英语翻译  本人工作认真负责,在校期间担任干部,有织能力和团队协作精神,具有较强的适应能力,纪律性强,工作积极配合.大学期间,我还从事了一些兼职和志愿者活动,从中培养了能力,在沟

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/11/08 12:32:01
英语翻译  本人工作认真负责,在校期间担任干部,有织能力和团队协作精神,具有较强的适应能力,纪律性强,工作积极配合.大学期间,我还从事了一些兼职和志愿者活动,从中培养了能力,在沟英语翻译  本人工作认

英语翻译  本人工作认真负责,在校期间担任干部,有织能力和团队协作精神,具有较强的适应能力,纪律性强,工作积极配合.大学期间,我还从事了一些兼职和志愿者活动,从中培养了能力,在沟

英语翻译  本人工作认真负责,在校期间担任干部,有织能力和团队协作精神,具有较强的适应能力,纪律性强,工作积极配合.大学期间,我还从事了一些兼职和志愿者活动,从中培养了能力,在沟
I am a person who always be seriously responsible with my work,I served as cadre during the school days,I have organizational skills and team spirit,i have strong adaption ability and I am a well-disciplined who work actively .
During college,i have experience some part-time jobs and volunteer activities,from which i have developed my abilities.I 've learnt a lot from the communication and finishing tasks.
During my internship,i would like to accept enterprise's job assignment and look forward to long-term emply.

I amserious and responsible workduring the schoolserved ascadres,organizationskills and teamworkspirit,hasastrongability to adapt,discipline, workactivelywith the.
During college, Ialso engag...


I amserious and responsible workduring the schoolserved ascadres,organizationskills and teamworkspirit,hasastrongability to adapt,discipline, workactivelywith the.
During college, Ialso engaged ina numberofpart-time andvolunteer activities, from whichtocultivatetheability tohave learneda lot of experienceincommunication andto complete the task.

During the internship,I am willing toacceptthearrangementofthework,andhope to obtainlong-termretained.


work in a conscientious and responsible, during the period of school as a cadre, have organizational capacity and team spirit, and a strong ability to adapt, discipline sex is strong, work actively.


work in a conscientious and responsible, during the period of school as a cadre, have organizational capacity and team spirit, and a strong ability to adapt, discipline sex is strong, work actively.
During the University, I also engaged in a number of part-time and volunteer activities, from cultivating ability in communication and the completion of the task, have learned a lot of experience.
During the internship, I am willing to accept the arrangement, and hope to have a long-term retention.


I always work responsibly and conscientiously. I once worked as a cedre in school, so I have organisational skills and i'm good at teamwork . I'm well- disciplined and able to quickly adapt to changi...


I always work responsibly and conscientiously. I once worked as a cedre in school, so I have organisational skills and i'm good at teamwork . I'm well- disciplined and able to quickly adapt to changing situations and make an active cooperation in work.
During colleag, I did part-time jobs and took part in volunteer work , by which I develped my ability, and I have got much experience in communication and task completion.
In the course of internship, I'm willing to accept schedules of the company and looking forward to working for a long time there.


英语翻译本人性格热情开朗,待人友好,为人诚实谦虚。工作勤奋,认真负责,学习能力强。吃苦耐劳,善于钻研。熟悉并掌握AutoCAD二维设计软件,在校期间自学并可初步使用Pro/E、UG、topso 英语翻译  本人工作认真负责,在校期间担任干部,有织能力和团队协作精神,具有较强的适应能力,纪律性强,工作积极配合.大学期间,我还从事了一些兼职和志愿者活动,从中培养了能力,在沟 英语翻译  本人工作认真负责,在校期间担任干部,有织能力和团队协作精神,具有较强的适应能力,纪律性强,工作积极配合.大学期间,我还从事了一些兼职和志愿者活动,从中培养了能力,在沟 英语翻译我性格乐观开朗,积极向上,为人随和,诚实守信.学习上,有着良好的学习能力,在校期间,以优异成绩连续三年获得专业二等奖学金.在工作上,我一丝不苟,任劳任怨,工作认真负责、处事 英语翻译1.此生在校期间,对学习认真负责,思维灵活,接受能力较强,有较强的领导,组织管理能力,以及独立思考能力,在本班作为美术课代表,执着,有爱心,关心集体,乐于助人,老师交代的工作能 英语翻译1.在校期间尝试过家教,促销员,派单员,话务员等不同的兼职工作,几乎每份工作期间由于工作认真负责,得到上级的好评.2.到岗时间,工作性质,期望月薪3.性格开朗大方,善于与不同背景 英语翻译本人在校期间,于同学之间和睦共处,互敬互助,尊敬老师. 英语翻译他工作认真负责,爱岗敬业,乐于助人 英语翻译本人从小热爱体育运动,有坚韧不拔之精神,才思敏捷,做事严谨,与人友善,热爱集体,有很好的人际关系,性格外向开朗,能虚心接受他人不同意见,工作时能全身心的投入.在校期间担任过 英语翻译本人做事细心、精明能干、为人诚实,应变能力强。在校期间能够积极参加团体活动,善于与人沟通合作,对工作热忱,虚心好学,积极进取,踏实、能吃苦,适应性强,有创造力 英语翻译自我评价 本人从事医疗器械产品销售工作7年多时间,对医疗器械产品的直销,分销工作均有多年工作经验.熟悉医疗器械产品市场环境及运作手法.本人对工作认真负责,积极主动且具有 英语翻译例如“在校期间担任职务”,“获奖情况” 英语翻译我今年考的大学不怎么好,觉得考研有出路,欢迎大学在校期间各种建议及考研建议,可以畅所欲言,本人感激不尽! 工作认真负责的成语 英语翻译大学在校期间,曾在德克士打工,并且在咸阳四方旅行社担任导游,在咸阳东方巴黎从事市场调查员工作. 英语翻译社会实践与实习经历社会实践 在校期间,做过家教、传单派发员、大型活动宣传员等多种兼职工作.参加南宁第二节汽车交易会开幕式演出.本科期间,积极参加学生工作,有一定的组织 “在校期间”的英文翻译, 在他们工作期间,英语翻译.