国也面临巨大的债务压力.二是向实体经济传导,给世界各国经济发展和人民生活带来严重影响.

The United States the impact of financial crisis
With traditional financial crises are different,sub-loan crisis is the risks of globalization,the losses caused are uncertain.Times the distribution of loan securitization,as well as in the process of securitization liquidity problem,making economic and financial development in most worried about the uncertainty of the sub-prime crisis through focus reflected.It is also because of uncertainty caused by the above-mentioned loan losses times difficult to measure,and the huge impact on the market.Outbreak in the sub-loan crisis on Wall Street quickly to both the direction of conduction:one to the other country's financial system conduction.Bear the brunt of the financial system in Europe,the European Union country on its guard.Iceland or even overnight by the world's richest country,became the first financial crisis and the brink of bankruptcy because of the country.Korea,Ukraine and other countries are also facing enormous debt stress.Two are conductive to the real economy to the world economic development and a serious impact on people's lives.
Transmission mechanism of crisis because of a variety of necessary capital projects and financial market liberalization can be achieved under the conditions,in large measure,our country depend on an appropriate control of the capital and financial services markets and the low degree of openness at the 1997 Asian financial crisis survived But now,as China's economic and financial situation changes,even though our country has not yet completely open capital account,the risk of transmission of the crisis has been greatly increased,shocked the international financial market crisis in American sub-loan give us a wake-up call that the international transmission mechanism of financial crisis,the emergence of new characteristics.
Our country must still exist because of capital controls,sub-loan crisis,through financial channels in China's economic stability and health of a relatively limited direct impact on China's economy on short-term direct impact on the overall will not be too great.However,in the economic globalization,China and the United States,the link between the global economy are becoming ever closer,therefore,sub-loan crisis on our country's long-term economic development of the indirect effects can not be underestimated,the paper largely from the direct impact and indirect effects of two aspects of analysis financial crisis on the impact of our country.

英语翻译美国金融危机产生的影响与传统金融危机不同的是,次贷危机中风险的承担者是全球化的,所造成的损失是不确定的.次贷的证券化分布以及证券化过程中的流动性问题,使得经济金融发 英语翻译《东亚危机金融与美国金融危机的比较及启示》【摘要】本文通过对2008年美国金融危机和1997年东亚金融危机的比较,着重论述了两次危机的爆发原因、演变过程、造成的影响及应对 英语翻译2007年4月,美国新世纪金融公司申请破产,标志着次贷危机正式爆发.一年多来,次贷危机的影响愈演愈烈,形成“蝴蝶”效应,引发全球金融海啸,从而演变成世界金融危机.文章在分析美国 金融危机与金融自由化的关系 英语翻译金融危机又称金融风暴,可分为货币危机、债务危机、银行危机等.金融危机的产生大多数情况是由经济泡沫引起的,而产生危机的背景非常复杂.主要有以下几个方面造成:1、 美国的消 英语翻译从美国角度探讨产生金融危机的因素 注意:是论文标题. 谁帮我用英语翻译一下这段内容,谢谢!由美国的次贷危机引发的这次全球金融危机,给全球各金融行业带来不小的影响.同时,也对我国的企业带来巨大的打击.那么在危机四伏的金融海啸中,我国 英语翻译在全球经济空前一体化和金融创新发展变幻莫测的大背景下,始于美国的这场次贷风暴己经演变成全球范围内的金融危机,其波及范围之广、影响程度之深为全球各界始料不及.金融危 英语翻译请问这次世界性的金融危机是否对你的公司产生了严重的影响? 金融危机对资本主义的影响 英语翻译 英语翻译美国金融危机的含义简单来讲,是指以美国次级住房抵押贷款还款人违约为根源,诱发的金融机构倒闭破产的金融风暴.这场危机已渗透到实体经济中,并影响着全球产业转移.本文从四 金融危机对美国有什么影响注意是“美国”!另外,这与对中国的影响有什么区别? 金融危机对美国的影响请回答的详细点 从哲学角度谈美国金融危机对世界的影响 美国2008年全球金融危机产生的原因 英语翻译1.来自美国的金融风暴席卷全球.各国紧急出台相应政策挽救本国经济,力求将危机带来的影响降到最低.2.经济全球化带来危机全球化.3.在经济全球化的大背景之下,面对金融危机,各国 英语翻译2008年以来,由美国次贷危机演变成的全球金融危机,已渗透到几乎各个实体经济领域,对包括中国在内的世界经济和贸易产生了重大影响.而在中国,受到金融危机蝴蝶效应影响较大的,首 英语翻译银行卡作为新型的综合金融支付工具,是传统金融和现代信息技术相结合的产物,对整个社会经济生活产生重要的影响.银行卡产业的市场结构反映了该产业的竞争程度,必然对银行卡产