
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 21:05:13


1. This floor plan is drawn based on the requirements of the contract combining the topographic map of the place drawn by the engineer on site.
2. The plan positions of those buildings are for your reference only. They may be adjusted according to the actual conditions during construction.
3. In this floor plan, the width of road is set to be 4.5 m, and the maximum slope of the road is designed to be less than 17%.
4. In this floor plan, all the green areas and decorations are only for demonstration instead of real objects.

1 this layout is required under the contract, combining engineer in site delimit limits measured the topographic map plotting.
2. Each building plane position for reference only, in the implementa...


1 this layout is required under the contract, combining engineer in site delimit limits measured the topographic map plotting.
2. Each building plane position for reference only, in the implementation will be according to the situations.
3. Figure in road width by 4.5 m consideration, the most DaPo than design field road less than 17%.
4. The greening and adornment is only hint, not as object reference.


1.This floor-plan is according to the contract requirement, unifies engineer to delimit the scope in the scene to measure the topographic diagram plan.
2. various buildings' planimetric position ...


1.This floor-plan is according to the contract requirement, unifies engineer to delimit the scope in the scene to measure the topographic diagram plan.
2. various buildings' planimetric position is only the reference, will make the adjustment in the implementation according to the scene situation.
3. in the chart the passage width considered according to 4.5m, in the field the path biggest slope is smaller than 17% compared to the design.
4. in the chart the afforestation and the decoration are only the hints, does not do for the material object reference.


1, This floor plan is drawn according to the requirement of the contract in combination wiht the measured relief map of the range gave by the engineer on-site.
2, The plane positions of variouse b...


1, This floor plan is drawn according to the requirement of the contract in combination wiht the measured relief map of the range gave by the engineer on-site.
2, The plane positions of variouse buildigs are only for reference, which will be adjusted according to on-site conditions during construction.
3, The width of road in the drawing is considered as 4.5m, and the maximum solpe-ratio in the field is designed to be less than 17%.
4, The virescence and decoration in the drawing are sketch map only, which should not be regarded as actual object reference.
手工制作 lz英明



1.The floorplan is drafted , according to the contract's details and with enigeers who
have detected the area where are allowed to detect.
2.Each building locati...



1.The floorplan is drafted , according to the contract's details and with enigeers who
have detected the area where are allowed to detect.
2.Each building location in the floorplan
is poited is only for reference.Depend on the
actual sutiation,each building location can be adjusted .
3.Regarding as 4.5m based on the width of road and the maximum slope rario of roads that locate in the floorplan is less than 17% in the floorplan
4.The afforests and decoration is only as demo,not as physical reference.


英语翻译说明:1.本平面布置图是按合同要求,结合工程师在现场所划范围所测地形图绘制.2.各建筑物的平面位置仅为参考,在实施中将根据现场情况进行调整.3.图中道路宽度按4.5m考虑,场内道 施工现场平面布置图英语翻译 英语翻译1.不明之处,请垂询本委员会2.我公司一贯重合同,守信用 英语翻译1.本方系依法注册并合法存续,具备签订和履行本协议所需的完全民事权利能力和行为能力2.对因本合同(包括但不限于合同谈判、签订合同、履行合同、变更合同、终止合同)而知 英语翻译“成就财富神话”“财富的创造就这样简单”“大厅平面布置图”“客房内平面布置图” 英语翻译XX饭店及XX公司将就本合同下对XX公司南宁分公司桂林办事处的全部及任何债务按照本合同承担履行义务. 租房合同英语翻译, 英语翻译在合同中用 英语翻译本合同期限届满时,经双方书面同意,签署及盖章后,本合同可以续订.续订后的合同期限及条款以有关书面协议为准.本合同期限届满时,双方未就本合同之续签事宜以书面形式达成一致 英语翻译请问“买卖双方需在本合同的签订日期当天对合同进行确认并签盖,逾期失效”这句话的英文怎么说, 汉译英~一句合同!Thanks!构成本合同的文件可视为是能互相说明的,如果合同文件存在歧义或不一致,则根据如下一步优先次序来判断. 英语翻译本合同未尽事宜或条款内容不明确,合同双方当事人可以根据本合同的原则、合同的目的、交易习惯及关联条款的内容,按照通常理解对本合同作出合理解释.该解释具有约束力,除非解 建筑基础平面布置图上的阴影部分什么意思本页没有 英语翻译1.为维护甲乙双方利益,明确各自的权利、义务,甲乙双方按照有关法律规定,经协商一致,订立本合同,共同遵守.2.本合同项下的全部债务由某人提供连带还款保证.3.甲方有权对违约使用 英语翻译翻译这段话 截止到12月3日甲方和乙方本着友好合作的精神签订本合同,根据合同甲方聘请乙方为外籍工作人员,合同条件如下 英语翻译六、本合同第四条为乙方选择条款,乙方可以不填写.合同订立后,乙方不能交付本合同全款的,须向甲方缴纳不低于本合同交易金额20%的定金.当甲方收到乙方的剩余款额(余款在一周 英语翻译在合同里的 英语翻译购货合同怎么翻译