
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:55:04


翻译:1我和Amy都喜欢做早操,因为这对我们健康有益.Amy and I like to do morning exercise because it is good for our health.2我叔叔总忙于他的工作,所以他没有时间教我们怎么开车.My uncle is always busy with his work,therefore he doesn't have time to teach us how to drive a car.3每周三上午,妈妈总很早把我叫醒.My mother always wakes me up very early on every Wednesday morning 4感谢他组织这次班级旅行,但价格太贵了.We are grateful to him for arranging our class picnic,but the cost is too expensive.5中国科技博物馆是那么有趣.我期盼着不久再去那儿.The China Museum of Science and Technology is so interesting that I hope I can visit it again soon.6那个游泳健将多久练习一次?一周3次.How frequent does that swimmer practise?Three times a week.7当老师带着书本走进教室,学生们会立即停止交谈.As soon as the teacher enters the classroom with his book,the students will stop chatting at once.8爸爸经常说我们不应该玩太多电脑游戏.My father usually says that we should not play too much computer games.9鲁老师非常高兴,因为每个十班学生在路上碰到她都会向她问好.Mr Lu is very happy because every student will greet her when they meet her on the road.10你能再说一遍吗?我没法听清楚,可能我耳朵有问题.Can you repeat once more?I cannot hear clearly,may be there is something wrong with my ears.11他要多久才回来?2个月后.How long will it take for him to come back?Two months later.12哪个女孩将要去度假?那个戴白帽子的女孩.Which girl will be going on vacation?The girl with the white hat.13这是我第2次中国传统食物.This is the second time that I ate Chinese traditional food.14从晚9到半夜,唐人街将会有烟火和舞狮表演.There will be bonfire and lion dance in Chinatown from 9 pm to midnight.15每个学生应该在国庆节前读完这本书.Every student should finish reading this book before the National Day arrives.16那个农夫叫他的儿子用木头制成桌子.That farmer asked his son to make a table out of wood.17谁经常在圣诞节前夕用南瓜做一盏灯?Who usually makes a lamp with pumpkin on Christmas eve?18在纸的另一面写下你每周所做的事.Write down the things you do every week on the other side of the paper.19我感到非常兴奋.因为明天我计划去参加新年庆祝活动.I am very excited because I plan to take part in the new year's celebration activities tomorrow.20你知道在哪里我们能买到月饼吗?Do you know where we can buy mooncakes?完形填空:Jim Green and I 1 twin brothers.We are 2 .Lucy King is 3 English girl .We’re in the same 4 .She is eleven.5 are twelve.We’re good friends and 6 .Our Chinese 7 is Miss Gao.She’s a nice teacher.We all 8 her.( )1.A.am B.is C.are D.be ( )2.A.America B.American C.America D.american ( )3.A.a B.an C.the D.× ( )4.A.class B.classes C.Class D.Classes ( )5.A.I B.He C.They D.We ( )6.A.classmate B.a classmate C.classmates D.a classmates ( )7.A.teacher B.student C.teachers D.students ( )8.A.are B.love C.put D.see