
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/11 18:38:13


Hokkaido is an island at Japan's northern extremity, surrounded by sea in all directions. It is an extensive land, accounting for 22% of Japan's total area. Low humidity makes the summers pleasant, while in winter you can enjoy sports like skiing: the island is gaining popularity as a tourist destination throughout the four seasons.
There are lots of places to see where you can enjoy the magnificence of nature to your heart's content: Mt. Daisetsu National Park, which forms the roof of Hokkaido; the still secluded Shiretoko Peninsula; Kushiro marsh, home to many precious living things such as the sacred crane; the Shikotsu Toya National Park, which is full of volcanoes and lakes; and the ever-changing Shakotan coast. Also, there are numerous hot springs, like Noboribetsu, Jouzankei and Sohunkyo, where you can slowly get over the tiredness from your journey.
Hokkaido ("Road for the North Sea") is the adopted child of modern Japan. It has been scarcely 100 years since the Meiji Restoration when mainstream Japanese first considered it a viable place to live. Before that, it was home only to a few vanquished samurai and the ethnically mysterious Ainu, aboriginal tribesmen . This far and mysterious land was called Ezo ("alien people who live in the north"). Today the island's relatively vast interior is the only area of Japan that truly merits the words "untamed wilderness."
The pioneer spirit prevails here, and enterprising young Japanese still come to homestead. Travelers relax here when they are "templed-out" and need a break from the crowds of settled Japan. The ancient trappings of tradition, classic architecture, and unyielding social order are much less important here and much less emphasized.
Hokkaido's toughened people are concerned with survival more than decorum. Beauty is not in the towns, but rather in the mountains behind the towns and on the shores surrounding them. Jury-rigged villages look temporary, as though awaiting bulldozing until permanent structures can be built.
American-style silos and red-painted barns dot the verdant countryside where dairy cattle, still an oddity to most Japanese, munch sweet green grass. The land itself is alive with the restless spirits of Ainu gods who regularly belch volcanic fire, rumble the earth in anger, or send roiling rivers from the snowmelt of inaccessible mountains to bathe the plains below. In Hokkaido bears roam, and in outlying villages you can dine on soba dolloped with chunks of gamey venison or on sizzling platters of fried sea lion with spicy sauces.
And though Sapporo is here, with a population of 1.7 million, fine restaraunts, cushy hotels, and a university, Hokkaido is really the land of the backpacker, wilderness explorer, skier, and trout fisherman. You won't need your business suit or basic black dress, but you will need lug-soled hiking boots and woolen shirts. Rejoice if you get excited by countless trails along rugged coastline or by treks through wildflower fields to the summits of snowcapped mountains that belong to you and soaring eagles alone. Hokkaido is the animated face of prepubescent Japan: play-mussed hair, bright, untamed, and running joyfully into the future.
In winter there is the Sapporo Snow-matsuri Festival and Mombetsu Ice Floes-matsuri Festival. In summer there is the Furano lavender-matsuri festival, as well as port-matsuri festivals in every coastal town to pray for a good catch and safe fishing. Hokkaido boasts over 1,200 festivals and events throughout the year, and has become loved as a place that celebrates the four seasons

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