
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:50:41
我要圣诞节手抄报内容,要有中文翻译的,我要圣诞节手抄报内容,要有中文翻译的,我要圣诞节手抄报内容,要有中文翻译的,圣诞节有关的语言  【古英语】CristesMasse  【俄语】СРождество


  【古英语】Cristes Masse
  【俄语】С Рождеством
  【现代英语】Christmas Day merry christmas(圣诞快乐)
  【法语】le Noël
  The History of Christmas
  The history of Christmas dates back over 4000 years. Many of our Christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before the Christ child was born. The 12 days of Christmas, the bright fires, the yule log, the giving of gifts, carnivals(parades) with floats, carolers who sing while going from house to house, the holiday feasts, and the church processions can all be traced back to the early Mesopotamians.
  Many of these traditions began with the Mesopotamian celebration of New Years. The Mesopotamians believed in many gods, and as their chief god - Marduk. Each year as winter arrived it was believed that Marduk would do battle with the monsters of chaos. To assist Marduk in his struggle the Mesopotamians held a festival for the New Year. This was Zagmuk, the New Year's festival that lasted for 12 days.
  The Mesopotamian king would return to the temple of Marduk and swear his faithfulness to the god. The traditions called for the king to die at the end of the year and to return with Marduk to battle at his side.
  To spare their king, the Mesopotamians used the idea of a "mock" king. A criminal was chosen and dressed in royal clothes. He was given all the respect and privileges of a real king. At the end of the celebration the "mock" king was stripped of the royal clothes and slain, sparing the life of the real king.
  The Persians and the Babylonians celebrated a similar festival called the Sacaea. Part of that celebration included the exchanging of places, the slaves would become the masters and the masters were to obey.
  Early Europeans believed in evil spirits, witches, ghosts and trolls. As the Winter Solstice approached, with its long cold nights and short days, many people feared the sun would not return. Special rituals and celebrations were held to welcome back the sun.
  In Scandinavia during the winter months the sun would disappear for many days. After thirty-five days scouts would be sent to the mountain tops to look for the return of the sun. When the first light was seen the scouts would return with the good news. A great festival would be held, called the Yuletide, and a special feast would be served around a fire burning with the Yule log. Great bonfires would also be lit to celebrate the return of the sun. In some areas people would tie apples to branches of trees to remind themselves that spring and summer would return.
  The ancient Greeks held a festival similar to that of the Zagmuk/Sacaea festivals to assist their god Kronos who would battle the god Zeus and his Titans.
  The Roman's celebrated their god Saturn. Their festival was called Saturnalia which began the middle of December and ended January 1st. With cries of "Jo Saturnalia!" the celebration would include masquerades in the streets, big festive meals, visiting friends, and the exchange of good-luck gifts called Strenae (lucky fruits).
  The Romans decked their halls with garlands of laurel and green trees lit with candles. Again the masters and slaves would exchange places.
  "Jo Saturnalia!" was a fun and festive time for the Romans, but the Christians though it an abomination to honor the pagan god. The early Christians wanted to keep the birthday of their Christ child a solemn and religious holiday, not one of cheer and merriment as was the pagan Saturnalia.
  But as Christianity spread they were alarmed by the continuing celebration of pagan customs and Saturnalia among their converts. At first the Church forbid this kind of celebration. But it was to no avail. Eventually it was decided that the celebration would be tamed and made into a celebration fit for the Christian Son of God.
  Some legends claim that the Christian "Christmas" celebration was invented to compete against the pagan celebrations of December. The 25th was not only sacred to the Romans but also the Persians whose religion Mithraism was one of Christianity's main rivals at that time. The Church eventually was successful in taking the merriment, lights, and gifts from the Saturanilia festival and bringing them to the celebration of Christmas.
  The exact day of the Christ child's birth has never been pinpointed. Traditions say that it has been celebrated since the year 98 AD. In 137 AD the Bishop of Rome ordered the birthday of the Christ Child celebrated as a solemn feast. In 350 AD another Bishop of Rome, Julius I, choose December 25th as the observance of Christmas.
  教会开始并无圣诞节,约在耶稣升天后百余年内才有.据说:第一个圣诞节是在公元138年,由罗马主教圣克里门倡议举行.而教会史载第一个圣诞节则在公元 336年.由于圣经未明记耶稣生于何时,故各地圣诞节日期各异.直到公元440年,才由罗马教廷定12月25日为圣诞节.公元1607年,世界各地教会领袖在伯利恒聚会,进一步予以确定,从此世界大多数的基督徒均以12月25日为圣诞节.其实哪一天并不要紧,重要的是应该知道它是为纪念救主耶稣降生.
  但是,上帝又是慈爱的主,他赐给世人自己的独生子--耶稣基督,成为人的样式(就是圣诞),作我们的救赎主,他要将自己的百姓从罪恶里救出来.(马太福音 1章21节)他代替了我们的软弱,担当了我们的罪的刑罚."上帝使我们众人的罪孽都归到他身上",(以赛亚书53章6节)为我们的罪钉死在十字架上.
  《平安夜》(Silent Night)
  《普世欢腾,救主下降》(Joy to the World!)
  《铃儿响叮当》(Jingle Bells)
  《天使歌唱在高天》(Angels We Have Heard on High)
  《缅想当年时方夜半》(It Came Upon A Midnight Clear)
  《美哉小城,小伯利恒》(O Little Town of Bethlehem)
  《牧人闻信》(While Shepherds Wa tched Their Flocks)
  《远远在马槽里》(Away in the Manger )
  《荣耀天军》(Angels,from the Realms of Glory)
  《听啊,天使唱高声》(Hark! the Herald Angels Sing)
  《圣诞钟声》(I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day)等等,
  其中以《平安夜》(Silent Night)最为有名.