几条阅读题 因为最近我们考试抓阅读题抓得比较紧 我也想练习练习 刚才发现几篇 好几个地方不太懂(二)Water is very important to people.We must drink water every day.We can’t live without water.Water is every

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/18 20:05:54

几条阅读题 因为最近我们考试抓阅读题抓得比较紧 我也想练习练习 刚才发现几篇 好几个地方不太懂(二)Water is very important to people.We must drink water every day.We can’t live without water.Water is every
因为最近我们考试抓阅读题抓得比较紧 我也想练习练习 刚才发现几篇 好几个地方不太懂
Water is very important to people.We must drink water every day.We can’t live without water.Water is everywhere around us.At home,we use water to wash clothes,to wash dishes,to cook meals,to clean the flat,to have showers,to make drinks,to clean our teeth,to have a bath and so on.
At work,people use water to put out fires,to grow vegetables,to make things in factories and so on.We also can swim on the earth.Water is important to us,isn’t it?
However,there isn’t much water on the earth.It is very valuable.We must save it.If we waste too much water,one day in the future,the last drop of water on the planet will be our tear.
1.What could we do with water at home?
2.Can we live without water?
3.Is there much water on our planet?
4.Why must we save water?

几条阅读题 因为最近我们考试抓阅读题抓得比较紧 我也想练习练习 刚才发现几篇 好几个地方不太懂(二)Water is very important to people.We must drink water every day.We can’t live without water.Water is every
1.At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook meals, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on.
2.no we can not
3.there isn’t much water on the earth.
4.We must save it. If we waste too much water, one day in the future, the last drop of water on the planet will be our tear.

几条阅读题 因为最近我们考试抓阅读题抓得比较紧 我也想练习练习 刚才发现几篇 好几个地方不太懂(二)Water is very important to people.We must drink water every day.We can’t live without water.Water is every 大师抓机会阅读答案 初中语文阅读题找不到文章中心总是抓不住主旨看不懂作者文章要告诉我们什么 【语文阅读题】我的眼睛被电线杆抓住了“抓”字用的好不好?为什么 在做阅读理解题时,怎样正确的的去抓关键词、关键句子呢? 语文现代文阅读要如何抓到点? 猫妈妈我们抓的鱼不到8条,一共抓了13条,小猫我抓的鱼比你少,问它们各抓了多少 阅读类课堂教学如何“抓关键问题评课” 一道很难很难的题答对了加再30分 一个桶里有100个豆 5个人轮流各抓一次 最少得抓一个 抓到最后豆最多的人和最少的人都要死 如是你 你怎么抓如果大家抓的一样多 就都得死 自己抓 梦到下河抓鱼昨晚梦到和朋友下河抓鱼,抓了三条 一大两小 朋友也抓了几条 回家后一看 那条大鱼竟然坏了 请各位帮忙 看看是什么意思 做英语阅读看不明白总是抓不住文章大意我是高二学生,因为我单词量少所以文章几乎看不懂,但高考还指着阅读拿分呢!所以要紧抓提高阅读!我想知道我阅读应该怎么做详细一点!还有如果泛 我考试的时候老是弄不懂题目想考我们什么抓不到考点 玩火被抓如何解释如题. 陈水扁为什么被抓?最近怎么样了? 阅读题,一桶水倒在干沙滩上水立刻无影无踪沙子表面上却湿漉漉的好像吸满了水.但是抓一把湿沙子却挤不出一点水来.这是因为沙子并没有真正把水吸进去而是让水 要上语文补习班,补阅读抓作文的.亲们推荐下, 阅读:秋天的怀念母亲扑的原因,抓的究竟是什么!1 孩子上初中了,阅读速度快但是抓不住答题点怎么办?