求高手帮我翻译一下这段话的意思,不要谷歌百度在线翻译的,希望可以自己翻译出通顺的话Indeed, it is those studies, in which the researcher positioned her-/himself ‘in thefrenzy’ of marketplaces, concentrating on o

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 02:35:30

求高手帮我翻译一下这段话的意思,不要谷歌百度在线翻译的,希望可以自己翻译出通顺的话Indeed, it is those studies, in which the researcher positioned her-/himself ‘in thefrenzy’ of marketplaces, concentrating on o
Indeed, it is those studies, in which the researcher positioned her-/himself ‘in the
frenzy’ of marketplaces, concentrating on observing and making sense of ‘the public,
face-to-face encounters of buyers and sellers’ (p. 2), that have most to offer. The
authors have opted for different representational strategies. Wherry, Stillerman and
Semi prioritize a detailing of the ethnographic richness of their respective studies. In
Stillerman’s work, for instance, we get a real taste of the contrasting sociality of
Santiago’s street and flea markets, with the street market functioning as the setting in
which long-term and intimate relationships between vendors and customers are
forged, and where levels of trust are high. Semi’s chapter offers an analysis of the
place of humour in Turin’s Porta Palazzo market, operating, as it does, as a set of
linguistic and embodied techniques through which relations of power implicating
gender, ethnicity and status are played out. His ethnographic excerpts clarify the
complex nature of market encounters, throwing insight on the radically divergent
modes of engagement between consumers and vendors in the formal as opposed to
the informal renditions of this marketplace.

求高手帮我翻译一下这段话的意思,不要谷歌百度在线翻译的,希望可以自己翻译出通顺的话Indeed, it is those studies, in which the researcher positioned her-/himself ‘in thefrenzy’ of marketplaces, concentrating on o
Indeed,it is those studies,in which the researcher positioned her-/himself ‘in the
frenzy’ of marketplaces,concentrating on observing and making sense of ‘the public,
face-to-face encounters of buyers and sellers’ (p.2),that have most to offer.
The authors have opted for different representational strategies.Wherry,Stillerman and
Semi prioritize a detailing of the ethnographic richness of their respective studies.作者们选择了不同的代表性策略.W,S1和S2这三个人优先处理了他们各自研究中的人种志的丰富性.
In Stillerman’s work,for instance,we get a real taste of the contrasting sociality of
Santiago’s street and flea markets,with the street market functioning as the setting in
which long-term and intimate relationships between vendors and customers are
forged,and where levels of trust are high.在S1的研究中,例如,我们真正感受到了Santiago街道市场和跳蚤市场的具有鲜明对比的交际性,街道市场功能在于卖家和买家的长期和亲密关系的建立,此市场中(交际中的)信任水平也高.Semi’s chapter offers an analysis of the
place of humour in Turin’s Porta Palazzo market,operating,as it does,as a set of
linguistic and embodied techniques through which relations of power implicating
gender,ethnicity and status are played out.而S2的研究提供了T市PP市场中幽默的地位的分析,(此市场)功能在于一系列的语言学的和具体化的技巧,通过这些技巧,指向性别、种族、地位的强力关系被发挥出来.
His ethnographic excerpts clarify the complex nature of market encounters,throwing insight on the radically divergent modes of engagement between consumers and vendors in the formal as opposed to the informal renditions of this marketplace.他的人种方面的摘录使得市场冲突的复杂本性清晰起来,以正式的而不是非正式的说明方式剖析了此市场的买家和卖家之间冲突的本质上有分歧的模型.






求高手帮我翻译一下这段话的意思,不要谷歌百度在线翻译的,希望可以自己翻译出通顺的话Indeed, it is those studies, in which the researcher positioned her-/himself ‘in thefrenzy’ of marketplaces, concentrating on o 请高手帮我翻译一下各英文什么意思,求. 求英语高手帮我翻译一下:裕林农牧 请哪位高手帮我翻译一下一下越南语的中文意思 E Ko BJET AnH Noii?Dau 哪位高手帮我翻译pilate的中文意思 要全文歌词文件在下面 就是电影主题曲 哪位高手帮我翻译一下全文 不要只翻译第一部分(因为我也知道)在百度上还看到一个翻译 但我觉得那个人翻译的不 求求求 寻求 英语高手帮着翻译一下这段话 英语翻译谁帮我翻译一下,不要生硬的翻译 请各位高手帮我翻译一下大学入学英语自我介绍,不要用翻译机, 英语高手帮我翻译一下,好的话追加奖励80-100,不要翻译器, 英语高手帮帮忙翻译!不要直译!为什么我爱你,你却不知道?帮我翻译一下!不要直译~谢谢~ 我叫 马涛, 一位穆斯林, 求懂阿拉伯语的高手帮我翻译一下我的名字 brb,my cat is killing my dog有没有英文高手帮我翻译一下这句话的意思? well-organised类似与清醒的那个意思.请高手帮我精确翻译一下:well-organised i love yon 有多少种解释的意思求大神帮助我搞不懂i love yon 到底有多少种翻译.我请教各位高手能不能帮我翻译一下 谁可以帮我翻译一下《one more time》 akon 唱的题目也翻译一下,要对的翻译,不要不通的解释,要意思对, 求高手帮我翻译一下这个句子:应对世界气候变化,联合国该起到什么样的作用? 英语翻译文言文高手,帮我翻译一下文言文全文翻译 求大神帮我翻译一下这个标题的确切意思