
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/08 22:26:58


Post-war Sue beauty strategic target and strategy in the conflicts of interests, socialism and capitalism two kinds of social system contradiction, the rise of the led to the cold war. Truman doctrine issued marks Sue beauty of cold war in an all-round way, the Marshall plan and mo rove plan of the cold war against, in the economic field started, two north Korea and two German is the emergence of the world war ii and cold war of the product. Us-led capitalism with Soviet camp led socialist camp, NATO and compete two major military group conducted comprehensive tense confrontation and conflict.
During world war ii, although u.s.s.r.opened in wartime interests and postwar arrangement has each plan, but they are still obey defeat and eliminating fascist this common primary strategic objectives, the relations between them are Allies relationship. The end of the war, is soviet-american relations significant changes have occurred. U.s.s.r.opened common enemy already bites of war, the common strategic target has been achieved, and subsequent is u.s.-soviet between the strategic target, strategic vision the strategic significance of the fundamental conflict.
After world war ii, America's strategic total goal is to dominate the world. At the end of world war ii has not yet, Roosevelt had conceived the post-war world blueprint, its main strategy conception was a big cooperation, especially u.s.-soviet cooperation, we will arrange the post-war world, jointly maintain the post-war world order, but must by American act as eldest brother, to dominate the world. President Truman, thanks to the United States as the world's leading powers status, declared that "leadership over the world", and through the implementation of policies and hegemony means to pursue this goal.
The Soviet union is the main obstacle to the United States overlord among states world, Truman government policy towards the Soviet union increasingly tough. Its strategic idea is reject u.s.-soviet cooperation, side make missile threat, side make jinyuan diplomatic, use hegemonism of political, economic, military means, controlling other capitalist countries, for Latin America, eastern Europe, east Asia pressure socialist country, curb the Soviet union, take over the world.
America's strategic goal of strategic idea is for America's strategic interests service. The U.S. monopoly bourgeois needs to ensure that America's "world first, the more the better", this is the economic interests of the post-war America's most important strategic interests. The early postwar period, a state the obvious is that America needs for its far more than domestic demand of production capacity, a lot of products and a large number of capital, to maximize the extension of overseas market and capital market. America needs to rely on its economic reality and military force to maintain its leading superpower status, and tries to dominate the world. And the Soviet union in the early stage of postwar period of strategic total target is also ensure top superpower status and power range, and develop with the Soviet union led the world socialist system, and promoting world revolution. Its main strategic vision is to maintain u.s.-soviet dominant YaErDa system, consolidate the Soviet union during world war ii made strategic interests and turf, establish including eastern Europe, safeguard the Soviet union safety barrier, enhance the strength of the Soviet union, expand the influence of Soviet union and push and leading the world revolution. Ensure the Soviet economic recovery and development of ideology, strive for the victory, etc are its strategic interests, but the most important is the Soviet security interests.
A kind of view: "Soviet of totalitarianism, communist ideology of expansion and Stalin's paranoia" is the root causes of the cold war, Another thinks that for cold war of generation, the Soviet union and the United States are to blame. Actually, the United States and the Soviet union all want to "leading the world". America is to take over the world, and the Soviet union will not allow American arbitrary rule the world. America will make the eastern Europe into a so-called "free world", and the Soviet union will not allow U.S. involvement Soviet territory. America should care and expand its economic benefit, while the Soviet union to worry and guarantee its security interests. America should implement capitalism in the world, including the American values and lifestyles, And the Soviet union to push around the world, including implementation of socialist proletariat revolution and the national liberation movement. U.s.-soviet all think in just experience after world war ii, must avoid direct warring parties, but between them the strategic target, reasonable strategy, strategic conception, strategic interests conflict and socialism and capitalism two systems, must cause the opposition of the former Allies into beasts of burden. Hence, cold war is inevitable. This is the fundamental cause of the cold war. The strategic situation and Truman administration on attack and formulate and implement the containment of the Soviet union, cold war policy is the direct cause of the cold war.

英语翻译战后苏美战略目标和战略利益的冲突,社会主义和资本主义两种社会制度矛盾的上升,导致了冷战.杜鲁门主义出台标志着苏美冷战的全面开展,马歇尔计划与莫洛夫计划的对抗,是冷战 英语翻译战后苏美战略目标和战略利益的冲突,社会主义和资本主义两种社会制度矛盾的上升,导致了冷战.杜鲁门主义出台标志着苏美冷战的全面开展,马歇尔计划与莫洛夫计划的对抗,是冷战 英语翻译战后苏美战略目标和战略利益的冲突,社会主义和资本主义两种社会制度矛盾的上升,导致了冷战.杜鲁门主义出台标志着苏美冷战的全面开展,马歇尔计划与莫洛夫计划的对抗,是冷战 二战后,苏美战时同盟关系破裂的根本原因是苏美同盟关系破裂的根本原因就是利益的冲突 为什么 简单介绍一下二战后苏美在军事政治上的冲突和双方主要的军事行动 一战后美英法日在中东欧洲非洲亚太地区冲突利益变化(最好能组成300字的论文) 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》提出的战略目标和战略主题 教育改革发展的指导思想,工作方针,战略目标,战略主题是什么 战后初期美国在欧洲的战略 冷战时期的美苏关系事件——影响主要演变进程苏战略---赫鲁晓夫,三和路线.美战略----. 英语翻译江苏某钢铁集团公司流程优化及业务战略实施项目,对沙钢扩展战略的理解,分析和梳理运营管控模式,对主线流程进行优化、并对未来的发展战略进行规划,并就战略目标的达成进行系 求三步走,战略的目标和步骤,实现三步走的具体规划最主要的是要回答事先三步走的具体规划,战略目标 新世纪初,中国共产党召开 会议,提出了全面贯彻 的重要思想和 战略.这一战略目标是什么所以最后书上原句. 二战后美、日、苏外交关系的演变过程 材料一反应出美国战后的战略意图是什么?结合所学知识 概括影响其战略意图实现的有利和不利条件 冷战后国际战略形势的发展特点是什么? 英语翻译雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越.跨入新的一年,我们将一如既往地沿着“打造中国全程绿色快速消费食品第一品牌”的战略目标努力,在不断完善集团战略发展产业链的同时,着力培 急求“当个人利益与集体利益相冲突是,个人利益和集体利益是可以调和的”文章和辩论均可,