how did you spend the weekend?与what did you do last weekend?两句话区别!还有,how was your weekend?回答要用It was ···还是?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 01:39:35

how did you spend the weekend?与what did you do last weekend?两句话区别!还有,how was your weekend?回答要用It was ···还是?
how did you spend the weekend?与what did you do last weekend?两句话区别!还有,how was your weekend?回答要用It was ···还是?

how did you spend the weekend?与what did you do last weekend?两句话区别!还有,how was your weekend?回答要用It was ···还是?
"你上个周末怎么样?” “你上个周末做了什么”
回答不同,It was great/nice...或者直接回good,great之类
第二个回是I did.之类

你如何度过周末的。上周末你做什么了?你的周末怎么样?用it was

how did you spend the weekend?你是如何度周末的?
what did you do last weekend?上周末你在做什么?
it was wonderful
