
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 07:16:47


The court mediation is in the civil action domain and a judicial practice hot topic.It regarding the prompt melt contradiction,maintained the social stability,the promotion economic development has played the tremendous role.But simultaneously along with society's development,Our country Court mediation system's malpractice also day by day appears,like the compulsion mediates,the long accent does not sentence and so on.Only then through fundamentally changes our country's mediation pattern,implements the accent examines the separation mediation pattern,can the better display mediation function,make it to adapt and to promote our country legalization advancement.

Mediation is a civil procedure and judicial practice is a hot issue. 它对于及时化解矛盾,维护社会稳定,促进经济发展发挥了巨大作用。 It is the time to resolve conflicts, maintain social stability and promoting economic development h...


Mediation is a civil procedure and judicial practice is a hot issue. 它对于及时化解矛盾,维护社会稳定,促进经济发展发挥了巨大作用。 It is the time to resolve conflicts, maintain social stability and promoting economic development has played a significant role. 但同时随着社会的发展,我国法院调解制度的弊端也日益显现,如强制调解,久调不判等。 But with the development of society, the shortcomings of our system of court mediation is also increasingly apparent, such as mandatory mediation, negotiations and so long did not transfer. 只有通过从根本上改变我国的调解模式,实行调审分离的的调解模式,才能更好的发挥调解的作用,使其适应并促进我国法制化进程。 Only through a fundamental change in our mediation model, implementation notes and Trial of the mediation model, can better play a mediating role, to adapt and promote the process of China's legal system.


The court mediation is civil procedure and the judicial practice of a hot issue. It is time for solving contradiction, maintain social stability and promote economic development has played a huge role...


The court mediation is civil procedure and the judicial practice of a hot issue. It is time for solving contradiction, maintain social stability and promote economic development has played a huge role. But at the same time, along with the development of society, the defects in the court mediation system are also increasingly appear, such as forced mediation, no longer to etc. Only through the mediation of fundamentally changed our examination mode, implement the separation of mediation model, can play the role of a better mediation, make its adaptation and promote legalization.


英语翻译法院调解是民事诉讼领域和司法实务中的一个热点问题.它对于及时化解矛盾,维护社会稳定,促进经济发展发挥了巨大作用.但同时随着社会的发展,我国法院调解制度的弊端也日益显 英语翻译民事诉讼中的调解制度作为我国一项重要的法律制度,是中国人民经过长期的审判实践总结出的特色制度,在外国被誉为“东方经验”,其中的民事调解制度对解决民事纠纷和社会稳定 司法部门和法院的关系?法院审判?司法执行?立法机构是人民代表大会?中国有法吗? 英语翻译民事诉讼法律程序的良性构建和运作有赖于对诉讼程序自身的价值内涵在较为深入的认识,但由于受到“重实体轻程序”的司法观念影响,我国理论界和实务界显然没有平衡好程序与 望解答司法调解的定义有文章提到“人民调解、行政调解和司法调解三大调解手段”,三者有什么区别? 英语翻译论公安刑事调解的范围和程序设计摘 要:随着我国司法改革的日益深化,公安机关在办理刑事案件过程中,逐渐开始运用调解手段对一些轻微刑事案件进行调解,以化解社会矛盾,维护 英语翻译本文主要讨论在制定法日益完善和习惯法长期存在的客观事实面前,现行法院调解制度在解决两者冲突中的积极作用,并就如何进一步完善和发展法院调解制度提出自己的建议.笔者首 浅谈新形势下如何做好法院调解工作 英语翻译关于民事诉讼简易程序的思考摘要近年来,随着法制的推广和民众法律意识的提高,诉讼案件数量激增,与法院人手不足造成了矛盾,为解决这一矛盾、提高审判效率,各基层法院对一审 英语翻译政权组织形式 采用总统制,总统为国家元首和政府首脑.实行分权与制衡的原则,立法、行政、司法三种权力分别由国会、总统、法院掌管,三个部门行使权力时,彼此互相牵制,以达到权 民事诉讼证据和民事诉讼证据材料的区别 法院调解的意义是什么最好以调研报告的格式答~法院为什么要进行调解 在司法领域,--------用英语怎么说? 英语翻译自认制度是我国民事证据中的一项重要制度,民事诉讼之自认包括诉讼上的自认和诉讼外的自认.民事诉讼上之自认是指一方当事人在诉讼中承认对方当事人主张的不利于己的事实为 法庭调解是意义是什么?是和我讨价还价吗? 英语翻译平行诉讼是近些年来国际民事诉讼领域经常发生的问题,日益频繁的国际交流是平行诉讼多发的主要推力.所谓平行诉讼,是指相同当事人就同一争议同时在两个或两个以上国家或地区 英语翻译我国法院错案追究制度的现状与思考摘要:上个世纪九十年代,在我国由计划经济向市场经济转轨时期,司法腐败成为司法领域中比较突出的问题时,错案责任追究制度就运而生了.法院 英语翻译2、附带民事诉讼在性质上作为一种特殊的民事诉讼,就应保护受害人的民事权利,任何机关和个人都不能剥夺,不管它是通过民事诉讼程序还是通过刑事附带民事诉讼程序进行.3、尽管