感激不尽!我是自学,学了大概半个月了,有人说坚持每天写英语日记可以提高写作水平,所以我也学着写了写……也许狗屁不通……但是请大家千万别笑话……July 13th,2010Country roads,Take me homeToday

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 11:50:52

感激不尽!我是自学,学了大概半个月了,有人说坚持每天写英语日记可以提高写作水平,所以我也学着写了写……也许狗屁不通……但是请大家千万别笑话……July 13th,2010Country roads,Take me homeToday
July 13th,2010
Country roads,Take me home
Today,I heard a song.It’s《Country roads,Take me home》.It’s very beautiful and I’m very moved.And it remind me of myhometown,my family,my friends ,the hills and rivers.I haven’t seen my father and mother for long,I miss them very much.In the silent mid night,I often remember my friends.But now,everynoe be busy all days long.Sometimes,I would think of “How long we met before?”But,I'm not remember it!
We as busy as bees and aways forgot telepnoed parents.Maybe,we must go home and see the parents.
Well,if you comeing home,you can listen to this song on the way,the song is Country roads,Take me home.it’s very very beautiful,trust me.

感激不尽!我是自学,学了大概半个月了,有人说坚持每天写英语日记可以提高写作水平,所以我也学着写了写……也许狗屁不通……但是请大家千万别笑话……July 13th,2010Country roads,Take me homeToday
Today,I heard a song.It's《Country roads,Take me home》.It's very beautiful and I'm very moved.
And it remind me of myhometown,my family,my friends,the hills and rivers.
I haven't seen my father and mother for long,I miss them very much.In the silent mid night,I often remember my friends.
But now,everynoe be busy all days long.
“everynoe be”这里应该用第三人称is,改为“everynoe is”.
“整天”是all day long,day不是复数.
Sometimes,I would think of“How long we met before?”[这句话是想说“我们从前什么时候见过”吧,那应该是When did we meet before?]
这里应该去掉think后的of,think of是想一下、想起的意思,单用think才是想.
"How long we met before?" 这句话是想说“我们从前什么时候见过”吧,那应该是When did we meet before?
But,I'm not remember it!
remember是一个实意动词,否定应该在其前加do not而非am not.
We as busy as bees and aways forgot telepnoed parents.
forget是动词,后面不能在直接接一个动词,要改成动名次,可以写forgot telephoning.
Maybe,we must go home and see the parents.
Well,if you comeing home,you can listen to this song on the way,the song is Country roads,Take me home.
前半句应为“if you are coming home”,加系动词才能成句,come的分词形式应该去掉e.
还有,这是两句话,on the way后面的逗号要改成句号.

Very well written. 写得很好!
"July 13th,2010
"Country roads,Take me home"
Today,I heard [ listened to ] a song.It’s《Country roads,Take me home》.It’s very beautiful and I’m very move...


Very well written. 写得很好!
"July 13th,2010
"Country roads,Take me home"
Today,I heard [ listened to ] a song.It’s《Country roads,Take me home》.It’s very beautiful and I’m very moved [touched].[The song]And it remind [reminded] me of my hometown,family,friends ,the hills and rivers.I haven’t seen my father and mother [parents] for [a] long,[ . ]I miss [missed] them very much.
In the silent midnight,I often remember [think of ] my friends.But everyone be [is] busy all days long. Sometimes,I would think of [the length of time we have not met each other.] “How long we met before?”But,[ I could not recall.]I'm not remember it!
We [are]as busy as bees and always forgot [forget to telephone the] telepnoed parents.Maybe,we [should] must go home and [to] see [them].the parents.
Well,if you comeing [ are coming] home,you can listen to this song on [along] the way --the song is "Country roads,Take me home".It’s very, very beautiful.trust [Believe] me."
"trust me" =信任我.


感激不尽!我是自学,学了大概半个月了,有人说坚持每天写英语日记可以提高写作水平,所以我也学着写了写……也许狗屁不通……但是请大家千万别笑话……July 13th,2010Country roads,Take me homeToday 怎么自学新概念英语1我学了有将近半个月,学到第6课了,单词,课文都背下来了,可为什么感觉还是糊里糊涂的。 素描棱柱体怎么才能打好形呀这几天画棱柱形 只能画好正的棱柱形 斜的为什么不好画呀我会每天画的 我是自学的 有半个月了练到棱柱体这就不行了 准备了半个月过了bec高级,c,大概雅思是什么水平啊,大约有一个月的复习时间 练习画人体结构怎样才算成功?我学了2个月了 自己感觉不行 怎么样才算是过关了呢 我是自学的 自学新概念英语2高一升高二我是高一升高二暑假太无聊想自学NEC2 想知道大概从哪一课开始学起.前面有些初中已经学过了现在不知道从哪里开始希望有经验的同学能指导个大概吧 毕竟从第 有谁知道色谱柱坏了,然后我把它倒过来用了大概半个月,这根色谱柱还有用吗?还能填充料吗? 175题,自学了C语言,我是不是漏学了什么? 英语可以速成吗?我英语基础特别不好.我想自学,有什么特别推荐的方式方法吗?时间大概有5个月,级别4级水平,发现英语不得不学了,但一直学不好,希望得到您的帮助 六级还剩半个月了,怎么复习? 汇编好学么?我想自学下.想学破解软件,貌似需要用到汇编,有人试过自学吗?有自学英语难么.RE,自学的大概学了多久啊.难不是问题,汇编的教程我基本还算看的懂,看不懂的多看几遍就差不多,问 如何从零开始自学英语?英语没什么基础啊医生说轻度的颈椎病多休息就好可这半个月了没见好转请问这个如何治疗有好的自我保健方法吗? 人工翻译英语老板现在出差去了,大概半个月后回来,回来后商量这个事情 26kw的国森牌壁挂炉燃烧天然气,一天大概需要多少个立方的气,《我们半个月烧了30方》我是新疆的,供暖就是用壁挂炉,130的房子,一天用30-40个立方左右,天然气表是不是有问题啊 苯乙烯和顺酐聚合物, 用对苯二酚为阻聚剂,时间长了为什么颜色会变黑?刚加阻聚剂时橙黄色的样子,放了大概半个月吧,都变黑了,有什么办法可以该进啊?请教各位啦. 有没有办法让天不下雨呢我这个地方一连下了半个月的暴雨了 想自学英语过四级 希望有经验的朋友能给点经验 怎么学 感激不尽我大四 还有2次机会 想决心过了四级 底子不好 SOLID WORKS模型如何渲染成JPG格式的图?十分惭愧,我是菜鸟中的菜鸟,学了SW半个月,还不知道渲染按钮在哪里?求各位大侠指教另外我另存为.JPG格式的,存完了却看不到文件,不知你们有没有出现这